Somalis on TikTok telling the world that brown teeth is "our beauty standard" and "Culture".

Just because some people get brown stained tooth due to having too much fluoride in the water, does not make this cultural. It's certainly not Somali culture for girls to go to the dentist and get their teeth made brown on purpose!! Hoogayay ba'ay!!!!
What's next? Bleaching skin is our 'culture', people fattening themselves up with pills and caano boore is our 'culture'??!

Please stop defending this lunacy and describing it as our culture.

Look at how they shame us in front of the entire world.

She's pretty. Wood date 10/10

Even prettier when she didn't destroy her teeth

she’s a natural beauty but those brown poop stains on her teeth is making her less attractive

I like a girl with a good mouth hygiene please

The ones with natural stains are clean and normal people, it comes from too much fluoride in the water. But these girls? They're trying to outdo the natural ones and paying to have their teeth coloured and destroyed.

They're in for a shock if they ever leave Somalia and people are staring at the henna stains.

The ones with natural stains are clean and normal people, it comes from too much fluoride in the water. But these girls? They're trying to outdo the natural ones and paying to have their teeth coloured and destroyed.

They're in for a shock if they ever leave Somalia and people are staring at the henna stains.


While many people across the globe are paying thousands of dollars to whiten and clean their teeth’s these Fobs are doing the opposite of that. Talk about Low IQ πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

