Somaliland truck drivers in Bebera port protest lack of work after Bihi allowed only Ethiopian drivers to transport merchandise across SL and Ethiopia


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I remember starting a thread on the injustice and blunt discrimination Somaliand truck drivers and transporter are facing in the triangle region of Somaliland.

It was just 10 months ago when the corrupt and Ethiopian servant Muse Bihi replaced all the Somali lorry drivers with a Habashi owned company, the poor Landers that use to earn their living transporting the merchandise from Wajaale border town and into Ethiopia were replaced with Ethiopian truckers.

Now Muse Bihi did the same to Bebera transport drivers and replaced them with Ethiopian truckers,as of now most of truck drivers hauling from Bebera are Ethiopians and is employed by a company owned by a single Habashi man.
Hargeisa (PP News Desk) — Somaliland truck drivers’ cooperative at Wajale Dry Port protested against Ethiopia-registered trucks that transport vegetables directly to Hargeisa.

Truck drivers complain of a few “well connected people” who upended the trucking business model and transport vegetables directly from Ethiopia to Hargeisa. The standard business practice enabled trucks at Wajale Dry Port to transport vegetables from Ethiopia to Hargeisa.


Himilo Cooperative Spokesman expressed dissatisfaction with an unfair competition policy that affected trucking businesses at Wajale Dry Port.

“As truck owners’ cooperative we express our dissatisfaction with the policy to grant one Habesha man, who owns fifty trucks, the privilege to transport vegetables directly from Ethiopia to Hargeisa while all our trucks are parked there without jobs” said a spokesman for Himilo Truck Owners Cooperative at Wajale.

Trucking business owners at Wajale urge Somaliland Commerce Ministry to reconsider the decision to grant licenses to an Ethiopian owner of trucks

“The Somaliland Ministry of Commerce did not consult trucking business owners at Wajale Dry Port. While competition is in the interest of consumers, it is questionable to grant trucking licenses to a few well connected people who struck deals with Ethiopian truckers to transport vegetables directly to Hargeisa” said a business lecturer in Hargeisa.

“Somaliland truck drivers pay more tax. That should have been taken into account before the Commerce Ministry went ahead with the decision to give licenses to Ethiopian truck owners who partnered with some brokers in Hargeisa” the lecturer added.

Somaliland Truck Owners’ Cooperative Protests Against Unfair Competition – Puntland Post

Hargeisa (PP News Desk) — Somaliland truck drivers’ cooperative at Wajale Dry Port protested against Ethiopia-registered trucks that transport vegetables… Sii akhri

Muruqmaalka iyo Gaadiidlayda Wajaale Oo Cabasho ka Muujiyay Baabuur Khudaarta Itoobiya. AwdalMedia Awdalmedia Muruqmaalka iyo Gaadiidlayda Wajaale Oo Cabasho ka Muujiyay Baabuur Khudaarta Itoobiya.



[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

These desert region inhabitants are not made to run a Khat lounge or a Marfish effectivly yet alone a government administration, can you imagine Ethiopia taking 19% of your only port without putting a cent down and now they are giving the same Ethiopian freeloaders the right to transport the merchandise across SL and to Ethiopia.:oops::snoop::mjkkk:

These can't be normal Walahi, they might as well join Ethiopia and become Kilinka Lixaad because Ethiopia is raw digging them and they seem to enjoy the Bac'laan bender over arrangement,lol.
These desert region inhabitants are not made to run a Khat lounge or a Marfish effectivly yet alone a government administration, can you imagine Ethiopia taking 19% of your only port without putting a cent down and now they are giving the same Ethiopian freeloaders the right to transport the merchandise across SL and to Ethiopia.:oops::snoop::mjkkk:

These can't be normal Walahi, they might as well join Ethiopia and become Kilinka Lixaad because Ethiopia is raw digging them and they seem to enjoy the Bac'laan bender over arrangement,lol.

Did you just say Ethiopia did not pay for its 20% share of the port ?
This doesn’t make sense, how is this possible?

