Somalis genetically closer to the Arabs than black.

Feelings of inadequacy strikes again. I don’t care for race politics, don’t believe in the concept of race and If a Somali doesn’t want to see themselves as ‘black’ that’s on them but without fail, Somalis that scream publicly about not being ‘black’ 9/10 times have an inferiority complex. I’ve said this in another thread and I’ll say it again, this is purely about the image of blackness in the world we inhabit. If black people were hailed in high esteem, these unhinged people that yap on about not being black would say they’re black and proudly so. This is about their fragility with regards to the Somali identity. Thats why they go on about being closely related to other groups like NA and Western Asians since in their minds they have a better reputation and are seen as more civilized.

To carry on about their talks of being closely related to non black groups. The same people who have issues with blackness love to illustrate a connection to Arabs and Western Asians despite that only being 40-50% of their DNA whilst at least a whopping 60% of their DNA is SSA and their skin color is very dark like everyone in SSA.

I don’t care for madow unity and see Somalis as distinct from most other madow groups, but I say things how I see them. Many of them say dumb stuff like ‘our culture is different’. Since when do all of SSA have the same culture? Then they say racist stuff like ‘We don’t have the cultural disfunctions they have nor as we gaal! !’ Again since when do all black people have single parent homes, Zina, low educational attainment and since when are all madows gaal? At this point I’m going to assume you’re low IQ and many of their takes comes from a place of being incredibly uneducated when it comes to the world around them. You hardly see well adjusted people talking this way, it’s usually the low achieving incels, redpillers and just the overall idiots in our community who feel the need to go public with their ignorance. I’m not saying that you need to think of your self as ‘black’, I don’t even believe in race theory tbh but I simply accept that in the Western world WE migrated to, blackness is seen as someone of SSA origin whose people have dark skin. Going on about differences in culture makes you look like a fool. A whole continent of dark skin people of SSA origin aren’t obviously going to have the same culture. Black people have never been a monolith or homogeneous and viewing it in that way is deffo a white supremacist world paradigm.

I don’t know why ur getting downvoted ur completely correct 💯
Y'all who deny our shared history and closeness with Arabs are brainwashed by western identity leftist BS in which a lot of you have grown up to sadly. I'm proud to call myself an Arab and Somali and idc what you ilmo qaxootis would say or how mad would be about my comments :axvmm9o:
Why would I learn about my lineage in somalispot? If you're not an Arab that's on you but I'm a pure Arab.

Y'all who deny our shared history and closeness with Arabs are brainwashed by western identity leftist BS in which a lot of you have grown up to sadly. I'm proud to call myself an Arab and Somali and idc what you ilmo qaxootis would say or how mad would be about my comments :axvmm9o:
We are close to Arabs. We do share shared heritage that goes back millennia but you’re not Arab since Arabic isn’t your first language. To be an Arab is to speak Arabic as your mother tongue and Somalis simply don’t. This isn’t about Westernisation but about the actual definition of what an Arab is.
If Somalis spoke Arabic as their first and main language, I’d be the first to agree with you but it’s down right embarrassing to claim a group that you’re not part of.
Its clear we are arabs, the only ones denying it is the ones with inferiority complex. The arabs themselves views us arabs.
That’s only because we are in the Arab league, apparently ever since we joined the Arab league, Arab kids are taught in school that Somalis are Arab and some of them think the Somali language is a unique Arabic dialect.
We are close to Arabs. We do share shared heritage that goes back millennia but you’re not Arab since Arabic isn’t your first language. To be an Arab is to speak Arabic as your mother tongue and Somalis simply don’t. This isn’t about Westernisation but about the actual definition of what an Arab is.
If Somalis spoke Arabic as their first and main language, I’d be the first to agree with you not knowing this isn’t true, it’s down right embarrassing to claim a group that you’re not part of.
Actual definition on who's Arab isn't based on ethnicity or skin tone early Arab nationalist pioneers that emerged from levant weren't all "Arabs arabs" but Turks or Circassia's that called for unified Arab state. And Arabic used be the official lingua franca of Somalis wheber an outsider would come to us he would have to communicate with us in Arabic language that's how the Brits and the Italians used to do it as our language wasn't written one and we had an educated class that spoke in one the major languages in the world.
Actual definition on who's Arab isn't based on ethnicity or skin tone early Arab nationalist pioneers that emerged from levant weren't all "Arabs arabs" but Turks or Circassia's that called for unified Arab state. And Arabic used be the official lingua franca of Somalis wheber an outsider would come to us he would have to communicate with us in Arabic language that's how the Brits and the Italians used to do it as our language wasn't written one and we had an educated class that spoke in one the major languages in the world.
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That’s only because we are in the Arab league, apparently ever since we joined the Arab league, Arab kids are taught in school that Somalis are Arab and some of them think the Somali language is a unique Arabic dialect.
Dude not any nation can join or apply to be member of the Arab league as that's only for nations that have Arab identity so when Somalia got its independence it was seen as part of the Arab world already.
Nope not even close. You really know nothing of genetics do you. Somalis are very pure, despite having a cultural influence from Arabia. They didn't mix much with arabians unlike the habeshas we know this through genetics. Egyptians do have actual minor arabian more than us at least.

Much of our ajnabi ancestry is prehistoric and comes from north africans not arabians
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Not really, most somalis are plain old african in terms of lineage. Being that of the E haplogroup. Do a dna test then? You are such a dumbass, go the culture and history section and read.

Wallahi i'm tired of certain somalis that beg arab madow naga amuse we are somali that's all for fucks sake
Dumbass is you who thinks haplo stuff is what determines who you're instead of lineage


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