Somaliland! The Would-Be African Nation In Love With Donald Trump!


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
The ictiraaf beggars gotta be the most delusional fucks I’ve seen they think the houthis are their golden ticket to recognition don’t make me laugh. The Israelis have a base in Eritrea which is more closer to the fighting in Yemen than Somaliland is so there is absolutely zero incentive for them to build a base there. Furthermore the US does not give a f*ck about Yemen and even if they did what makes you think they would go thru the trouble of attacking across the sea when they could set up shop in Saudi and wipe them out with feet on the ground and air strikes? The Saudis hate the houthis because they been getting their asses whooped by them so they would welcome any help from the US with open arms.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
"Donald is our saviour. He is a wise and practical man. God bless America," says university student Aisha Ismail, whose voice trembles with delight at the prospect.

She is speaking to me from Hargeisa, Somaliland's capital - a city 850km (530 miles) north of Mogadishu, the seat of the Somali government.
Donald is our saviour kulaha someone get dis ho sum knee pads and napkins lol ngl tho pimping your women out for American politicians to fukk and bust nuts in wouldn’t be the worst idea too bad they prolly got AIDs. I bet dese niggas gon start praying towards Washington D.C if it gets them recognition.
Zionists and their lobbyists on K Street, D.C. have been working overtime to convince the neocons to consider recognising SL for one simple reason: Zaylac & Berbera. If they do succeed, we'll see locals demonstrating the streets for independence in a decade or so. Some diehard Zionists have already started circulating documents and maps depicting both cities having had large J$wish communities before the Othoman's arrived.


The ictiraaf beggars gotta be the most delusional fucks I’ve seen they think the houthis are their golden ticket to recognition don’t make me laugh. The Israelis have a base in Eritrea which is more closer to the fighting in Yemen than Somaliland is so there is absolutely zero incentive for them to build a base there. Furthermore the US does not give a f*ck about Yemen and even if they did what makes you think they would go thru the trouble of attacking across the sea when they could set up shop in Saudi and wipe them out with feet on the ground and air strikes? The Saudis hate the houthis because they been getting their asses whooped by them so they would welcome any help from the US with open arms.
Are u on Khat? When did Israel had a base in Eritrea 😂


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Are u on Khat? When did Israel had a base in Eritrea 😂
Sorry but your country is a yahuudi puppet state don’t come insulting me and go learn what’s happening in ur country adoonka yahuud orod hooyada silkeeda wus


Sorry but your country is a yahuudi puppet state don’t come insulting me and go learn what’s happening in ur country adoonka yahuud orod hooyada silkeeda wus
Haha u fool

If Eritrea was controlled by Israel why does
Israel backs Eritrean opposition and accused Eritrea of having close ties with Iran.

Why were Eritrean officials at the inauguration of the new Iranian President?

Secondly its your Somaliland who are working together with the zionist Israel.