Don’t you live in the UK? There’s a lot of inaccurate assumptions being made here by people who don’t even live in Ohio.Colombus somalis are useless you even here more about Birmingham, Australian somalis than oh somalis
Don’t you live in the UK? There’s a lot of inaccurate assumptions being made here by people who don’t even live in Ohio.Colombus somalis are useless you even here more about Birmingham, Australian somalis than oh somalis
What u mean Columbus Ohio is beautiful cityI have been to Columbus couple of times is Horrible place
@Manafesto marehan are jealous of the two Majerteeen candidates in Ohiolater @TekNiKo will scream darood darood darood
darood iyo abahaga w@s
View attachment 228659
The women candidate for Ohio representive house is us and a member of the Beesha Barakaysan as well?
No,wonder why they declared their campaign kickoff on the same day and place and together? They were even promoting each other,jlayn dhiiga baa isku keentay?
La Xawla Wala Quwati,ceeb looma dhintaan maqli jiray.
This utter embarrassment for the backward community of W.Gedo immigrant of North Columbus,the fact that many of them in Columbus and the did even try for school council yet alone a city council or competing for state Representatives and congress, they are still learning how to park their cars so I would give them a century before they reach Puntite US take over.
@Manafesto marehan are jealous of the two Majerteeen candidates in Ohiolater @TekNiKo will scream darood darood darood
darood iyo abahaga w@s
View attachment 228659
Guys, Check this new developments, apparently the main Somali Guy who is basically the KABA-Qaad of the Kelly women Mohamed Cali tried to twist that party's little fightIntra - Darod beef is going too far , you’re even sabotaging each other’s concerts![]()
Were not voting for this loser Kelly is ahead on polls!Guys, Check this new developments, apparently the main Somali Guy who is basically the KABA-Qaad of the Kelly women Mohamed Cali tried to twist that party's little fight
Damn,walahi,I had a feeling Reer Gedo wouldn't take this shit easily, I never knew my ex town Columbus turn out to be so an anti-MJ, Somali Ohioans in general are some of the most backward and ignorant out of all our diaspora specially the North Columbus