somalis are bitter people

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Right now I'm bitter that I can't make hot chocolate with extra marshmallows :kendrickcry:

I love making lists, so here's a list of things I'm bitter about.

QUANTICO not being on Netflix so I can binge watch it.
Not snowing yet, come on MN weather, it's November for goodness sakes.
Not living in a cabin somewhere in the wood. I like to experience the full winter damnit.
MN drivers especially Somalis, I want to slap each and one of them. Road etiquette people.
I'm bitter that I can't make proper Somali bariis (if you want your bariis to look like spiced oatmeal then Holla at moi)
Lol I used to cook messed up bariis too, alhamdulilah I am so good at now. I have been practicing for so long now. I have been cooking good bariis for a year now. You just need to keep practicing then you will be good.


fucking lazy useless good for nothing cunts. Most of them!

Does this include you?

Queen Carawelo

Lol I used to cook messed up bariis too, alhamdulilah I am so good at now. I have been practicing for so long now. I have been cooking good bariis for a year now. You just need to keep practicing then you will be good.

How many times a month did you practice? I gave up trying. How did you improve your rice cooking? What did you do differently each time until you mastered it?


How many times a month did you practice? I gave up trying. How did you improve your rice cooking? What did you do differently each time until you mastered it?
you're missing that one trick of making a masha allah bariis. just ka buuxi maraq digaag :chrisfreshhah:

Queen Carawelo

you're missing that one trick of making a masha allah bariis. just ka buuxi maraq digaag :chrisfreshhah:
I don't use chicken stock/broth. I use vegetable stock. But I add too much water or even if I don't add it, it still becomes bajaaq. My brothers used to think I did it on purpose to torture them lol


I don't use chicken stock/broth. I use vegetable stock. But I add too much water or even if I don't add it, it still becomes bajaaq. My brothers used to think I did it on purpose to torture them lol
I made that couple times, but now I consider myself an expert. bariis huuris ah with added sultanas and sprinkle of maraq digaag. :lawd:
How many times a month did you practice? I gave up trying. How did you improve your rice cooking? What did you do differently each time until you mastered it?
I didn't exactly keep track how often I cooked rice maybe once a week.
You should try cooking a cup and half(medium tea cup) at once because I try cooking more than 2 cups my rice doesn't turn out excellent. First, I prepare water or maraq(broth it could be chicken or goat). Next blend cilantro, garlic (3 or 4 is fine), and fresh tomatoes (I usually use 2 medium size). Then when all of your veggies are blended together you can sauté one onion in a pot with whichever oil you like. After, the onion is sautéed you can add the blended veggies into the pot. Sautée that for a minute or so then you add the rice and sauteed everything together. Add your water or broth. I would advice you to use medium heat while cooking rice because if you use high heat your rice might become too dry right away. When you rice almost done cooking add one small cinnamon stick. I am not good at writing recipes but I tried lol.
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