Somalis in the UK: The Need for Our Own Businesses


Wow mashallah rer uk i didnt know they were doing that good.

I wouldn't say they are on par with American Somalis, Australian or UAE Somalis who are in more open market capitalist environments

But they are doing better than mainland Europeans Somalis because of the more open business climate, with less barriers. It's one of the biggest reasons why mainland European Somalis move there


Also one other thing to note Somalis don't just engage in business out of survival or necessity. They have a general tendency to start businesses even after all their basic needs are met. Big time oppurtunists

Which runs contrary to most Muslim entrepeneurship it seems which is driven by necessity and they are more negatively associated with business activity.
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Reer UK are a few decades behind Reer USA. Its actually astonishing.

- Charter schools
- Established Somali built, Somali run masjid / community center
- Clear imprint on the local economy
- Political representation

I do accept the argument that specifically London is a city which is global and too diverse to do what Somali diaspora did in MN however what about the other cities (Birmingham, Leicester, Sheffield, etc). Its really hard to pinpoint why honestly
You can’t compare uk to America the states is the land of opportunity also the areas Somalis live in America are smaller cities which have lower costs of living Birmingham is a more international city then most places Somalis live in America
Thats not accurate. Like someone else explained there are tutoring centers and charter schools aren't really a thing in the UK.

There is also many many mosques and community centers, follow this link you will see a whole list of them

Somali Community Hub​

There is also a clear imprint on the local economy in London , so that is also not true.

The Changing Face of Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship in Britain

As far as political representation goes , there has been dozens of Somalis elected into political office as local councilors across cities.

Record number of Somalis elected as UK Councillors
In London alone, there are at least more than 10 masjids owned by Somalis. We have community centres and there are many tuition centers owned by Somalis in West London, South, East and North London. A good % of currency shops are owned by Somalis. We have more than 10 Somali restaurants around London of all types. Very Casual to the type of restaurants you'd go for a nice evening dinner. We have dozens of care places that employ a good % of Somali women and the list continues.

My whole point is, as a community we have a lot of issues but lack of businesses isn’t one of them and knowing how business savvy Somalis are InshaAllah we are sure to have more businesses as well.

Oh and guess what, now they have nice brunch places as well that you wouldn’t think are Somali owned. Really nice egg Benedict and I even had waffle and chicken with maple syrup. Since I love supporting Somalis I went there as soon as I heard it was Somali owned. I love a good breakie/brunch. Prefer to give my hard earned cash to my Somali brother than a random.

Please Somalis are Business oriented MashaAllah!
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