somalis are so cringe for this i’m sorry

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blm xaalimo


the poster is a pathetic man


blm xaalimo
Somali is an ethnicity and a nationality. It's not a religion.
that’s what i’m saying. i don’t care that you don’t like somali non-muslims. literally no other nationality will tell their non muslim counterparts they aren’t from that nation because of religious differences. it’s embarrassing somalis do that and try to suck up to muslims that wouldn’t do that to their own
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blm xaalimo
Where are we ''oppressing'' your people and how are we ''claiming'' your history and culture?
you guys attack somalis in ogadenia and cleanse them from their historic lands. why don’t you also talk about your people “we wuzzing” shit and claiming gadabursi tribe, hargesia and galkacyo and saying the dirac is yours.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Where are we ''oppressing'' your people and how are we ''claiming'' your history and culture?
Somalis can never be opressed and our history is well known in the horn. Go to amahara regions and tell those 5'3 farmers to point to that nearby church that got sacked in 1543 and they'll tell you the Somali did it.

Our culture is spread in more than half the Horn, the majority actually. The only place you will not find somali influence is in Christian lands like western Oromia and habash. But eastern Oromo and Afar are basically Somali with a different tounge and tribe. So that's why you'll see them with similar or same culture as Somalis.

Garaad diinle

 
This applies equally to any other ethnicity, you could say the same thing for a greek muslim the poster didn't need to specify oromos in particular.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
Why are we generalising a whole nation? Some Oromos are miskeen and don’t partake in the violence against Somalis.

Regardless, I’d kick my own murtad relative to the kerb in favour of any believing muslim let alone a random murtad Somali


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
What makes it even worse is that a Somali kafir is most likely a murtad. With 90% of somalis being born Muslim most Somali kafirs would have been born Muslim and them left Islam.

This makes them even worse then a Kaffir who is born Christian or Jewish. As being an apostate is much worse in the deen then being a disbeliever as you were born with the xaqq and then left it out of choice.

I personally have no love or connection with any murtad Gaal Somali. A Chinese Muslim and I share more brotherhood and love then a murtad Gaal Somali.

I would much rather welcome a Chinese or Indian Muslim into Somalia and kick out that Gaal murtad Somali , as the Gaal murtad will spread his Gaalnimo and the Muslim ajnabi will live in peace and harmony.

Somalia is not only an ethnostate but it also has 1 religion. There is many people who were Somalis and were excommunicated for their Gaalnimo like the rendille and other tribes.
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