Thousands of Somali's died from recent droughts and you want to teach them English?![]()
Liberal Democracy
Embrace Westernization
Thousands of Somali's died from recent droughts and you want to teach them English?![]()
Wallhi this made me sadSomalis are a bunch of lost people.
We don’t have a strict culture,
We barely have any history because nothing was written down by our forefathers.
Some of thing we’re Arab, Some people think we are closer to injerlay xabashi.
All these xalimos want to be light skinned and bleach themselves. All the Farahs are trying be gangsters, our kinds don’t speak Somali, we barely name our children Somali names, people don’t like being Somali some claim Ethiopian, Kenyan, even Jamaican. Somalis don’t like hanging around with other Somalis, it’s like no one wants to be Somali anymore.
Thousands of Somali's died from recent droughts and you want to teach them English?![]()
Re-organising Somali society into one that is based on gobolnimo & a class system will definitely be a huge task, but if ever accomplished it will probably be the greatest achievement for Somalis. Insha'allah we all live to see the day when all Somalis are loyal to family & nation/state.
I guess it starts with educating ourselves first since we are the ones with all the intellectual resources,we need to indoctrinate our citizens for the betterment of our society
I guess it starts with educating ourselves first since we are the ones with all the intellectual resources,
You need to educate the people, especially those in badiyo. When you educate the people, they leave this thinking.
We just need a society based on meritocracy.
In other words bring on capitalism
The cream will rise to the top and clans will lose influence over time.
Yeah, except Capitalism is not a meritocracy. It's really just about who beat who to owning enough Capital and who got lucky first with whatever hair-brained scheme anyone with middling intelligence could've devised. I come from a wealthy family that owns a lot of land back in the mama-land and guess what'll happen to us if Somalia goes full-on Capitalist decadency; 90% chance that we will remain wealthy and only grow wealthier, the same will be true for most of the other families that own a lot of assets. And the current poor, regardless of their ingenuity, hard work and wit will remain poor for generations with just somewhat better standards of living as our society eventually develops into the usual class structure capitalism creates and mostly solidifies into that state (meaning low to practically no upward social mobility).
We'll also eventually prop up a functioning but ultimately oligarchical government that responds almost entirely to the whims of the statistically insignificant rich in terms of population size just like in the West because, well, the rich will pay for those politicians' campaigns and make routine donations to their parties so it's only natural that they'll serve them. I don't know about you but I'd like to work toward leaving future generations something better than the shit-show they've built in the West. Don't be simple-minded and get all impressed by their skyscrapers, planned mars missions and slick move industries; the way their society functions is inherently fucked up and Humanity can do better.
Don't be simple-minded and get all impressed by their skyscrapers, planned mars missions and slick move industries; the way their society functions is inherently fucked up and Humanity can do better.