Somaliland Voter registration in Sool and Sanaag

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What counter arguement? I busted your entire myth based on the Kulmiye = HJ in Sanaag. You tried to claim
the votes of 5 Dhulo Kulmiye MPs and 1 Gadhweyn in Ceerigaabo district. A place where you only have
3 MPs and make up a extreme minority.


And I said if I am a minority in Ceerigaabo because I have 3 MPs, then you are a minority in Burco because you have 7 MPs when I have 12. You can not have one without the other.



Your superior
What a useless argument, the election is soon let's just see who wins. And no there won't be war in Somaliland


God bless Muj. Ismaaciil Xaaji Nuur the ruler of Ceerigaabo for decades. Ceerigaabo
is basically a Gadhweyn playground, only a Gadhweyn can be a mayor there. Don't
compare that to a divided Burco with a greenline which has had more HY mayors than

Ceerigaabo the little Gadhweyn kingdom on the mountain:salute:



This is the problem of all Somalis. Nobody likes anybody within each community. There are hatred within Isaaq. There are hatred within Daarood. There are hatred within Hawiye. We can either create the 18 regions as Federal States or Clan-Federalism, where Garxajis State, Habar Awal State, Habar Jeclo State, Gadabursi State, Harti State (if Harti don't wanna be united, then they can become Dhulo State, Warsangeli State, Majeerteen State), Sacad State, and so forth.

Each clan builds and maintains his own land without the need of mixing with another clan that they clearly hate.

Maybe centralism is the answer in the future (when Somalis mature). When there was
a proper government there was never this federal nonsense anyway.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Waddani has this election by the balls

I am of the opinion that definitely HY inbnul Garxajis will garner most votes in Sanag.

@Duke of Bohol Btw centralism is crap


Waddani has this election by the balls

I am of the opinion that definitely HY inbnul Garxajis will garner most votes in Sanag.

@Duke of Bohol Btw centralism is crap

Of course since now we are uniting our strength under one party. No more distractions.
Same will happen in Togdheer, Waqooyi Galbeed and Sahil. Then you will see this kids
crying about the sheer numbers of it Lol.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Of course since now we are uniting our strength under one party. No more distractions.
Same will happen in Togdheer, Waqooyi Galbeed and Sahil. Then you will see this kids
crying about the sheer numbers of it Lol.

Garxajis back GARXAJIS BACK!
There's all these es screaming that Garxajis back /
All eyes on them, better Picture Them Rollin' /
Riding brand new Teknikos, but them es is stolen



@Rooble You are right. If it wasn't for us most of them would still be living under Faqash boots and General Morgan would have
continued holding "beauty pageants" in Hargeisa.

GX are the liberators of Somaliland from Ceerigaabo to Hargeisa :salute:

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Somaliland is a joke. Why should we split up we should hold talks with current somalia gov about reunification. We got too much of a small population to be splitting up esp thanks to dumb qabilism.


Adeer only way Wadani won't win is if there is musuqmaasuq.
If that happens this whole project albaabada ayeynu iskugulaabi
Maybe centralism is the answer in the future (when Somalis mature). When there was
a proper government there was never this federal nonsense anyway.
Somalis are too divided along tribal lines for a central government to come along. I would like to see a central government without any of this clan-based tribal states, but that would be a utopia.


@Kalshaale It was possible in the past, I think it is possible in the future as well (not our generation) but the generation

Qolobaa Calankeedu waa caynoo - Somalia's national anthem by Abdullahi Qarshe (a HY/GX man).
34% of HY voted for UCID in 2005 parliamentary elections. Yes numbers don't indeed lie you are a langaab
compared to the HY nation.

HJ total votes = 115,011 :dead:

HY total votes = 131,117 + Cidagale total votes 40,331 = Total GX votes of 171.448

Remember you can't compete with a grandson alone in numbers nevermind the nation of
Ismaaciil Sheikh Isaaq while you are 4 groupings.

Ceebay tacal. :childplease:

So my advice is langaabs shouldn't brag about imaginary numbers cause at the
end of the day we know who the landheers are.


This nigga thinks he is sly.

I just want to show everyone what lengths this sad shit goes to fabricate arguments.

So we all see the table he quoted above and based his numbers on right?

Guess what he cropped out?



Caught red handed you piece of shit.



Cropped out what. Unless you are illiterate it says one H-Y candidate in Hargeisa and that is
Khadar Ambassador everyone knows about that story, he was voted in by Cidagales since
his hotel is located in their neighborhood and they are big fans of him. Garxajis is Garxajis
you filthy langaab half Habashi spawn. They vote for me in Hargeisa, I vote for them in
Sanaag. We are one big family afterall.
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Cropped out what. Unless you are illiterate it says one H-Y candidate in Hargeisa and that is
Khadar Ambassador everyone knows about that story, he was voted in by Cidagales since
his hotel is located in their neighborhood and they are big fans of him. Garxajis is Garxajis
you filthy langaab half Habashi spawn. They vote for me in Hargeisa, I vote for them in
Sanaag. We are one big family afterall.


What about "receiving votes from non-Garxajis subclans" do you not understand?

Fucking coon caught red handed. You cropped the small print because it did not fit your narrative.



I think you were dropped on the head as a baby. The last text is talking about HY/Cidagale Kulmiye candidates faced
problems because no one from their clan will vote for them. Were's in the earlier text is talking about Khadar Ambassador
the man who got the 9k votes that came out from UCID party which I have said already was
voted in by Cidagales everyone knows. He did not came out from Kulmiye aka Qudhmiye at all.

Learn how to read next time dickhead before I school you. :kodaksmiley:
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I think you were dropped on the head as a baby. The last text is talking about HY/Cidagale Kulmiye candidates faced
problems because no one from their clan will vote for them. Were's in the earlier text is talking about Khadar Ambassador
the man who got the 9k votes that came out from UCID party. He did not came out from Kulmiye at all.

Learn how to read next time dickhead before I school you.

So you also have reading comprehension problems.

Or is it that you are pretending to not be able to read now?

"This includes the Habar Yonis candidate in Hargeysa who received 9251 votes, most of which were from non-HY subclans."

The report further elaborates:

"In Hargeisa, Kulmiye faced the same problem, with its HY/Ciidagale candidate receiving votes from non-Garxajis subclans".

You can not even read.

You are done. Caught red handed, you can not even understand that you were caught. Or you are pretending. Makes no difference.

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