Somalis have a serious staring problem

There's a way to handle these kinds of people.

Talk to them if they speak to you but be very vague in conversation while making them an open book. That annoys them more than when they stare but when you don't look back. They will especially be annoyed if this happens for weeks, months or years if you happen to create a low quality "friendship" with them. Somalis' pet peeve are private people. It's fun to play with them. I've done it to many people, including one guy for like a decade now. Any normal person would have cut me off but he's so intrigued but pissed off at the same time.



You're a riot, mate; I'm literally in tears laughing like a dhaandhaan and looking like a damn mess because of you
You're far too cynical, abaayo

I've been on this forum for a while now, so I've obviously learned some Somali words
Why do they think you’re sheegto you don’t even get involved in the clan politics as an ajnabi. The used to be sl guy pretending to be habesha he got exposed but you seem cool and clan politics is not your thing.
It’s really strange. Like a few quick glances, okay, but I’ve seen Somali people in public almost try to stare into my soul and it’s creepy asf.

I realized just how weird it was yesterday when I was taking my lunch break with a coworker in the cafeteria and this Somali guy sitting at a table by himself was just staring straight at me the whole time like a mf psycho. To the point that my coworker noticed and pointed it out. I mean the dude didn’t even say hi or nothing just staring. Shit is weird
KKKKKK I’ve given up at this point saxib. It’s been a thing my entire 29 years of living, I’ve asked my other ethnic friends if they receive the same behaviour from people of their race (Latino, Pakistani, Arab etc) they all said nah and have even pointed it out to me when walking about. My mother told me once it’s because they trying to piece out your Qabil by your facial features. Why they care that much…is exactly why we’re in a mess lol qabil is like religion for most
I don’t like the over familiarity majority of Somalis have over another. You are quite literally a stranger to me, no different than the Stacy and Tom I ran into at Asda.
You’ll get hate but this is somewhat facts it’s good and bad at times good if your a typical Somali male, but horrible if your “other” or lead a unorthodox lifestyle or interests as well, Somalis hate individualism for some reasons, some oromos do this as well but nowhere near as extreme tbh.
Why do they think you’re sheegto you don’t even get involved in the clan politics as an ajnabi. The used to be sl guy pretending to be habesha he got exposed but you seem cool and clan politics is not your thing.
Ong a sheegato just can’t resist the fkd larp or no larp I tend to stay away from fkd as I have a three digit iq and I’m of semi anjinabi origin anyways so my points wouldn’t be taken seriously anyway :russ: :lolbron::mjlol:
Ong a sheegato just can’t resist the fkd larp or no larp I tend to stay away from fkd as I have a three digit iq and I’m of semi anjinabi origin anyways so my points wouldn’t be taken seriously anyway :russ: :lolbron::mjlol:
what are you ? Even the highest iq somali can never escape fkd its in our genes we feel some of type of way when they talk about our clans.
what are you ? Even the highest iq somali can never escape fkd its in our genes we feel some of type of way when they talk about our clans.
My dad is sheekhash aw qutub and my mom is qallu who identify as oromo but have some ties to sheekhash and harari people through lineage and common origin
My dad is sheekhash aw qutub and my mom is qallu who identify as oromo but have some ties to sheekhash and harari people through lineage and common origin
Shekhash especially qudub are the most qabilist I have seen them and surre are another level the way they karbassh they’re own. Maybe you’re different because your family lives in oromo lands.
Shekhash especially qudub are the most qabilist I have seen them and surre are another level the way they karbassh they’re own. Maybe you’re different because your family lives in oromo lands.
I don’t know are the sheekhash around you anti Oromo and qabilist? Because when I tell people about my origins they all seem to be shocked or accuse me of lying about it idk why whenever I met an Oromo person its never like that they are just don’t think much of it while the Somalis I meet harp on it too much when I’m around them. Why are Oromos pro anjinabi while Somali seem anti ajinabi to a extent, it could be all in my head tho tbh


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member

You're a riot, mate; I'm literally in tears laughing like a dhaandhaan and looking like a damn mess because of you

I do it for self preservation. You can't show vulnerability or provide too much information. It will be used against you, especially when you're not around. You can't get too close or you'll get burnt; but if you don't mingle with the community, you'll feel cold. Being very private but lying when you have to be open about somethings is a good medium.

Private/mysterious 98% of the time (talking about anything, especially about their life but not yourself except vaguely), 1% lies/lie by omission that would identify you (qabiil, degree focus, neighbourhood you live in, who your parents are, vacations), 1% truths that aren't serious (what sports you watch, which uni I went to, views within the Somali Overton Window, how you like your coffee, 1 or 2 extreme views I hold with conviction even though I hold many while still appearing to be very sensible to him overall which makes you appear even more mysterious to them).

With Somalis, you must shape your interactions through delicate calculation. For sensitive information like clan, I make sure to pick one that fits their personality: is he a rabid qabiilist (pick his clan) or just a qabiilist (pick a clan he would hate) or would he not care (pick any random clan)?

So far, without sharing anything about myself: I have seen him cry multiple times, he shared the times he cheated on his wife, opened up about his serious crimes as a kid in the 90s he got away with, have seen him talk to himself, etc.

I'm convinced there is a crazy spectrum from 1-10 and everyone has a score. He is maybe a 3.
I don’t know are the sheekhash around you anti Oromo and qabilist? Because when I tell people about my origins they all seem to be shocked or accuse me of lying about it idk why whenever I met an Oromo person its never like that they are just don’t think much of it while the Somalis I meet harp on it too much when I’m around them. Why are Oromos pro anjinabi while Somali seem anti ajinabi to a extent, it could be all in my head tho tbh
Somalis are more anti habesha than anti- oromo they sympathize with the oromo struggle and most of their negativity about oromo is more like positive criticism they want oromos to break free from habesha instead of coming after somali territories.the shkehaal around raaso border oromia and are always fighting oromo who are trying to cross over to conquer the shekhaal through guns. I don’t blame the Somalis the oromo are the largest foot soldiers of the habesha.
I do it for self preservation. You can't show vulnerability or provide too much information. It will be used against you, especially when you're not around. You can't get too close or you'll get burnt; but if you don't mingle with the community, you'll feel cold. Being very private but lying when you have to be open about somethings is a good medium.

Private/mysterious 98% of the time (talking about anything, especially about their life but not yourself except vaguely), 1% lies/lie by omission that would identify you (qabiil, degree focus, neighbourhood you live in, who your parents are, vacations), 1% truths that aren't serious (what sports you watch, which uni I went to, views within the Somali Overton Window, how you like your coffee, 1 or 2 extreme views I hold with conviction even though I hold many while still appearing to be very sensible to him overall which makes you appear even more mysterious to them).

With Somalis, you must shape your interactions through delicate calculation. For sensitive information like clan, I make sure to pick one that fits their personality: is he a rabid qabiilist (pick his clan) or just a qabiilist (pick a clan he would hate) or would he not care (pick any random clan)?

So far, without sharing anything about myself: I have seen him cry multiple times, he shared the times he cheated on his wife, opened up about his serious crimes as a kid in the 90s he got away with, have seen him talk to himself, etc.

I'm convinced there is a crazy spectrum from 1-10 and everyone has a score. He is maybe a 3.
I don’t agree with your stare problem but I hate we are anti- privacy. My own brother ran away from the family business because they making him depressed asking his personal life within 2 minutes of meeting. Now days even the girls are worse asking about your qabiil within a day. Guys Are more shy about asking a girl’s qabiil becaus they don’t have qabiil.

how do you feel claiming a clan you’re not ? That feels weird for me I can never do that what if they find out later on isn’t it gonna look like am a self hater like the African kids who use to claim Jamaican because being African wasn’t cool back In the days.
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I do it for self preservation. You can't show vulnerability or provide too much information. It will be used against you, especially when you're not around. You can't get too close or you'll get burnt; but if you don't mingle with the community, you'll feel cold. Being very private but lying when you have to be open about somethings is a good medium.

Private/mysterious 98% of the time (talking about anything, especially about their life but not yourself except vaguely), 1% lies/lie by omission that would identify you (qabiil, degree focus, neighbourhood you live in, who your parents are, vacations), 1% truths that aren't serious (what sports you watch, which uni I went to, views within the Somali Overton Window, how you like your coffee, 1 or 2 extreme views I hold with conviction even though I hold many while still appearing to be very sensible to him overall which makes you appear even more mysterious to them).

With Somalis, you must shape your interactions through delicate calculation. For sensitive information like clan, I make sure to pick one that fits their personality: is he a rabid qabiilist (pick his clan) or just a qabiilist (pick a clan he would hate) or would he not care (pick any random clan)?

So far, without sharing anything about myself: I have seen him cry multiple times, he shared the times he cheated on his wife, opened up about his serious crimes as a kid in the 90s he got away with, have seen him talk to himself, etc.

I'm convinced there is a crazy spectrum from 1-10 and everyone has a score. He is maybe a 3.
It’s interesting to know that there’s other Somalis like you out there, I don’t think I’ve ever met a Somali person who approaches life like this, most of my Somali friends and other Somalis are “go flow the flow” types and never the types I can have a nuanced, introspective convo with or anything, I can only seem to do that with my close non Somali friends, im guessing it the same for you?
Somalis are more anti habesha than anti- oromo they sympathize with the oromo struggle and most of their negativity about oromo is more like positive criticism they want oromos to break free from habesha instead of coming after somali territories.the shkehaal around raaso border oromia and are always fighting oromo who are trying to cross over to conquer the shekhaal through guns. I don’t blame the Somalis the oromo are the largest foot soldiers of the habesha.
Foot soldiers of the habesha? Most oromos (eastern Muslims, think hararghe and arsi) are super pro Somali and vehemtly anti Ethiopia and know even know some Somali and is very familiar with somali culture, the “habesha foot soldiers” you’re talking about (shewa types) don’t interact with Somalis any more than habesha people and are honestly just brainwashed more than anything lol, however I find it funny the on somalispot, oromos are one day violent expansionist, and are a submissive slave race another, cognitive dissonance


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
It’s interesting to know that there’s other Somalis like you out there, I don’t think I’ve ever met a Somali person who approaches life like this, most of my Somali friends and other Somalis are “go flow the flow” types and never the types I can have a nuanced, introspective convo with or anything, I can only seem to do that with my close non Somali friends, im guessing it the same for you?

I allow anyone to be completely open with me and encourage it. Typically, I am am open book. But I make sure if they have any ulterior motives. I usually initiate it with people I do not know and will never see again (airport transfers, friends of overseas cousins, etc). Ajnabi people you'll never see again are the safest to be open with. Most of the time, people just want connection and don't want to use it against you.
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I have one Somali friend who we completely share everything together, even our darkest thoughts. We have zero judgement towards each other. But most of the people (3 or 4) I share with are ajnabis and who are older than me. I'd say it's about 75% of the depthness of my conversation with my Somali friend.

I don’t agree with your stare problem but I hate we are anti- privacy. My own brother ran away from the family business because they making him depressed asking his personal life within 2 minutes of meeting. Now days even the girls are worse asking about your qabiil within a day. Guys Are more shy about asking a girl’s qabiil becaus they don’t have qabiil.

how do you feel claiming a clan you’re not ? That feels weird for me I can never do that what if they find out later on isn’t it gonna look like am a self hater like the African kids who use to claim Jamaican because being African wasn’t cool back In the days.

The solution to this is just lie but turning everything back to them. Inquire about them. Let them do the talking.

I claimed to be Madhibaan and Tumaal to some people who have no business knowing my clan. I do it to throw people off for identifying purposes, not due to shame. Some people found out. I don't care lol. They've learned to mind their business.

