Somalis on twitter give me headache

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Suicidal men adore me.
People saying dumb shit like we were slaves and we picked cotton. WHEEEN?

People calling themselves AA terms and forgetting about their ethnicity or just straight out denying it.

Just overall being super SJW lalalalalala kumbaya unicorns exists

Just being a twitter warriors.

No whatsoever clue.

Just a fucking embarrassment.

The SJWs have literally made every ethnic/race hate us on twitter. Everyday they are beefing with some other group. Some of them even Insulted their own mother and said doing simple house chores was oppression and akin to slavery.''My mom told me to make a sandwich, I am soo oppressed'' . Then they always have one or two ''White knight'' somali dudes supporting their rubbish to reaffirm them.

They preach ''Black'' on a constant like its a cult. They would literally insult their own parents and sell their own soul, chop off their own limbs just so they can be African American(black).

Its like all the worlds greatest self loathing Somalis assembled on twitter. I wish they could discontinue ''Somali twitter'' like they discontinued ''Somali topix''.
It's really sad. I know some of these users in person and they really do hate Somalis. I don't know why they want to be African American so badly. Maybe it is the feeling of being apart of a bigger cause. At least they aren't joining terrorist organisations, I guess. :p


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Noooo. Nooo Nooooooooo. If I could punch them I would. They need a reality check. What's your problem vice prez I've said this to you before.

I was just inquiring. You have some SJW moments.
Liiiiieees I'm a Radical Feminist Nationalistic Anti-Bantu Somali how is any of that SJW. SJWs hate Radical feminists and Nationalist and they worship bantus. I'm the definition of their nemesis.

Don't some radical feminists advocate exclusive lesbian relationships with occasional trips to the sperm bank?
Lol why dislike my comment?? I thought we were on the same side bashing SJWs?

Because you are insulting how your fellow Somalis look. They might be terribly misguided social justice warriors/afrocentrics but they are still our brothers and sisters,, collegues, and supporters, family and friends. But we should speak to these issues out of love.

They are I'm afraid a product of us. The only reason they hate themselves and reject Somali identity is because they lack a reference of self and live in a closet full of lies and negativity.

Identity is everything, and if you don't have it you will look for it in places that will ultimately frustrate and kill you. That's why some of them become ''Wahabis'' and ''SJWs''. You can tell these two groups are similar in their value formation and gives these people a sense of belonging/worth.

The problem however is that both ''Wahabism'' and ''SJWism'' removes them from Somali consciousness. That's why these two groups hate anything and everything Somali like a plague. Their communities thrive on self loathing disguised as elitism. Some of them are so utterly convinced that they are part of an elite, enlightened group fighting an aging generation of uneducated racists and sexists
On the Wahabi spectrum its an aging jaahiil generation of munafiiqs, fassiqs and kafiirs doing biddah iyo shirk.
The SJWs have literally made every ethnic/race hate us on twitter. Everyday they are beefing with some other group. Some of them even Insulted their own mother and said doing simple house chores was oppression and akin to slavery.''My mom told me to make a sandwich, I am soo oppressed'' . Then they always have one or two ''White knight'' somali dudes supporting their rubbish to reaffirm them.

They preach ''Black'' on a constant like its a cult. They would literally insult their own parents and sell their own soul, chop off their own limbs just so they can be African American(black).

Its like all the worlds greatest self loathing Somalis assembled on twitter. I wish they could discontinue ''Somali twitter'' like they discontinued ''Somali topix''.

Hopefully it's just a fad. Many of them are clearly battling with an inferiority complex as well as some severe daddy issues from their childhood.

This all falls back on us men to tell you the truth. If these odayaal had raised their children well, we wouldn't have to clean up after them.
I suggest a task force needs to be set up to tackle this issue
You're part of the problem. Your tirades against Somali women gives them ammunition and a justification. You re-affirm that Somali culture is "misogynistic" and that Somali men are intent on marginalizing and oppressing Somali women.

It's interesting how both extremes feed off of each other.
It's really sad. I know some of these users in person and they really do hate Somalis. I don't know why they want to be African American so badly. Maybe it is the feeling of being apart of a bigger cause. At least they aren't joining terrorist organisations, I guess. :p

Joining the AA cause and being liberal is "cool" these days. Most of them seem to be deeply ashamed of Somali culture which is why many of them claim "East African" or "Horner". Rarely will you find an Ethiopian or an Eritrean who claims these labels above their own nationality.
Contrast these self-hating kids with the Oromo and Habesha youth in the West.

I blame their parents, particularly the fathers, for not being good role models and teaching these kids to have dignity and respect for their culture. These guys would rather chill at the marfash, the coffee shop or even at the masjid (when it's not necessary) instead of being there for their kids. We need to shame these losers and anyone who is simply content with being on welfare when they have the ability to work. We need to raise our standards as a community.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
Honestly it's not that big of a deal, on twitter like all over the net you see the good, ugly and sometimes down right stupid of all ethnicities. :francis:
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