bruh its all cause of qabyaalad and bloody terrosrists godamn if there was peace we would have flashy malls like that in our nation and beautiful beaches i can see myself sunbathing at the beach one lightskin halimo on one side and one dark skin halimo on the other and i have a mango smoothie and i wear sunglasses and i watch the sunset *sigh* if only this could be real and our people would stop being idiots and let peace and stability happen so i can fulfill my dreams![]()
It's more complex than that. These cities don't have the supporting infrastructure such as water piping, roads, sewage, and electricity to even support many large construction projects like this.Hargeisa, Djibouti, Garowe, Bosaso are all safe, no excuses.
qashiin post by an idiot who probably isn’t Somali. I hope NSS is at the airport to arrest you if you ever decide to travel to Somalia.
lol i am somali and also cant you let a guy fantasise and want to live out his dreams? be honest you want that as well who would not lol (p.s i can just chuck money at them and they will leave me be lol the NSS)qashiin post by an idiot who probably isn’t Somali. I hope NSS is at the airport to arrest you if you ever decide to travel to Somalia.
It's more complex than that. These cities don't have the supporting infrastructure such as water piping, roads, sewage, and electricity to even support many large construction projects like this.
Also for all the problems Kenya has their government is way more investment friendly and transparent. The corruption in Somalia makes Kenya look like a developed country in comparison.
Nairobi is much much dirtier than xamar or any other major Somali city for that matter. Anyone who’s been to both can agreewalaahi oo bilaahii you have a great point. Eastleigh which is the market wall street for Somalis is the dirtiest place in the entire Kenya. Not one business person voluntered to fix the muddy roads, stinking gabbage on the ground or security. All they know is make money. Somalis are the new Jews.
They still have a chance tho- if they build a mall-- they will be forced to fix the roads in eastleigh. Corporate money aint stupid. But with climbing the ladder of riches comes new problems. Security. Crazy mali can bomb the place easily
Who ever built this mall is an absolute genius and will make, not millions but billions of dollars.
Eastleigh for those that don’t know, serves the entire east Africa federation.
People come from as far as Congo and Burundi, to buy high quality merchandise at low prices.
Which they than resell at a profit
in their respective markets .
Before the East African Federation was created, people had to sneak into Kenya and risk everything.
Now that there is free movement of people and goods, thanks to the federation, there won’t be any limits to how much goods these merchants can be buy.
Eastleigh has the potential to serve EAC’s 283 million Citizens, where the hell in Somalia can you find a market like that?
Is there major Somali city that has potential like this?Who ever built this mall is an absolute genius and will make, not millions but billions of dollars.
Eastleigh for those that don’t know, serves the entire east Africa federation.
People come from as far as Congo and Burundi, to buy high quality merchandise at low prices.
Which they than resell at a profit
in their respective markets .
Before the East African Federation was created, people had to sneak into Kenya and risk everything.
Now that there is free movement of people and goods, thanks to the federation, there won’t be any limits to how much goods these merchants can be buy.
Eastleigh has the potential to serve EAC’s 283 million Citizens, where the hell in Somalia can you find a market like that?
Damn they already close to being finished, i thought it would open around 2025
Its disgusting and an open sewage its ironic how the place that produces the most revenue is the least developed infrastructure wise, it serves Somalis right.Nairobi is much much dirtier than xamar or any other major Somali city for that matter. Anyone who’s been to both can agree