Somalis genetically closer to the Arabs than black.

Every race and every group of people on the planet right now is a product of ancient mix

It's mind-boggling how this forum constantly regurgitates this notion without applying it to others

Yes, of course, but please inform these people here that Cushites are a relatively YOUNG admixed people in today's age, sick and tired of these Ana Arab types.
I apologize, but I live in an Arab country, and apart from my skin tone, my features are similar to those of the Arabs. People assume I'm Arab daily, and I'm tired of explaining that I'm not. I also frequently see mixed black Arab and white Arab people who look Somali. We are definitely in denial about our Arab mix. At some point, Arabs came to Somalia, and there was intermixing. Everything from food to uunsi to dressing is so similar that it would be blind to think we're not somehow linked. Don’t forget love of camels and nomadic Bedouin culture as well. Somalis have an inferiority complex, and saying we're closer to Arabs doesn't take anything away from our Somaliness. In fact, many Arab communities, like those in Mauritania and Morocco, have an Arab identity that is not so dominant but still present. On the other hand, you want to identify with the Bantu, with whom there is no cultural or genetic connection, unlike the connections we have with Arabs.

In the Khaleeji country where I live, Somalis integrate so well with the locals that, when they grow up here, you can't tell if they're from this country or if they're foreign. However, if an Indian or even an Egyptian grows up here, it's evident that they're not true locals. For Somalis, the resemblance is uncanny, and I believe this is due to genetic similarities.
I mean you are partly ARAB but you have a lot of black blood too
I don't like using the term Sub Saharan due to the fact Somalia is not actually below the Sahara but in the mid\end of it. Not really there are Somalis that are like 50-60 old Eurasian DNA and 50-40 Saharan DNA. We timo jileec that are about that percentage tend to look similar to this
View attachment 333145
View attachment 333142
Somalis are on an av 55 SSA and 45 % West eurasian.
Neolithic Levant + Chalcolithic Iran + Sudanese (south)

Sudanese: 55%
Neolithic Levant: 34%
Chalcolithic Iran: 11%

You are both black and arab genetically.
This also wrong, as usual.

We are, at most 60% SSA-like, most studies put it at 55 but anyway some of that is coming from NORTH AFRICA, so in terms of actual SUB SAHARAN/Nilotic blood it is about 40-45%, we are 55-60% MENA
55 to 60 % West Eurasian Mena is only among Northern Ethiopian and Eritrean groups.
It doesn't matter if we are genetically closer to Arabs than to blacks, the world doesn't view race labels through dna. Mixed people like Obama and Drake are universally seen as black so the same applies with Somalis. Furthermore, "Arabs" are a ethnolinguistic group so they are diverse in appearance. Most are brown looking but plenty look cadaan or madow.
- Immediately accuses me of being a Zionist

Are you a Salafi sxb, be honest? Cause I swear y'all be following the same script, bisinka.
So what’s your point about Palestinians? Of course I support them, why wouldn’t I?

Am I only supposed to support Muslims who look like me? Do they have to be the same race?
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Yes, of course, but please inform these people here that Cushites are a relatively YOUNG admixed people in today's age, sick and tired of these Ana Arab types.
Nope that’s not true, the admixture event happened at least as far back as 4000-5000 years ago and potentially far longer, modern cushites potentially existed before modern whites.

The only difference between modern groups and their admixtures (whites, Arabs, Indian, North Africans, central Asians, Bantus etc) compared to Cushitic people's is the divergence between the different groups that mixed is greater making it more noticeable, not a time related thing.
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