World bank report was proven fake.
I’ve seen Puntland it’s not what you tell people online. I feel like going back and making a vlog about Puntland just to expose your lies.
Halkee ka heesha canshur? you point to ethiopia but majority of ethiopia uses djibouti are you going to deny that also? Which town u supply in ethiopia so I can look into where they source their products and goods? You cant prove anything wa iska hadlaysa, somaliland is poor waryaa and always was and aduunwaynaha ayaa naxay oo budget support siiyay and this is the information I got from people in Somaliland. I can show u hundred towns in somaliland talking about how 'dekeda bosaso' ayaa ka soo degta alabahooda. U want me to start posting videos?
This nigga is insane hadu xaqiqda loo jeedo uu diidan yahay inay puntland ka dhakli wayn tahay somaliland. We own the whole hargeisa-burco trade and tax it at bosaso port all the way to beletwayn who cant travel beyond because the road is owned by shabab. Then add DDSI also. This is massive taxation collection revenue for PL to deny it waa niin been iyo ruwayad doonayo and to deny it when u cant prove even one town in ethiopia berbera provides its good.