Somalilanders hold a rally in London for captured commander Faisal Abdi Botan


Amaan Duule
You try to obscure the reality by taking things out of sequence. There is always a sequence to events. What comes first and what is a reaction allows you to draw moral conclusions.

If you were asked to judge a case and you were told two men threw a punch. Your first question would be who threw the first one.
So SL trying to occupy Dhulbahante lands is acceptable because it is self defense?


So SL trying to occupy Dhulbahante lands is acceptable because it is self defense?

Yes. But that doesn't make Somaliland anything like Somalia. Somalia is the original and ongoing aggressor in this story. If this action is necessary for state formation, then so be it, but I don't think it is.

The way it should be read: by avoiding negotiations for independence borders Somalia is gambling those regions and it could lose them or put them in an uncomfortable place for a long time.


Except we do not recognise borders between Somali people, could not care less about colonial legacy, and very soon all Somali territories shall be put back together where I shall be able to travel from Funyan Biro to Garisa to Ras Hafun to Cali Xaydh.

This is the totalitarian belief system that is cause of so much Somali suffering. The sooner it is gone the better for everyone.


Amaan Duule
So forcing people into your territory is acceptable if it is for the sake of self defense? Got it.

Using your logic, it is acceptable for Somalia to force Isaaq lands to be apart of it so that they can defend themselves from Ethiopia.
But that doesn't make Somaliland anything like Somalia.
It does. Both Somaliland and Somalia are forcing people who don't want to be a part of their territory to be in their territory. Somaliland is actually worse than Somalia in this instance because at least Somalia's claim is based on internationally recognized borders while Somaliland's territorial claims are recognized by no-one and have zero basis in the eyes of the international community.

Your self defense argument is laughable given that Somaliland's current security situation is worse than it has ever been since the 90's as a direct result of their military adventurism in SSC. They would have actually been far more secure and strong than they are now if they never tried to go to war with Dhulbahante.
Somalia is the original and ongoing aggressor in this story.

If this action is necessary for state formation, then so be it, but I don't think it is.

The way it should be read: by avoiding negotiations for independence borders Somalia is gambling those regions and it could lose them or put them in an uncomfortable place for a long time.
I wouldn't hold my breath.

Their is nothing legitimate about both sides aspirants of forceful unification or separation, maybe somalia is close to legitimacy as current situation stands ( current territorial definition of somalia). Situations like this are only settled in two ways, negotiations or subjugation. So go ahead and effect either don't go about justifying your wants and perceptions.