Somalis getting roasted again on twitter

What is going on? Why do we get too much attention when we are small nation? It can't be war because Ethiopia has a bad war right now. And it's not us being a diaspora and having crime since Albanians and Arabs do too. Pakistanis have grooming gangs.

I suspect that Arabs want us to be the face of terrorism. Because nothing else makes sense. Indians are getting heat and they are pushing it on Sikhs and Pakistanis. So this could be the reason. No way should we getting attention. Why do u guys think this is happening.
What is going on? Why do we get too much attention when we are small nation? It can't be war because Ethiopia has a bad war right now. And it's not us being a diaspora and having crime since Albanians and Arabs do too. Pakistanis have grooming gangs.

I suspect that Arabs want us to be the face of terrorism. Because nothing else makes sense. Indians are getting heat and they are pushing it on Sikhs and Pakistanis. So this could be the reason. No way should we getting attention. Why do u guys think this is happening.
It’s because online trolls have made enemies with a lot of other Africans who are happy to signal boost stuff like this. Add the skyrocketing xenophobia in the west and it is not surprising how often we make the front page.
What is going on? Why do we get too much attention when we are small nation? It can't be war because Ethiopia has a bad war right now. And it's not us being a diaspora and having crime since Albanians and Arabs do too. Pakistanis have grooming gangs.

I suspect that Arabs want us to be the face of terrorism. Because nothing else makes sense. Indians are getting heat and they are pushing it on Sikhs and Pakistanis. So this could be the reason. No way should we getting attention. Why do u guys think this is happening.

It's cause
1) Muslim and Black which is a double wham for race baiting.
2) Known for having a bad civil war which led to refugees -> feeds well into anti-immigration sentiments.
3) Very visible as a minority because we retain our culture (names, clothing, hijabs)
4) Live in immigrant enclaves which are in low-income, high-crime areas and esp in the US tend to congregate in one area which makes them even more visible (Minnesota)
5) only acknowledgement we get in the media is for crime

As for why our stuff keeps getting boosted:

1) Elon/target for right wingers
2) Somali trolls beefing with every ethnicity, those people get pissed and boost in the comments and retweets

The trolls are necessary when it's stuff like India trying to beef us this weekend. But they are racist for no reason 99% of the time. I saw the Muslims pull up to bash the indians but barely saw any Africans.

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Absolutely man these types of threads are useless who cares what a random ajnabi says about us. Reading racist tweets only does harm to a person's psyche.
Exactly. Instead of making a Pikachu surprise face to every anti-somali tweet, people here should just... not go to that cesspool of a site?

The sooner I learnt to be less trusting of non-somalis (as in I already expect anti-somali sentiment), the sooner I felt at peace and completely lost interest in doomscrolling there.
Exactly. Instead of making a Pikachu surprise face to every anti-somali tweet, they should just... not go to that cesspool of a site?

The sooner I learnt to be less trusting of non-somalis (as in I expect anti-somali sentiment), the sooner I felt at peace and completely lost interest in doomscrolling there.
Yeah you are right. I normally don't care for twitter stuff but I found it really stupid how they dug old news just to spite us.
Ahahaha lmao over 75.6k likes from this random guy? The original tweet only had like 2k. Is everyone in the comments defending Somalis?

They are but then the Indians got the alarm and started to post stupid anti-Somali memes featuring every other African but us, like posted a bunch of South Sudanese and Kenyans. Absolute idiots. Can't even be racist correctly.
They are but then the Indians got the alarm and started to post stupid anti-Somali meme featuring every other African but us, like posted a bunch of South Sudanese and Kenyans. Absolute idiots. Can't even be racist correctly.
Its truly a one sided battle when it comes to Indians vs almost any group. There are countless anti-Indian memes and videos showing Indians doing disgusting or weird stuff whereas its much harder to find such content with Somalis. The worst I see they are posting are a single instance of the Indian navy capturing Somali pirates and saying Somalia is poorer. Yet despite Somalia's failed state reputation, Somalis overall are far less hated and mocked than Indians.
Like that stupid Sudani that runs Fresh and Fit
Who is he? Its strange for a Sudanese of all people to mock Somalis.
So many people are obsessed with putting us down
I agree but I also can't help but think Somali trolls are contributing to that. All the anti-madow stuff coming from Somalis is extremely cringe worthy and attention seeking. So what if we look different from other blacks? Constantly saying Somalis aren't black doesn't make people like you more, if anything it will cause Africans to turn against you while you have no one to back you up because the rest see you as black. That Indian tweet is a good example of Africans standing up for Somalis yet trolls will still insult those people.
Who is he? Its strange for a Sudanese of all people to mock Somalis.

This one, he runs a redpill podcast. He changed his name from Amrou to Myron.


I agree but I also can't help but think Somali trolls are contributing to that. All the anti-madow stuff coming from Somalis is extremely cringe worthy and attention seeking. So what if we look different from other blacks? Constantly saying Somalis aren't black doesn't make people like you more, if anything it will cause Africans to turn against you while you have no one to back you up because the rest see you as black. That Indian tweet is a good example of Africans standing up for Somalis yet trolls will still insult those people.

You are right about the trolls contributing. The majority of Somalis are chill people but the internet presence of these trolls distorts that. They start race wars and then get a pikachu face when it comes back on Somalis. Then when goodwill towards us erodes they act surprised. The Indians coming for us is precisely when they are needed. Otherwise STFU.
This one, he runs a redpill podcast. He changed his name from Amrou to Myron.
Yup I just checked his background and podcast. He is a filthy projecting khaniis murtad. How are you going to be shittalking other people's hairlines when you had a hairline surgery in Turkey? And given the state of Sudan, mocking Somalia for pirates is equally silly.