Somalis Forever Will Be Failed People


There’s a difference between admiration and point blank obsession

The man is dead and has been for the past 30 or so years; move on he’s not coming back

Somalia will rise again

Don't worry Somali talk a big game but we saw their actions till today, they fled into exile with him. Why? They know his their real govt. They even fleeing till today say yaa siyad come back, forgive us rebellious orphans.
Don't worry Somali talk a big game but we saw their actions till today, they fled into exile with him. Why? They know his their real govt. They even fleeing till today say yaa siyad come back, forgive us rebellious orphans.
Yh you're not wrong but both me and @Khaem are the outliers and the ones who'll skyrocket the nation

By the end of our careers Siad Barre's accomplishment will look like bare minimum compared to ours


Don't worry it's ok people can make mistakes noone is perfect but U don't sit in your mistakes and boast about it and even have the nerve to criticize siyad barre. Criticize him on fair things like he wasn't elected but did a coup, well it was bloodless also noone in society really was harmed by it unlike 91.

As for defending the troublemakers(kacaandiid) who had disagreements with about power which was grounded in (we don't want our small lineages being given influential roles, we want you to hold onto the nepotism status quo from the syl era which is like U see with the HSM era today) siyad refused their nonsense and said everyone shall eat based on merit not nepotism since it was a kacaan where the small and large are all equal, that's why they hated communism, nothing more nothing less, flipping the elitism in lineages and saying everyone is on an even playing field.

Since they knew their jifis simply lacked merit, they started to raise up rebellions and all sort of crap and trying to act like they were doing it for clan justice, what other justice can work but a meritocracy?
Siyad horgals have a right to be in exile and refugee but you who were against him have no right to go back to your beautiful rebel inspired nations, why r U sitting with siyad horgals in exile after all U didn't like siyad rite, well his gone, and so are his horgal. But why are U in exile also? They never answer because they know siyad was the best.

I wish I could've had my time under siyad but won't, the greatest their ever was, we r a lowlifes without U forgive the fools among us.

Sad Doctor Who GIF

That's a good point. Something they will never admit to themselves. They do tahriib in 2024 to get away from that shithole somalia.

While no one was doing tahriib in the 80s or 70s