Somaliland should thank beesha D

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Caabudwaaq was originally settled by the ogsden subclan Caabudwaaq before they move south to jubooyinka and Tana river:chrisfreshhah:

Dumbass who knows no history. Btw we dont want your little tuulo in galguduud where you are oppressed:kodaksmiley:
dumbass . demographics change seems like your stuck in the year 1800.
You are right and it will change in Baardheere soon:denzelnigga:
xabash boy you cant do shit without kenyan tanks. you cant even take jamaame to take biyamaal and Madow land. youre stuck in kismaayos 5 xaafado. you have an obsession with mareexaan and in the end youll be the most screwed over. majeerten wont fly from bari to help you and you alienated yourselves from your former brothers who you intermarried with. maxamed siyaad started a war for you and this is how u repay his cousins. ungrateful peasants obsessed with mareexaan. keep getting violated by xabash in galbeed.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
xabash boy you cant do shit without kenyan tanks. you cant even take jamaame to take biyamaal and Madow land. youre stuck in kismaayos 5 xaafado. you have an obsession with mareexaan and in the end youll be the most screwed over. majeerten wont fly from bari to help you and you alienated yourselves from your former brothers who you intermarried with. maxamed siyaad started a war for you and this is how u repay his cousins. ungrateful peasants obsessed with mareexaan. keep getting violated by xabash in galbeed.
Can't believe we fought a war to try to free these people:ohlord:

Wallahi geel sade you got a point.
Can't believe we fought a war to try to free these people:ohlord:

Wallahi geel sade you got a point.
i have family who participated in that war.
im disgusted by the fact that they called us brothers when kikuyus and xabash were violating them and when they gained power they took the opportunity to massacre us. crocodile tears. i realised that they are xabash and kikuyu. they have severe stockholm syndrome and an unhealthy obsession woth beesha barakeysan:susp:
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Guul Ama Geeri
You people are a bunch of lowlife jabroni keyboardwarriors without an atom weight of unity, look what you discussing ”my subclan is mightier than yours” havent you yet realised that we all are in the same boat.. get a grip you goodfornothing qabalist millenials
Old Mx general talking about 1977 war and who contributed the most

Yeah beesha Isaaq filled up the ranks in the infantry unit (aka cannon fodder) while Abdullahi Yusuf and his special forces moved in to karbash the raw meat eaters:cool::cool::cool:
Your xabash boy from Shilaabo Siad barre wanted to free his ancestral land boi. f*ck yaryars acting like saviours:ulyin:
xabash boy there were ilkadheer in shilaabo living alongside mareexaan.
continue hiding behind kenyan tanks filthy kenyan. your the xabash since you are their obedient slaves. beesha barakaysan never backstabbed xabash-somali. foh dumb adoon go suck uhurus cock
Very true OG have tasted power in JL since 2011. But now it's 2018. They had a nice 7 yr run. But now it's MX turn to get the power in JL. Watch in 2019 a MX man will be declared president of JL :fittytousand:. Barre Hiiraale and the other MX men might be on the campaign trail right now for presidency of JL. MX gonna be batman and OG gonna be robin. :siilaanyolaugh:
yea ogaden tasted power since 2011.


That's 1864. Read more on Jland history, you'll be very disappointed to know MX showed up in 98 with cayr.
xabash boy there were ilkadheer in shilaabo living alongside mareexaan.
continue hiding behind kenyan tanks filthy kenyan. your the xabash since you are their obedient slaves. beesha barakaysan never backstabbed xabash-somali. foh dumb adoon go suck uhurus cock

Fucking ilkoyar are so desperate for land grab in lower Jubba that has nothing to do with yall because they are land locked and only have gedo and a town in galguduud. I get your inferior complex and fustration but dude get creative with your insults. Dhiikar baa kugu riday:mjlol: this is why i cant stand laangaab folks. They are way too desperate and want inclusion they wont even do half ways:kodaksmiley: ungreatful guests


Jaalle Ugas ''Comrade Ugas''
yea ogaden tasted power since 2011.


That's 1864. Read more on Jland history, you'll be very disappointed to know MX showed up in 98 with cayr.

MX occupy Kismayo, Jilib, Gedo region, and Cabudwaaq.
yea ogaden tasted power since 2011.


That's 1864. Read more on Jland history, you'll be very disappointed to know MX showed up in 98 with cayr.

My ancestors right there:denzelnigga:

they want to act more native than Ogaden when we made that whole land including gedo Somali. Ungreatful pigs:drakewtf:
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