Somalis need to marry young

Why can't we allow people to marry when they want? Is that so hard to grasp.

Some people are mature and want to marry young. Some people are not emotionally ready for such a huge step.

With the finances though, you don't have to have kids straight away? If the gaals are able to cohabit and have steady relationships whilst broke, then why can't Muslims marry? Why do you need to pay an arm and a leg for a wedding party?

Young couples can get married, study ect and then have that dream honeymoon once they have established themselves. Can they not just live together, the way those cadaans cohabit with each other???
Depends, most guys are ciyaal from 18 - 22 (some until late 20s), whilst there are some guys (a minority) that hustle, make things happen, are disciplined in their goals, savings, priorities, family-oriented and have deen

If they have that in check, i would encourage them to get married ASAP, dont let anyone convince you you need to delay getting married by 1/2/3 years or 10 years for superificial reasons (need to have "more money" to provide), I know some people who said this and they are not any less broke at 30. Its all the Qadr of Allah, and people make it seem like getting married young inhibits your ability to make money and hustle?? When in the deen, the exact opposite is emphasised... nikkah and having kids are means to increase your sustenance, just have tawakkal in Allah but ALSO work hard!
Dont just say Allah provides, but you sit at home and do nothing, dont hustle, dont work on yourself/deen/family.

But yh if you are young and you fit the category of 18-22 and can provide, have good deen, and got the right focus, dont delay getting married!! Find someone compatible, and continue building your life up alongside her and Insha'Allah good things will happen for you. Dont delay walaaloyaal, protect yourself from this crazyy zina-filled society, complete half your deen, and continue hustling!

End of the day if its written for you, youll marry at 18 or at 35, works different for different people, and people have different life experiences, but in todays society we should actively encourage those who are able to get married young, to get married.
I know some young somali guys in my city who study/work, involved in their masjid, help their families, ambitious and getting things done

Why should they wait when they are well able and equipped? As a community we really need to change the mindset we have here in the west and instill hardwork, discipline, responsibility and deen in the guys from a young age. Sure, youre studying, thats understandable, why cant you do multiple things? Im sorry you CAN study, work, and do multiple other things, I've met older uncles who go to the library and study part time, work-fulltime, and take care of their families and are actively involved.

I mean if these uncles can do it with their huge responsibilities, you cant say "studying at university" or "focusing on your career" are barriers (ofc thats if those are your reasons only) because youve limited your capabilities to just that, you CAN focus on mulitple things if you want to if you choose to priotitise that and wallahi its not thag hard

