somalis are so cringe for this i’m sorry

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What makes it even worse is that a Somali kafir is most likely a murtad. With 90% of somalis being born Muslim most Somali kafirs would have been born Muslim and them left Islam.

This makes them even worse then a Kaffir who is born Christian or Jewish. As being an apostate is much worse in the deen then being a disbeliever as you were born with the xaqq and then left it out of choice.

I personally have no love or connection with any murtad Gaal Somali. A Chinese Muslim and I share more brotherhood and love then a murtad Gaal Somali.

I would much rather welcome a Chinese or Indian Muslim into Somalia and kick out that Gaal murtad Somali , as the Gaal murtad will spread his Gaalnimo and the Muslim ajnabi will live in peace and harmony.

Somalia is not only an ethnostate but it also has 1 religion. There is many people who were Somalis and were excommunicated for their Gaalnimo like the rendille and other tribes.
Where did you get the stat that only 90% of us are born muslim? If 10% of somalis where born gaalo we would personally know gaal somalis.


Coping through the 1st world
Somali is an ethnicity and a nationality. It's not a religion.

There was a thread on here about whether Arabs would feel closer to a Muslims or an Arab non Muslim.

Most of the those Arabs on the post stated they’d feel closer to their Arabs counterparts than they would towards their Muslims brother and sisters around the world

Most of them who admitted to this are Arab Muslims.

And Arabs have been fighting the idea: “just because I’m an Arab doesn’t mean I’m a Muslim”.

Arabs always makes it clear through synonyms

Arabs doesn’t equate to being a Muslim.

Arabs knows this.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:pachah1:A Somali (which I presume is Muslim) is closer, but his camels were okay to steal if he wasn't your qabil.

Even though theft is categorically haram, they often fall for the shaytan's charm.
A kafir Somali is still a Somali as long as they have two Somali parents. Somalis existed before our introduction to Islam.
Name one mention of the word Somali before one mention of a Somali people in any medieval source believing in anything other than Islam
There was a thread on here about whether Arabs would feel closer to a Muslims or an Arab non Muslim.

Most of the those Arabs on the post stated they’d feel closer to their Arabs counterparts than they would towards their Muslims brother and sisters around the world

Most of them who admitted to this are Arab Muslims.

And Arabs have been fighting the idea: “just because I’m an Arab doesn’t mean I’m a Muslim”.

Arabs always makes it clear through synonyms

Arabs doesn’t equate to being a Muslim.

Arabs knows this.
Ok and we don’t hate murtad because we want to seem closer to Arabs. Nor do we try to copy Arabs. Supporting a Mushrik over a Muslim takes you out the fold of Islam.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
A kaffir somali no longer has right to consider themselves somali due to how linked our ethnicity and faith has become.
People yap about "somali is ethnicity and?nationality not religion!!!"

But they don't understand that you cannot simply be born somali and think you'll be accepted no matter what you do. Somalis have a standard, our society has a standard. We do not tolerate those who challenge the fundamentals of the Somali society. Religion is one of, if not most, important pillar of a society. And our religion as Somalis is Islam. Very simple.


Coping through the 1st world
Ok and we don’t hate murtad because we want to seem closer to Arabs. Nor do we try to copy Arabs. Supporting a Mushrik over a Muslim takes you out the fold of Islam.

I didn’t say that.

I said Arabs (especially Arab Muslims) would feel closer to their Arab counterparts whether they’re Christian, atheist or Buddhist (yes Arab Buddhist exist).

Arabs knows they have a strong history with Islam since the very foundation came from their communities.

They know how to differentiate religion and ethnicity.



Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
There was a thread on here about whether Arabs would feel closer to a Muslims or an Arab non Muslim.

Most of the those Arabs on the post stated they’d feel closer to their Arabs counterparts than they would towards their Muslims brother and sisters around the world

Most of them who admitted to this are Arab Muslims.

And Arabs have been fighting the idea: “just because I’m an Arab doesn’t mean I’m a Muslim”.

Arabs always makes it clear through synonyms

Arabs doesn’t equate to being a Muslim.

Arabs knows this.
We don't care about deghace and how they decide their things.

The Somali society is more strict and straightforward than the "arab world"
Arab is a culture, it's more of a group project than an ethnicity. We Somalis are homogenous, strict in our ways and tradition which includes Islam as a fundamental.


Coping through the 1st world
We don't care about deghace and how they decide their things.

The Somali society is more strict and straightforward than the "arab world"
Arab is a culture, it's more of a group project than an ethnicity. We Somalis are homogenous, strict in our ways and tradition which includes Islam as a fundamental.

Mate be real and lay off the pride Kool-Aid.

Somalia is a society based on clan not religion.

The 4.5 system were design to discriminate the minority clans.

Somali Bantus (who are your Muslims brothers) have faced an intense form of discriminations.
By Somali “Muslims”

Somalis don’t value religion as you love to believe it.

We are a clan based society since historically that’s how we mobilised and retained our roots for centuries.

I will agree somalis have been muslims for centuries but this doesn’t change how our society is rooted through clan.
you guys attack somalis in ogadenia and cleanse them from their historic lands. why don’t you also talk about your people “we wuzzing” shit and claiming gadabursi tribe, hargesia and galkacyo and saying the dirac is yours.

Okay, when was the last time there were oromo-somali conflicts in ogaden then? You are implying that it's an ongoing thing, or a current thing.
Who is claiming gadabursi, hargeisa, iyo galkacyo? 1st of all, who invited the oromo to hargeisa for that meeting? reer isaaq, or?
2nd of all, do a few individuals making outlandish claims represent what all, or even a majority of oromo think? I guarantee, the average oromo does not even know hargeisa exists, or galkacyo, or gadabursi a tiny clan (no offense).
Somalis can never be opressed and our history is well known in the horn. Go to amahara regions and tell those 5'3 farmers to point to that nearby church that got sacked in 1543 and they'll tell you the Somali did it.

Our culture is spread in more than half the Horn, the majority actually. The only place you will not find somali influence is in Christian lands like western Oromia and habash. But eastern Oromo and Afar are basically Somali with a different tounge and tribe. So that's why you'll see them with similar or same culture as Somalis.

Those wars in their land was Muslim vs Christian tho, and it wasn't just somali in ahmed gurey's army, oromo and habesha muslims were in it too (in fact, one oromo clan, the Wallo, expanded as a result of being part of that war, and stayed in abyssinia, even after ahmed gurey's army left the north)
Kaffir Somali and Muslim Oromo got nothing to do me with but unlike the kaffir the Muslim Oromo has been killing our people and they would side with their fellow Christians

there's about 30 million, if not more, Muslim Oromos.. how many are doing what you claim? Only those in the ENDF and those whom sought revenge in the days of abdi illey. You're exaggerating...dude.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Those wars in their land was Muslim vs Christian tho, and it wasn't just somali in ahmed gurey's army, oromo and habesha muslims were in it too (in fact, one oromo clan, the Wallo, expanded as a result of being part of that war, and stayed in abyssinia, even after ahmed gurey's army left the north)

-Halie Salassie in his memoirs
"In Ethiopia the damage which [Ahmad] Gragn did has never been forgotten," wrote Paul B. Henze. "Every Christian highlander still hears tales of Gragn in his childhood. Haile Selassie referred to him in his memoirs. I have often had villagers in northern Ethiopia point out sites of towns, forts, churches and monasteries destroyed by Gragn as if these catastrophes had occurred only yesterday."[11] While acknowledging that many modern Somali nationalists consider Ahmad a national hero, Henze dismisses their claims, stating that the concept of a Somali nation did not exist during Ahmad's lifetime


People yap about "somali is ethnicity and?nationality not religion!!!"

But they don't understand that you cannot simply be born somali and think you'll be accepted no matter what you do. Somalis have a standard, our society has a standard. We do not tolerate those who challenge the fundamentals of the Somali society. Religion is one of, if not most, important pillar of a society. And our religion as Somalis is Islam. Very simple.
Perfectly said. It is our guiding light, our ancestors converted and it has been with us for so long that leaving it would mean leaving your lineage. You'll be a outsider, somali by blood but not by manner. I know a lot of ex muslim somalis get angry at that but I don't get it, they wanted to leave but still complain that somali society doesn't accommodate to their new viewpoints. You can't have your cake and eat it.

It has been and will forever be.

Muslims first.
Somali second.
I didn’t say that.

I said Arabs (especially Arab Muslims) would feel closer to their Arab counterparts whether they’re Christian, atheist or Buddhist (yes Arab Buddhist exist).

Arabs knows they have a strong history with Islam since the very foundation came from their communities.

They know how to differentiate religion and ethnicity.

Look at the degeneracy most Arab countries today, are those the pinnacle of Islam? I don’t follow Arabs, I’m not insecure in race so I have to look at Modern Arabs in order to decide how to conduct my behavior. I follow the Dīn not a race.


If a somali wishes to be a atheist or even join another faith then its up to him and i wish him/her well. However I will not deny that I would find it difficult to connect with that individual. I won't treat them any differently but I feel that one of the foundations that connects me to all somalis would not be there. It's possible to go back and point at our pagan ancestors and say they are still Somali and I will no deny that. They share my blood and I am a product of them. However the somali culture has been irreversibly changed by our long history with Islam that near everything about us is link to it.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
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Yes but all societies will have certain things that'll make you an outcast. In your west you currently live in, you cannot do certain things not tolerated by western society without getting cancelled. It's even worse in homogenous and strict societies including the likes of Somalia.
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