Somalis in the west are going out sad

NO NOT JB!!?!! 😭😭 somalis are finished globally. I’m more disappointed in those ladies being sellouts and running for republicans. Even the amount of somalis leaving islam now and becoming atheists. scary times we live in. I’m not saying I sit here obsessed with these strangers on the internet, but it’s mad seeing people from our bloodline doing this.
Just live your own life, you'll become more prosperous this way, I can guarantee it :ulyin:, waxaa dantaadi aheyn maxaad isku mashquulaysaa, muhiimida kalsoonimada Leedahay wa inaan fasixrna
NO NOT JB!!?!! 😭😭 somalis are finished globally. I’m more disappointed in those ladies being sellouts and running for republicans. Even the amount of somalis leaving islam now and becoming atheists. scary times we live in. I’m not saying I sit here obsessed with these strangers on the internet, but it’s mad seeing people from our bloodline doing this.
Girrrrl yeah!!!! JB he honestly looked like a women when he came back up ufff! That industry is just evil! I was also thinking about Halima Aden, she doesn’t look the same or is it me? I always heard Gucci Mane was going to sign this new rapper; he told him before you join the record label you need to have se.x with me?!?! Like what is this homosexual ritual?!? It’s crazyyyyyyy