Somalis and manual work

You know what, I used to judge this harshly but I too don't want to labour on a farm for cheap and you gotta love for your brother what you want for yourself.

I admire that even in poverty, they don't feel constrained to do this, its impressive in its own way
I was watching this video about farming in Puntland, and the farmer at 3:30 mentions that whenever he would bring workers, they would leave. He has to rely on Ethiopians for most of his workforce. He says our people can't commit to hard work. This way of thinking just promotes laziness in my opinion. How is unemployment better than working with one's hands? This stigma against manual work needs to be erased.

Sxb the other day I was looking at how much trains are. I figured out they are not expensivem for instance you can purchase a diesel train from 70k that's running. These train are built in 80 and 90s. But then what came to mind are people willing to to do heavy labor that digging trenches or clearing land to make lay down train lines? We have mindset problems that we have to fix in the youth. I really think if they pass the age of 20 we can't fix them. We have to start art elementary school and teach the labor jobs are ggood teach them that these are the skills that you need to build a nation. In good 10 -15 years you have your good crop of workers

They wont work in their own land but when they are refugees they take any job lool its so stupid.
I was once talking to a fob from Somalis about what's his experience was in America after 3 years. This guy was in ready to head back home. I asked him why? He stated we was lied to about the west we were told I was milk and honey and roads are paved with gold. He stated he works 2 jobs one as factory worker and the other as Uber driver and still cant take a day off due to bills and the living standards is expensive due to not owning majority of his stuff like the car and his dwelling. It's crazy how immigrants flood America for work out don't want to raise a finger the pick up trash in there own countries but are pick up trash in America or the west
They wont work in their own land but when they are refugees they take any job lool its so stupid.

The labourers the farmer mentions in the video are Somalis from Jigjiga and Dhagaxbur in Somali region of Ethiopian. Not refugees, but probably economic migrants.

Watch it again.

