Somaliland: Somalian Catches hands and thrown in jail for waving Illegal Blue Flag


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Here comes the bante all they know is curse, cay, aflagaaddo dude are you gay TF wuxu ku hadlaya eega nacala. Fadlan KS boy you ppl are infamous for pandering & 1 kashmiri was raped inside police station now thats spreading cheeks kastumo moron.
All they do is talk about majerteen, even to the point the hütüs are calling them out. At this point they're beyond obsessed with MJ. Their boy was violated in Hargeisa but all they know is to blame MJ, now that's a real inferiority complex.



He's using black and white pictures to prove a point :deadrose:
Funny you say that , did you know your entire independence claim is based on that picture ? If the past should be ignored why are your leaders claiming they have the right to be recognized because somaliland was independent for less than a week in 1960?
Meh. They knew it would cause trouble but did it anyways. When I visited Hargeysa and Burco to meet my xidhidh, the last thing on my mind was to anger them with Politics. Stay safe kids.

You r a smart lad and gave good advice. Somalians who visit Somaliland should tuck in their somalian contraband like you did:chrisfreshhah:

@Som hiding that Somaliweyn chain


@Som Running back to Samalya
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