Somalis in minnesota PLEASE VOTE FOR ILHAN OMAR

I wanted her to win by over 60 %

This isn’t that good of a win tbh. AIPAC will be emboldened to spend $10+ million against her next time, whilst they thought it was pointless this election.
Dont understand why they didn't do this sooner, iirc her last results were similar
Guys please go on Twitter. Zionists, Arabs and Indians are crying

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

Why would Arabs oppose Ilhan Omar when she is one of the few voices Palestinians have in the US Congress?
I think next election in 2 years is when they’ll actually try take her out

The district is 70% white liberal. AIPAC can't fool this crew. AIPAC opposing her has been a blessing for Ilhan. Had the district been a mix of independents, Dems, & Republicans, then their tactics would've worked. But when you have 70% of college-educated white liberals in one district, ads on TV, and name-calling in social media don't brainwash this group. These guys read a lot.

Ilhan is also street-smart. She studied her constituency, meets with them regularly, & tries to champion all of the main causes that they support. Come in election day and here they respond to her.
She did really well considering she only won by 2% last time and this time its a 13% lead.
Especially with how she was targeted this year with those fake mistranslated videos which sought to divide her base. You also had her opponent openly working with Republicans to vote against her. They tried a different tactic this time rather than just throwing money at it and it didn’t work.

2022 was the best chance that AIPAC had to take her down. They will always come after her but AIPAC have overplayed their hands. More and more Americans are waking up to their open interference in their politics in favour a foreign state. Even right wing Americans are starting to turn against their Israel first policy.

Ilhan is a beast in fundraising and campaigning when she puts her mind to it. As long as she keeps this up, she will be back for many more years inshAllah.

I am just so glad that her enemies and particularly Ethiopians and their SL minions, didn’t get a chance to gloat.
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Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
I said it years ago but Ilhan will never be toppled. She’s in that seat until she retires or if deviates from her views.
If Ilhan lost the election, it would mean the keywords ‘Somali’ and ‘Somalis’ would disappear from multiple bot farms overnight. All the right-wingers, Elonites, Trumpsters, etc would forget about us, and move on. Its a double-edged sword. Still, congrats to her because she and others are paving the way for more Somali political clout inside the world’s only superpower state.


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