Somalis in west Africa ?

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Cultural revolution
Mauritania? The place where 20% of the population are in modern slavery? :susp:

I'd love to visit and live in Mali, Ghana and Nigeria tho. I have a lot of respect for the people from there especially Hausa-Fulani.


Nigeria definitely should have some Somalis considering how large their economy is. Even if it's just a handful of professionals.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Nigeria definitely should have some Somalis considering how large their economy is. Even if it's just a handful of professionals.

They are the giant of Africa so it should stand to reason there will be a few opening businesses once Somalis gain more success and financial security.
Nigeria definitely should have some Somalis considering how large their economy is. Even if it's just a handful of professionals.
Somalis are cornering the markets of Se east Africa .we need to set up shop in west Africa .the only problem
Is proximity to Somalia .personally ,as a holy man i have no interest in business ,for my intention is marry from the Mawalad mixed raced tribes of muaratania ,those who are ligt skin or caramel or chocolate in complexion.


Somalis are cornering the markets of Se east Africa .we need to set up shop in west Africa .the only problem
Is proximity to Somalia .personally ,as a holy man i have no interest in business ,for my intention is marry from the Mawalad mixed raced tribes of muaratania ,those who are ligt skin or caramel or chocolate in complexion.

If Mauritania had any significant oil reserves, it would have been invaded by good 'ol USA for violating human rights as they still practice slavery. But since their economic value is negligible it still goes under the radar. Screw Mauritania, they have no morals.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
There is this somali guy from Sweden who opened a nigerian craigslist.
DSC0924-600x398.jpg an online classifieds platform that provides a marketplace for buyers and sellers to exchange their items has employed over 100 Nigerians within its first 3 months of operation in the country. This was stated at the official launch of the company at a media conference held recently in Protea Hotel ikeja.

According to Mr. Babak Tighnavard, Chief Operating Officer Saltside Technologies, Saltside Technologies the parent company of was founded to build leading online marketplaces in underserved markets, creating sustainable value for the community. Saltside started in 2011 with just 4 employees but in 2015 they are now 500 employees in Bangladesh, Ghana, Sri Lanka and now in Nigeria with over 100 employees. Their success story in each market is hinged on doing things locally and employing quality staff.”

Mr. Zakaria Hersi informed that part of their success story of doing things locally in each market gave rise to the name ‘’ meaning ‘Everything’ in pidgin language. He further said that Efritin is focused on providing a safer platform for buyers and sellers to meet and exchange their items. Efritin focuses on used items because of the trading culture of Nigerians, the high volume of offline marketplaces and the large economy around unused goods.

According to Mr. Babak Tighnavard, Chief Operating Officer Saltside Technologies, Saltside Technologies the parent company of was founded to build leading online marketplaces in underserved markets, creating sustainable value for the community. Saltside started in 2011 with just 4 employees but in 2015 they are now 500 employees in Bangladesh, Ghana, Sri Lanka and now in Nigeria with over 100 employees. Their success story in each market is hinged on doing things locally and employing quality staff.”

He added that the team at Efritin places high value on offering a safer platform, which is why all sellers must be physically verified on their platform within 48hours of posting an advert before it goes live. The verification is a one-time process and the ads go live within 4 hours after verification.

any Somali communities in west Africa ?i want to visit the beautiful people of Mauritania .

I went to university with them, very weird community their capital is like Garowe city. Obsession about whiteness and divorce habits, but they are very restricted Muslim. The population is small 5 million on huge land. The country needs lot of development (hotels, industry, IT) It is francophone country and economically depends on France. They are not good at business. The government is very good in stopping the illegal immigrants even foreign/private big companies must hire locals only. You will get bored in their country there are not lot of entrainments. But the people are very good and they respect the Muslim people. Small note, they hate the Bantu people. They will welcome you more as Somali than western guy. Good luck.
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Queen of the light
Somalis are cornering the markets of Se east Africa .we need to set up shop in west Africa .the only problem
Is proximity to Somalia .personally ,as a holy man i have no interest in business ,for my intention is marry from the Mawalad mixed raced tribes of muaratania ,those who are ligt skin or caramel or chocolate in complexion.
Why would you want to marry these particular ladies ? I'm curious have you met one personaly ?
@Arsene Wenger they have very weird customs concerning marriage, first of all in their culture they honour the divorced woman with children. For example, in divorce process, the woman have big divorce party. The more the woman remarried the more desired she is in the market. Plus fatting the girls is part of their culture and sending to them the summer to their villages for fatting. They are expects in whiting their skins.
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Queen of the light
@Arsene Wenger they have very weird customs concerning marriage, first of all in their culture they honour the divorced woman with children. For example, in divorce process, the woman have big divorce party. The more the woman remarried the more desired she is the market.
How intresting this is really peculiar the opposite of what we would do.
How intresting this is really peculiar the opposite of what we would do.

They are very isloted people. skin bleaching is big business there. And love Arab more than anything else, if you traces your tribe to Yemen or Saudi you will be accepted in their community easily. They are good people really, I like them and they like us.


Queen of the light
They are very isloted people. skin bleaching is big business there. And love Arab more than anything else, if you traces your tribe to Yemen or Saudi you will be accepted in their community easily. They are good people really, I like them and they like us.
Now bleaching I don't agree with its detrimental to ones health. I think part of my mission would be to educate these women on the dangers of using paints tripping chemical on your face.
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