Somalis invented Coffee


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
We all know that the spread of coffee came from Arab merchants who traded the drink throughout the Muslim world from Yemen and through several trade routes such as the silk road, the drink became known worldwide.

But the cultivation of coffee itself does not originate from Yemen. It was brought to Yemen from the horn of Africa and through ignorance people believe the coffee drink was first made in Abyssinia and traded to Yemen. In this thread I will be disproving this Ethiopian claim as the first people to cultivate coffee and correct history, complete with sources and such.



Yemenis claim that coffee was first discovered in Yemen by sufis and their Sheikh Ali however primary sources tell a different story, in fact the Yemeni sufis were simply introduced to the Coffee drink by Somalis and took it on as a part of their culture;

"Later, coffee became an essential aspect of all dhikr gatherings. Its introduction is associated with a Shādhili called Abu 'l-Hasan 'Ali ibn 'Umar (d. at Mukhā in Yemen in A.D. 1418), who became acquainted with the beverage when he resided at the court of Sa'd ad-din II, sultan of Ifāt-Zaila' in southern Ethiopia. It was taken up by Yemeni and Hadrami Sufis and its subsequent diffusion throughout the Arab world under Sufi auspices was rapid."


This source basically means that the spread of coffee across the Arab world, and eventually to the whole world, especially in the West, happened because the founder of the city of Mocha in Yemen, a Sheikh, discovered the drink at the court of the Somali Walashma Sultan Sa'ad al-Din. This introduction by Yemeni Hadrami Sufis is the reason for the spread of coffee throughout the world.

Now that we have established that the reason for Coffee's spread from Yemen was because of the Yemeni sheikh who founded the city of Mocha was welcomed into the court of the Somali Sultan Sa'ad al-din and soon became acquainted with the drink, bringing it back with him to Yemen and quickly spread.


There has been a recent push from Ethiopians to claim the coffee drink to be their invention, however this is false to the point that even with a great number of Ethiopian scholars trying to push this propaganda out to the world, this made up story is still all over the place and makes little sense so much so that most modern writers acknowledge that the coffee plant originates from the horn but attribute the Coffee drink with Yemen.

First we will look at the invention of Coffee from the Ethiopian perspective:
The coffee plant originates in Kaffa Ethiopia. According to legend, the 9th-century goat herder Kaldi in the region of Kaffa discovered the coffee plant after noticing the energizing effect the plant had on his flock, but the story did not appear in writing until 1671.

The source says all that needs to be said, this is a mere legend and only appears in written sources nearly a millennium after the story supposedly takes place.

Another reason which makes the Ethiopian claim to coffee laughable was the fact that the Ethiopian orthodox church had prohibited drinking coffee and saw it as the "drink of the Muslims" and by drinking coffee you are imitating the Muslims which in this case was the Somali kingdom of Awfat-Awdal.



Then the question is, well if coffee doesn't originate from Kaffa, Ethiopia where does it come from?

While Ethiopia's claim that coffee originates in kaffa has no accurate primary sources and is based on oral tales and weak contemporary sources nearly a millennium after, Somalia has several credible medieval sources claiming it as the source of coffee including the renowned Egyptian scholar Ibn Hajar al-Haytami

Here's the original Arabic source if you are interested;
جاء في الفواكه العديدة في المسائل المفيدة
للشيخ العلامة احمد بن محمد بن منقور النجدي رحمه الله تعالى نقلا عن المؤرخ ابن حجر الهيتمي المكي :

فائدة في القهوة حدث قبيل هذا القرن العاشر شراب يتخذ من قشر البن ، نبت يجلب من نواحي زيلع باليمن يسمى ذالك قهوة وطال الاختلاف في حلها و طهارتها ...


Adding to Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, there is also archaeological proof that coffee originates in the "Zelia region"
This source helps us further pinpoint the origin of coffee to the ancient town of Abasa In Awdal.


The final nail in the coffee for these langaabs trying to hotep the invention of coffee is disproving the cope that Somalia can't grow coffee.
The reason this is stupid is because Somalia already has fertile lands and has always done widescale agriculture in the south due to the two rivers, and we're talking about Somaliweyn here not just Somalia, we owned hararghe and bale with all it's fertile lands, and many Somali clans, who have not been assimilated by Oromo tribesmen coming from the deep south, to this day still farm there.

But ignoring this desperate last pillar in the argument against Somali's claim to coffee, i will drop a some source about Somalia's coffee production;


Just Somaliland and the "Somali coast" together are only second place to Abyssinia, imagine how the chart would look if it accounted for the total production of the Somali peninsula?
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Coffee was invented in Abasa town in Awdal and was spread to Yemen after the Somali Sultan of Ifat, Sa'd ad-din I of Walashma, welcomed the Yemeni sufi Shiekh Ali into his court and accustomed him to the Somali drink of Coffee which was then brought back to Yemen and through trade reached the world.
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Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Somali history is extreme underrated and dismissed it's genuinely just sad, great work bro
The blame for this can partly be put on Somali themsleves, we need more Somali historians writing books and collecting these sources but we simply aren't.
Coffee was invented in Abasa town in Awdal and was spread to Yemen after the Somali Sultan of Ifat, Sa'd ad-din I of Walashma, welcomed the Yemeni sufi Shiekh Ali into his court and accustomed him to the Somali drink of Coffee which was then brought back to Yemen and through trade reached the world.
No proof it was founded in Abasa btw
We all know that the spread of coffee came from Arab merchants who traded the drink throughout the Muslim world from Yemen and through several trade routes such as the silk road, the drink became known worldwide.

But the cultivation of coffee itself does not originate from Yemen. It was brought to Yemen from the horn of Africa and through ignorance people believe the coffee drink was first made in Abyssinia and traded to Yemen. In this thread I will be disproving this Ethiopian claim as the first people to cultivate coffee and correct history, complete with sources and such.


View attachment 332540

Yemenis claim that coffee was first discovered in Yemen by sufis and their Sheikh Ali however primary sources tell a different story, in fact the Yemeni sufis were simply introduced to the Coffee drink by Somalis and took it on as a part of their culture;

"Later, coffee became an essential aspect of all dhikr gatherings. Its introduction is associated with a Shādhili called Abu 'l-Hasan 'Ali ibn 'Umar (d. at Mukhā in Yemen in A.D. 1418), who became acquainted with the beverage when he resided at the court of Sa'd ad-din II, sultan of Ifāt-Zaila' in southern Ethiopia. It was taken up by Yemeni and Hadrami Sufis and its subsequent diffusion throughout the Arab world under Sufi auspices was rapid."

View attachment 332475

This source basically means that the spread of coffee across the Arab world, and eventually to the whole world, especially in the West, happened because the founder of the city of Mocha in Yemen, a Sheikh, discovered the drink at the court of the Somali Walashma Sultan Sa'ad al-Din. This introduction by Yemeni Hadrami Sufis is the reason for the spread of coffee throughout the world.

Now that we have established that the reason for Coffee's spread from Yemen was because of the Yemeni sheikh who founded the city of Mocha was welcomed into the court of the Somali Sultan Sa'ad al-din and soon became acquainted with the drink, bringing it back with him to Yemen and quickly spread.


There has been a recent push from Ethiopians to claim the coffee drink to be their invention, however this is false to the point that even with a great number of Ethiopian scholars trying to push this propaganda out to the world, this made up story is still all over the place and makes little sense so much so that most modern writers acknowledge that the coffee plant originates from the horn but attribute the Coffee drink with Yemen.

First we will look at the invention of Coffee from the Ethiopian perspective:

The source says all that needs to be said, this is a mere legend and only appears in written sources nearly a millennium after the story supposedly takes place.

Another reason which makes the Ethiopian claim to coffee laughable was the fact that the Ethiopian orthodox church had prohibited drinking coffee and saw it as the "drink of the Muslims" and by drinking coffee you are imitating the Muslims which in this case was the Somali kingdom of Awfat-Awdal.

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Then the question is, well if coffee doesn't originate from Kaffa, Ethiopia where does it come from?
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While Ethiopia's claim that coffee originates in kaffa has no accurate primary sources and is based on oral tales and weak contemporary sources nearly a millennium after, Somalia has several credible medieval sources claiming it as the source of coffee including the renowned Egyptian scholar Ibn Hajar al-Haytami

Here's the original Arabic source if you are interested;

View attachment 332549

View attachment 332548

Adding to Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, there is also archaeological proof that coffee originates in the "Zelia region"
This source helps us further pinpoint the origin of coffee to the ancient town of Abasa In Awdal.


The final nail in the coffee for these langaabs trying to hotep the invention of coffee is disproving the cope that Somalia can't grow coffee.
The reason this is stupid is because Somalia already has fertile lands and has always done widescale agriculture in the south due to the two rivers, and we're talking about Somaliweyn here not just Somalia, we owned hararghe and bale with all it's fertile lands, and many Somali clans, who have not been assimilated by Oromo tribesmen coming from the deep south, to this day still farm there.

But ignoring this desperate last pillar in the argument against Somali's claim to coffee, i will drop a some source about Somalia's coffee production;

View attachment 332546

Just Somaliland and the "Somali coast" together are only second place to Abyssinia, imagine how the chart would look if it accounted for the total production of the Somali peninsula?
Sad to see Ethiopia produced more than us even tough coffee was banned there for centuries


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Sad to see Ethiopia produced more than us even tough coffee was banned there for centuries
Somalia doesn't even have all of Somaliweyn, with modern technology and all Somaliweyn including hararghe, we'd be the top producer in nearly everything incl coffee
Coffee was cultivated and planted by Somali agro tribes surrounding Harar. I remember reading a few passages on the area during the late 1800s that mentioned it a while back, can't find it now though. It continues to this day.

So it is plausible to say that Somalis discovered it and spread it to Yemen and the surounding Muslim regions.
Yemenis make it plainly known in their sources that the plant originated in the land of Zayla and Jabartiyyah and in the land of Sa'ad Din.

But it's equally correct to say Yemenis adopted it and mainstreamlined the coffee drinking culture to the rest of the world. So yeah it's part of their history and culture too and they played an important role in the story of Coffee.

And yes the Ethiopian coffee drinking and export is rather new , they didn't drink it and avoided. It was considered a conversion to Islam because their sworn enemies the Muslim Somalis drank it their, much like the camel meat prohibition. @The alchemist mentioned it before:
With the coffee drinking factor, it was well remarked in the history of the Horn of Africa that the Habash viewed coffee as a beverage of consumption by the Muslims, such as the Somalis, so they avoided it altogether to distinguish themselves from us.

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Evidence of such assertion is laid out, emphasizing how the Abyssinians did not consume coffee until the 19th century, which is documented even by travelers of the European Christian background that noted these people built practices of dietary taboos to contradict our common ways centuries earlier:
View attachment 320162

The first person to create a modern coffee company in the region to export it was a Galbeed Somali man. Touched a little bit on it in a different thread:
That's pretty cool. It is in a away continuation of tradition.

Funfact: One of the first coffee companies in Africa and the first in Ethiopia was established by a Somali businessman from Galbeed named Mohammed Abdullah Ogsadey. It was based in the greater Harar region. MAO Harar Horse. Considered a Coffee pioneer in Africa.



His sons continue the export trade nowadays:
Coffee was cultivated and planted by Somali agro tribes surrounding Harar. I remember reading a few passages on the area during the late 1800s that mentioned it a while back, can't find it now though. It continues to this day.

So it is plausible to say that Somalis discovered it and spread it to Yemen and the surounding Muslim regions.
Yemenis make it plainly known in their sources that the plant originated in the land of Zayla and Jabartiyyah and in the land of Sa'ad Din.

But it's equally correct to say Yemenis adopted it and mainstreamlined the coffee drinking culture to the rest of the world. So yeah it's part of their history and culture too and they played an important role in the story of Coffee.

And yes the Ethiopian coffee drinking and export is rather new , they didn't drink it and avoided. It was considered a conversion to Islam because their sworn enemies the Muslim Somalis drank it their, much like the camel meat prohibition. @The alchemist mentioned it before:

The first person to create a modern coffee company in the region to export it was a Galbeed Somali man. Touched a little bit on it in a different thread:
There is probably a lot of examples like this you could find. The reality is a lot of "traditional culutre" is really a recent invention. Either it's something people have only seeing doing for s centruy or two . Or it's something that was promoted and popularized for commercial/propagand/tourism reasons. There was a book whose title I can't rember but it talked about how a lot of "traditional clothing" is an invention of the 18 and 19th century.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
It most likely originates in the Kaffa region of Ethiopia but was spread by Somali pastoralists, sedentary people like Ethiopians don't travel often

16th-century Islamic scholar Ibn Hajar al-Haytami notes in his writings that a beverage called qahwa developed from a tree in the Zeila region located in the Horn of Africa.[13] Coffee was first exported from Ethiopia to Yemen by Somali merchants from Berbera and Zeila in modern-day Somaliland, which was procured from Harar and the Abyssinian interior. According to Captain Haines, who was the colonial administrator of Aden (1839–1854), Mokha historically imported up to two-thirds of its coffee from Berbera-based merchants before the coffee trade of Mokha was captured by British-controlled Aden in the 19th century. After that, much of the Ethiopian coffee was exported to Aden via Berbera.[17].
@Khaemwaset great job bro. Xabashi highlanders have no connections to coffee. Even today they don’t grow it. Main places in Ethiopia that produce coffee are visible on the map. Somalis make up a plurality in some of these regions in places like Bale’s Made walibu and West Hararge’s Mieso and Hawi Gudina.and some have even settled in Sidame like the Fardano who are considered natives of Sidame.




A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
We all know that the spread of coffee came from Arab merchants who traded the drink throughout the Muslim world from Yemen and through several trade routes such as the silk road, the drink became known worldwide.

But the cultivation of coffee itself does not originate from Yemen. It was brought to Yemen from the horn of Africa and through ignorance people believe the coffee drink was first made in Abyssinia and traded to Yemen. In this thread I will be disproving this Ethiopian claim as the first people to cultivate coffee and correct history, complete with sources and such.


View attachment 332540

Yemenis claim that coffee was first discovered in Yemen by sufis and their Sheikh Ali however primary sources tell a different story, in fact the Yemeni sufis were simply introduced to the Coffee drink by Somalis and took it on as a part of their culture;

"Later, coffee became an essential aspect of all dhikr gatherings. Its introduction is associated with a Shādhili called Abu 'l-Hasan 'Ali ibn 'Umar (d. at Mukhā in Yemen in A.D. 1418), who became acquainted with the beverage when he resided at the court of Sa'd ad-din II, sultan of Ifāt-Zaila' in southern Ethiopia. It was taken up by Yemeni and Hadrami Sufis and its subsequent diffusion throughout the Arab world under Sufi auspices was rapid."

View attachment 332475

This source basically means that the spread of coffee across the Arab world, and eventually to the whole world, especially in the West, happened because the founder of the city of Mocha in Yemen, a Sheikh, discovered the drink at the court of the Somali Walashma Sultan Sa'ad al-Din. This introduction by Yemeni Hadrami Sufis is the reason for the spread of coffee throughout the world.

Now that we have established that the reason for Coffee's spread from Yemen was because of the Yemeni sheikh who founded the city of Mocha was welcomed into the court of the Somali Sultan Sa'ad al-din and soon became acquainted with the drink, bringing it back with him to Yemen and quickly spread.


There has been a recent push from Ethiopians to claim the coffee drink to be their invention, however this is false to the point that even with a great number of Ethiopian scholars trying to push this propaganda out to the world, this made up story is still all over the place and makes little sense so much so that most modern writers acknowledge that the coffee plant originates from the horn but attribute the Coffee drink with Yemen.

First we will look at the invention of Coffee from the Ethiopian perspective:

The source says all that needs to be said, this is a mere legend and only appears in written sources nearly a millennium after the story supposedly takes place.

Another reason which makes the Ethiopian claim to coffee laughable was the fact that the Ethiopian orthodox church had prohibited drinking coffee and saw it as the "drink of the Muslims" and by drinking coffee you are imitating the Muslims which in this case was the Somali kingdom of Awfat-Awdal.

View attachment 332543

Then the question is, well if coffee doesn't originate from Kaffa, Ethiopia where does it come from?
View attachment 332547

While Ethiopia's claim that coffee originates in kaffa has no accurate primary sources and is based on oral tales and weak contemporary sources nearly a millennium after, Somalia has several credible medieval sources claiming it as the source of coffee including the renowned Egyptian scholar Ibn Hajar al-Haytami

Here's the original Arabic source if you are interested;

View attachment 332549

View attachment 332548

Adding to Ibn Hajar al-Haytami, there is also archaeological proof that coffee originates in the "Zelia region"
This source helps us further pinpoint the origin of coffee to the ancient town of Abasa In Awdal.


The final nail in the coffee for these langaabs trying to hotep the invention of coffee is disproving the cope that Somalia can't grow coffee.
The reason this is stupid is because Somalia already has fertile lands and has always done widescale agriculture in the south due to the two rivers, and we're talking about Somaliweyn here not just Somalia, we owned hararghe and bale with all it's fertile lands, and many Somali clans, who have not been assimilated by Oromo tribesmen coming from the deep south, to this day still farm there.

But ignoring this desperate last pillar in the argument against Somali's claim to coffee, i will drop a some source about Somalia's coffee production;

View attachment 332546

Just Somaliland and the "Somali coast" together are only second place to Abyssinia, imagine how the chart would look if it accounted for the total production of the Somali peninsula?
I got a question why is the city "kaffa" in ethiopia called that? does it have links to coffee? we need to solidify our claims on coffee how did we allow this hotepry to go on for so long.
I got a question why is the city "kaffa" in ethiopia called that? does it have links to coffee? we need to solidify our claims on coffee how did we allow this hotepry to go on for so long.
Coffee was domesticated in Ethiopia probably in the south but I don’t think the name has a direct connection to it


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Niggas clown on AA's for a minority of them going around claiming to be Hebrews lakiin the real We are Kangz head ass niggas are Xabashi. The Amhara either steals from Muslim Somalis or Christian Tigrayans/Eritreans.
Niggas clown on AA's for a minority of them going around claiming to be Hebrews lakiin the real We are Kangz head ass niggas are Xabashi. The Amhara either steals from Muslim Somalis or Christian Tigrayans/Eritreans.
Amhara probably have tigrayan/eritrean blood


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Niggas clown on AA's for a minority of them going around claiming to be Hebrews lakiin the real We are Kangz head ass niggas are Xabashi. The Amhara either steals from Muslim Somalis or Christian Tigrayans/Eritreans.
bro the amount of history they steal and distort is insane other than this coffee thing theres way more to discover.

