Those parents are quite selfish limiting their kids opportunities. Know some people who got screwed because of that.
How are they limiting the opportunities of their kids? Please explain.
Those parents are quite selfish limiting their kids opportunities. Know some people who got screwed because of that.
That’s ironic. Last time I checked it was you niggas who have your panties in a bunch about who Somali women date.
The problem lies with Somali parents. Blaming the west for bad/incompetent parenting is akin to American madoows using slavery as a justification for their criminality.
Granted, there are things you can't protect your children from in the West, but give them the tools to navigate around those obstacles. Plenty of degenerate shit happens in Arab countries too sxb![]()
Things are getting worse now. Most of my mates talk about moving to the gulf to escape.There are things way outside the parents control. You cant stop your children from being taught khaniznimo or having sex with the white girl they go to class with everyday or drinking. You cant even try to stop them, if they threaten you with calling the authorities on you.
Whatever degenerate shit happens in arab countries it doesnt compare to whatever happena in the west. Dont even compare.
Things are getting worse now. Most of my mates talk about moving to the gulf to escape.
In 2000-2010 this degeneracy wasn't so bad
No thanks, I'd rather keep my freedom
By freedom they mean freedom to do haramYou still have the same freedom.