Somalis have a disgusting hate for Ethiopia! It needs to stop

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Your clan got anally raped by Isaaq and then Hawiye jacked off and nutted on you guys in the end.I swear marexan don't live in Kilinka Shanaad??? Stick to nothern kenya bantu
actually we live in liben zone :draketf:
either way nigga said he was mj


Top Mali in the 6ix
How does if feel to walk to Europe you loser and setting your future generation with a horrible future and I dare you that you won't do a thing once Somalia comes back and takes back Somaliland and arrests your fake president.
Somalia coming back an arresting a Sland president....Buddy one step at a time,firstly kick out Amisom and defeat Harakatul Doner Kabab.Secondly Sland youth or more educated then your typical southerner who will now be fluent in Somali,Swahili and Amharic.Keep dreaming about Marexan power since it died with your Baba Siad(May he be in the lowest pits of hell)
Typical butthurt Marexan.It's healthy and therapeutic to release all the frustration building up inside.
Hergesia will always be under Somalia let's see how SNA in the future with all the latest weapons and investments from African Union and the west does against your fake Somaliland army with your fake country. The disgusting green,white,red flag with the Arabic tawhid. This isn't Saudi Arabia son.


What part of South Seattle you stay at? New Holy? Vista block? Skyway? You're a soft niggah naga daa calaacalka


Yes brother I 100% agree with your opinion.But I suggest you stopping calling the region Ogaden(those hillbillies are not majority) and call it Kilinka shanaad.
Whos' the majority in the Ogaden then? siilaanyolaugh
He is switching Qabils like a card being shuffled in a deck.He is probably a Madow
Your next generation will be jerer after the Ugandans and Nigerians African Union bang up your sisters and every female in Hergesia. When did I switch Clans dumb-ass stated I was MJ and that is it you fucking Jerer. Only a Jerer tells others that they are jerer.


@Waranle your constant obsession with Beesha is beyond ridiculous.
Unlike you, we the SADE are not situated in one dry location. We are the majority in Jubooyinka, and we happen to live in both NFD and OGADEN.
The former president of Somalia, Aabe Siyaad, allaha u'naxariisto was born in Kalinka Shanaad.
I'm assuming that dry climate up north really lowered your I.Q. Yaa lagaa daremin saxiibka
From Toronto wasteman.Old man you aint bout that life.
How do feel being pimped every 4 years from Hawiye to Darood and being nothing in Somalia. Isaaqs have no political role in all of Somalia never. Losers they are just lazy fuckers who love to cheer for Al Shaabab! Al Shaabab serves Somaliland's fake country interest.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Whos' the majority in the Ogaden then? siilaanyolaugh
First you ave to understand not all Somali regions are under DDSI. Some Somali regions are under the Oromo region. Once DDSI get's stronger we will reclaim them. Then we can really discuss clan sizes in DDSI.


First you ave to understand not all Somali regions are under DDSI. Some Somali regions are under the Oromo region. Once DDSI get's stronger we will reclaim them. Then we can really discuss clan sizes in DDSI.
Galbeed Soomali badan ayaa dagaan ku leh, balse Ogadeeen ayaa u badan sidaan maqlay


Top Mali in the 6ix
@Waranle your constant obsession with Beesha is beyond ridiculous.
Unlike you, we the SADE are not situated in one dry location. We are the majority in Jubooyinka, and we happen to live in both NFD and OGADEN.
The former president of Somalia, Aabe Siyaad, allaha u'naxariisto was born in Kalinka Shanaad.
I'm assuming that dry climate up north really lowered your I.Q. Yaa lagaa daremin saxiibka
You and the rest of Sub Saharan africa have green areas which it makes it easy to live therefore nothing really triggered your ancestors brain to think(Chimp retards).The desert and harsh life made us tough and smart now stfu.


Top Mali in the 6ix
How do feel being pimped every 4 years from Hawiye to Darood and being nothing in Somalia. Isaaqs have no political role in all of Somalia never. Losers they are just lazy fuckers who love to cheer for Al Shaabab! Al Shaabab serves Somaliland's fake country interest.
We aren't a part of Somalia..We have somaliland and the Haud, now stfu


You and the rest of Sub Saharan africa have green areas which it makes it easy to live therefore nothing really triggered your ancestors brain to think(Chimp retards).The desert and harsh life made us tough and smart now stfu.Next time don't act like you're badmon on here.If I catch you slippin I would knock your teeth fucking out kmt
You would? siilaanyolaugh
I'd smack the Idoor component outcha, you goin start sounding like Ajakis lil niggah:westbrookwtf:
Calling a Mareexan a chimpsiilaanyolaugh This coming from a HABASHA Idoor who sell their daughters to Afro Oromos and Arabid refugees.
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