Somalis in the west will be completely bred out in a few genereations.

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Lol, is this supposed to be a bad thing? Somalis need more diversity not more inbreeding. The more the merrier, gogolka ha la fiddiyo.

The Hiiraan article is an opinion. Where's their source?

Listen kid, just leave my thread. It's obvious you're interested in just trolling an established phenomenon that is accepted by the majority of Somalis as a reality. Why don't you go be pedantic someplace else? Perhaps go bug people on a space forum requesting evidence for the existence of the moon.

Edit: I posted evidence that would convince most reasonable people that there is something clearly there and not a figment of someone's imagination. The fact that you put up as you said you would demonstrates you really didn't have a valid position to begin with and were just trolling this entire time. Then again, this is the same guy who believes Somalis aren't over-represented in the prison system and that they are just as academically and professionally successful as other immigrant groups such as East Asians and Indians because there aren't officially government sanctioned studies that contradict his delusion. There's no way someone can be this stupid and not be a troll.
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Why is a troll calling people trolls.

This forum too funny. :ftw9nwa:

So, tell me, is someone not a troll who pushes the delusion that Somalis are just as integrated and successful, academically and professionally, as East Asians and Indians and uses as their evidence the fact that there isn't a nature level publication by 3 nobel Laureates and is sanctioned by the government to say exactly the words, "We found conclusively that Somalis are not as integrated nor as successful as the East Asian and Indian diasporan communities"?

I know this troll's debate style very well. He's like those flat-earthers and climate change deniers that debate with professional scientists on online forums, and when the scientists present their evidence and it doesn't meet their ridiculous standards they respond with, "I want irrefutable evidence, not this speculation". Let him keep harping on about his "evidence". There's already enough of it to convince most rational people who are naturally skeptical. The fact there is a stereotype already formed by the general public about some of the disputed stuff in this thread should speak for itself.
I never said anything about East Indians/Asian or Nobel laureates or used any comparison to Somalis. You sound desperate @Darod_Supremacy you're cherry picking and taking what I said out of context to try to prove a point. But, we're still waiting for you to show us any prove to support your claim.
A comical paradox you are on one front trying to push a fabricated Xaarab lineage down our throat's, and on the other hand lamenting mixed marriage which by the way is not that big among Somalis compared to other minorities, you are a confused specimen my friend.

There is no paradox. My lineage is true and correct, there is no doubt about that except by online trolls. With that said, I have a right to talk about a phenomenon that's marking the extinction of the Somali peoples in the diaspora.
Lol, is this supposed to be a bad thing? Somalis need more diversity not more inbreeding. The more the merrier, gogolka ha la fiddiyo.

Somalis are already very diverse. Please see my thread on the diversity of "ethnic Somalis". Also, nearly all of the kids of these mixed marriages tend to identify with their other half and marry of those people. They do not see themselves as Somali.
Somalis are already very diverse. Please see my thread on the diversity of "ethnic Somalis". Also, nearly all of the kids of these mixed marriages tend to identify with their other half and marry of those people. They do not see themselves as Somali.

Again is any of this a bad thing?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
This dude is a bonafide troll, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. We only notice outmarriage because it stands out and is rarer than intra-ethnic marriage. That might explain why Somalis are being alarmist. I don't support this argument that Somali women are marrying out at unprecedented rates. It ignores the fact that Somali women normally marry their ethnic group. And that many Somali women would rather stay single than marry ajnabis. You do have a point, the longer Somalis stay in the west - the more likely outmarriage becomes. Sure there will be plenty that marry Somali, but there will be many that don't, which will only increase with each successive generation. You can only break this cycle of absorption if you go back to Somalia at some point. I don't think it's enough to inculcate your diaspora-born children with the preference for Somali, there are numerous variables at play which could influence their decision making. If only children could be programmed to turn out how you want. One can only dream. :banderas:
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