Somalis on twitter give me headache

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
You're part of the problem. Your tirades against Somali women gives them ammunition and a justification. You re-affirm that Somali culture is "misogynistic" and that Somali men are intent on marginalizing and oppressing Somali women.

It's interesting how both extremes feed off of each other.


I know you saw his quote notification!


No comment
Some young girls might read your comments and begin to despise Somali men because of them.

Everything that you post in indexed on Google. There are more people who read these threads without even having accounts than those who are actual members.

These emotional outbursts are counterproductive and you end up becoming a useful idiot for the very people whom you are trying to fight against. All these feminists have to do is point to your posts to prove that our culture is "misogynistic".

If you were the only one who made these comments it would be easy to refute them, but sadly there are more bitter Somali men online who post similar stuff. Of course they would choose some liberal ajnabi who makes them feel "special" over some insecure, overly emotional Faaraxs who bash their kin day and night. We need to be proactive if we don't want to empower these hateful feminists. People like you give them more than enough fuel.


Your superior
Some young girls might read your comments and begin to despise Somali men because of them.

Everything that you post in indexed on Google. There are more people who read these threads without even having accounts than those who are actual members.

These emotional outbursts are counterproductive and you end up becoming a useful idiot for the very people whom you are trying to fight against. All these feminists have to do is point to your posts to prove that our culture is "misogynistic".

If you were the only one who made these comments it would be easy to refute them, but sadly there are more bitter Somali men online who post similar stuff. Of course they would choose some liberal ajnabi who makes them feel "special" over some insecure, overly emotional Faaraxs who bash their kin day and night. We need to be proactive if we don't want to empower these hateful feminists. People like you give them more than enough fuel.

What comments are you speaking about
What's funny is that I stopped visiting Somali forums like 8 years ago and although a lot has changed, many things are still the same. Tribalism is still an issue amongst the youth even though most of them haven't even been back home. We still have bitter Faaraxs who bash women day and night, which reflects poorly on all of us as it makes us look insecure and weak. Meanwhile, thanks to Twitter, IG and Facebook (which weren't that big back in the day) westernised Somalis (SJW) are busy causing more divisions amongst us and their primary targets are our sisters.

We need to move past these outdated, primitive qabiil discussions and these emotional outbursts and slowly begin to raise the standards of the debates that we have. If you don't want these SJW misguiding your youth, you need to present a better alternative and a more compelling case for traditional Somali values.

So far all you have is insults, "my tribe can beat your tribe", Madow-bashing etc.. All of this makes us look weak and primitive and it makes these foreign ideologies look more inviting and "liberating".
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What comments are you speaking about

I've seen you bash Somali women and other Qabiils. I'm not singling you out sxb, I know that you're not the only one. I'm just trying to make a point that we need to start seeing the bigger picture if we want to save our youth and our culture. This is a public forum and everything that we post will be read by everyone from ajnabis to young, impressionable brothers and sisters. We need to be more strategic and less emotional. We need to stop treating social media like a simple hangout spot where we say the first thing that comes to our mind. We need to use it more strategically to further our own causes. That's exactly what the liberals and sjw are doing. This is why they are winning right now and misguiding our youth.

What the liberals offer seems more "fun" and "liberating". Do you expect them to choose fadhi ku dirir, Madow-bashing, xalimo-bashing, qabyaalad etc instead?
What's funny is that I stopped visiting Somali forums like 8 years ago and all the a lot has changed, many things are still the same. Tribalism is still an issue amongst the youth even though most of them haven't even been back home. We still have bitter Faaraxs who bash women day and night, which reflects poorly on all of us as it makes us look insecure and weak. Meanwhile, thanks to Twitter, IG and Facebook (which weren't that big back in the day) westernised Somalis (SJW) are busy causing more divisions amongst us and their primary targets are our sisters.

We need to move past these outdated, primitive qabiil discussions and these emotional outbursts and slowly begin to raise the standards of the debates that we have. If you don't want these SJW misguiding your youth, you need to present a better alternative and a more compelling case for traditional Somali values.

So far all you have is insults, "my tribe can beat your tribe", Madow-bashing etc.. All of this makes us look weak and primitive and it makes these foreign ideologies look more inviting and "liberating".
Calm down. Forums and what faraaxs say are not turning these chicks into SJWS nor is it fueling them or giving them amo.

I doubt people will take to the same thing. You will see xalimos bashing faraxs exceed more because of AA influence. Forums across cyber space are virtually the same. If you want to see who is bashing who go on twitter. The girls overthere have made career out of insulting dudes, so I can say they cant make a case out of us.

People are not making an example out of random forums on the internett saaxiib trust me. internett is not serious business.
Calm down. Forums and what faraaxs say are not turning these chicks into SJWS nor is it fueling them or giving them amo.

I doubt people will take to the same thing. You will see xalimos bashing faraxs exceed more because of AA influence. Forums across cyber space are virtually the same. If you want to see who is bashing who go on twitter. The girls overthere have made career out of insulting dudes, so I can say they cant make a case out of us.

People are not making an example out of random forums on the internett saaxiib trust me. internett is not serious business.

Sxb I'm older than you and have seen and experienced more than you. I've been around this crap for the better part of a decade. This is not me making an appeal to authority, I'm just saying that It's not as simple as you think. It's all interconnected.

Online forums are a microcosm of what goes on in the real world. These girls see absentee fathers, qabiilist deadbeat Faaraxs, and overall backwardness - that's what they associate with Somali-ness. Then they are presented with a sexier, more appealing and more "modern" ideology in liberalism/feminism. It's a very simple choice to make.

Keep in mind that there is a silent audience out there that's watching from the sidelines. You will not succeed in turning the hardcore Twitter feminists so they shouldn't even be your primary target. Your goal is to present a rational, coherent, compelling case for why our cultural values are relevant in the western world. The moment you become emotional and begin to embody the typical Somali stereotype is the moment that you lose these impressionable youth.

All I'm saying is that we need to be more constructive and more proactive if we want to turn the tide. Simply bashing them and being overly emotional is definitely not the way forward.
Sxb I'm older than you and have seen and experienced more than you. I've been around this crap for the better part of a decade. This is not me making an appeal to authority, I'm just saying that It's not as simple as you think. It's all interconnected.

Online forums are a microcosm of what goes on in the real world. These girls see absentee fathers, qabiilist deadbeat Faaraxs, and overall backwardness. Then they are presented with a sexier, more appealing and more "modern" ideology in liberalism/feminism. It's a very simple choice to make.

Keep in mind that there is a silent audience out there that's watching from the sidelines. You will not succeed in turning the hardcore Twitter feminists so they shouldn't even be your primary target. Your goal is to present a rational, coherent, compelling case for why our cultural values are relevant in the western world. The moment you become emotional and begin to embody the typical Somali stereotype is the moment that you lose these impressionable youth.

All I'm saying is that we need to be more constructive and more proactive if we want to turn the tide. Simply bashing them and being overly emotional is definitely not the way forward.

Trust me Saaxiib ive spent time studying this crap and it has very little to do with what you are saying. It is mostly driven by media influence and colleges who indoctrinate them. Which is aided by the fact that they lack an identity as well. They dont have an alternative narrative or positive refrence of self. Because somalis are absent when it comes to educating our youth & little no concious media to counter the alien perspectives.

Even Somali intellectuals have written papers about the drivers behind it and its not internett forums or faraaxs which is making them liberal/feminists its mass media/Social media and colleges its not something exclusive to us. This whole trend is happening to most groups in the west. The only issue is with Somalis we have baggage from the civil war fueling this that's why there is a disproportionality compared to other groups

These forums can serve as a counter narrative to these views, ideologies which they have adopted from the mainstream and it has as a matter of fact. I have single handedly changed how some people view things simply by my posts. I and others have been making constructively those compelling cases you speak of.

You need to be calm and not jump into assumptions brother.
^ read my post again and then re-read what you wrote. You pretty much confirmed what I was saying.

Aren't you 16? How long have you been "studying" this? Since you were 14? Sxb seriously speaking, you're a very bright guy and it clearly shows but you clearly lack the ability to have a mature discussion about these topics. You're very stubborn and sometimes it seems like you're arguing just for the sake of it.
^ read my post again and then re-read what you wrote. You pretty much confirmed what I was saying.

Aren't you 16? How long have you been "studying" this? Since you were 14? Sxb seriously speaking, you're a very bright guy and it clearly shows but you clearly lack the ability to have a mature discussion about these topics. You're very stubborn and sometimes it seems like you're arguing just for the sake of it.

No you are stating that faraaxs making jokes, forums,absentee fathers or deatbeats, backward families are making them this way and that's just not true. I haven't seen any correlation and ive heard people make this case before it just doesn't correlate. Perhaps the whole communal aspect of somali culture has something to do with it, which is failing in a individualistic western society. Since there is correlation backing when you compare them to somalis in non-western countries.

Some people make jokes on here about me you shouldn't take em seriously. Since I am youth myself I can relate and im qualified to speak about this topic pertaining to other youth. Its not odd at all, it would be odd if I spoke of 60 year old geezers.

Just because I'm youth doesn't mean I'm an incomplete adult in training diapers, who you can just dismiss on dime. ''You are going to grow out of it'' is what most say to me on a daily basis. It makes hard for me to make an accepted argument or a case if every opinion I have is something I'm going to grow out of.

Not stubborn I can rationalize dissagrements like the greeks used to say its a mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it.
@Geeljire @Raganimo you guys are both right with most of you points.

Somalis are like asians. In a few years what has happend to the asian community in western society will happen to somalis. Big difference is that asians have positive things going for them that could be protective against self hate and being sell outs. Women are the way to gauge this. They will be the first to jump ship. From low valued rank to higher ones.
@Geeljire @Raganimo you guys are both right with most of you points.

Somalis are like asians. In a few years what has happend to the asian community in western society will happen to somalis. Big difference is that asians have positive things going for them that could be protective against self hate and being sell outs. Women are the way to gauge this. They will be the first to jump ship. From low valued rank to higher ones.

Asians hate themselves because of media . They have everything going for them like high grade averagee. functioning high tech countries , paraded as model minorities. When it comes culture, business and education, identity they have it good in lock and key. Say when was the last time you saw an Asian SJW or Chinese muslim who become a jihadist? You wont see many. The only thing they hate is how they look because of media but are made to confirm by their highly institutionalized culture.

Unlike Somalis the civil war created a huge vacuum and allowed us to become polarized. The effects shows in this generation, this has been 25 years in the making. We need to reconstruct ourselves and not deconstruct ourselves.


Liiiiieees I'm a Radical Feminist Nationalistic Anti-Bantu Somali how is any of that SJW. SJWs hate Radical feminists and Nationalist and they worship bantus. I'm the definition of their nemesis.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
These people are utterly insignificant retards given a platform to air their bullshit. The Arab SJWs are a far greater threat. They're the ones waging a campaign that has actually had tangible results since the civil war with every other newborn given some obscure Arab name and toddlers forced to wear jilbaabs

Twitter is a sewage pool! I have seen from we are slaves to we are oromo to the everyday question "where did we come from, are we arabs?" and it is so sad how much validation and acceptence these people look for. Twitter is filled with two types of somalis:

Group 1: the SJW who breath black and who know the killings of black men by the cops(I agree this is wrong but blacks are about 50million let them solve their problems). We are like a quarter a million in all of North America...why would we dedicate part of our already small number to fighting for the rights of a group who are 100X more numerous than us?

Group 2: The arab loving slaves. These are the type that say we are arabs or we are mixed. They have something like "home is where the heart is" on their twitter bios and then have Egypt/Syria/Jeddah and etc.. right after that. They will say samosa instead of sambusa and they wear backward indian "sari" when they get married and play arab songs in their wedding. They are the ones who organize free palestine rally's and they are the first ones to know if a donkey has been killed in Syria. The moment you say why don't you focus on your problems..they will always say "somalis did that to themselves" .

If these things piss you off then twitter is not for you unless you want to counter them.
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