Somalis need an image renewal.

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Last bump since we were discussing looks and metrosexual behaviour. If most Somalis males and females followed by advice, all of them would be considered attractive and feel good as well
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Unstable too bad ppl aren't appreciating your thread, lot's of good insight here. I've long noticed the phenotypic differences between Afar and Somali men, differences which did not exist a few decades ago. Afar's on average are more robust, have better facial bone development and have more lean mass. This divide is probably more of an urban/nomadic divide than it is an Afar/Somali divide, but it may seem like the latter to us because most pictures we see of Afars are nomadic pastoralists, while most pictures we see of Somalis are sedentary urbanites. The differences nutrition can make in physical and mental development are simply striking, and Somalis, with their high-carb and processed foods diet, have suffered aesthetically and cognitively as a result.
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There was this old guy who was saying that it is important to know Somali
I didn't have the heart nor the courage to tell him that the Somali language is useless in the international stage. I'd rather know Swahili then Somalia at this point
There was this old guy who was saying that it is important to know Somali
I didn't have the heart nor the courage to tell him that the Somali language is useless in the international stage. I'd rather know Swahili then Somalia at this point
If Somalia didn't collapse af soomaali would be more important than swahili.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I think we're relatively good looking people no matter what. At least once we've entered adulthood.
Why is your self worth attached to how other people view you or your ethnicity

Anything that has an effect on life outcomes is important. How others view you has an effect on life outcomes. Our actions and how we portray ourselves shapes how others view us. Thus we should change our actions and how we portray ourselves so we can get better life outcomes. Simple really.

The only time one should not be concerned with how others view their people is A) If it will have no bearing on their life outcomes (which is now impossible because of hyper- globalization) or B) If one knows that the negative views others have of their people are borne from an inferiority complex, in which case they should be flattered.

And to be clear, life outcomes can be as simple as how your treated in a restaurant outside of your own country to something as big as the influence your country has on the world stage.

Lastly, I do agree with you that our self-worth shouldn't be tied to how others view our people. But nonetheless we should strive to create a positive image for Somalis in order to improve our life outcomes. The former is born out of self-hate, while the latter is just a pragmatic approach to life's realities.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I'm on you with this, shits getting ridiculous here in Europe, like some habaryars I have seen have really light face with really dark hands like she's wearing gloves :faysalwtf::deadosama:

The whole light/dark skin complex is a terrible one but that might actually have to do with a disease like the MJ one.
It doesn't but in terms of skill set, the Somali language is useless.

lol yeah, the language of your ancestors is useless but the Swahili Bantu langauge will give you career boost so it's a great asset. Enjoy your 10K salary bump sxb, while I communicate and bond with my grandparents in my native tongue.
Somalis guys need to steal the style of Afar men or basically revert to their old style,




This style + Gym/Weights = Winning

I agree with some of your points but this(mop)hairstyle looks ridiculous.
I agree with some of your points but this(mop)hairstyle looks ridiculous.View attachment 4340



Why does it look ridiculous? Because Cadaan said so? The greatest civilisations such as the Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia all rock these hairstyle. Hair is an important trait is signifies health, aesthetic, vitality and region you are from. Never allow others to mock it, downplay it and prevent you from growing it. Short hair means conformity a silent death.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
You should read the work of Weston Price. He was a medical anthropologist in the 1920s that examined many indigenous groups across the globe. He found that those with good bone structure and facial symmetry ate a diet rich in fat soluble vitamins (A, E, D, K). These societies did not eat processed and refined grains and sugar. It was noted that once they adopted an urban diet they started to look less healthy and more unattractive. I'm convinced that if the west did not have orthodontics, then crooked teeth and protruding jaws would be the norm. It would take a couple of generations to wear off the effects. Women play a key role in this. So, if they are playing around with their health expect an epigentic effect that will impact the brain and physical health of their grandchildren. Men have more of an effect in the here-and-now, since within 6-months of healthy eating and physical activity they can influence the health of their children.
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