Ancient Somali cityOne got rid of their dictator, the other didn't. Siad Barre will always be a better alternative to what came afterwards.
Likewise you can shit on Chinese dictator's all you want but their massacres, authoritian rule and decade long plans saved them. Same with the Soviet Union.
Scripts don't determine anything, Somalia has had cities for millenia's and even though its barely been studied there's all sorts of shit written around the country as noted by colonialist forces in Northern Somalia (in this particular case Brits chasing the Mullah).
Ancient Chinese city
It's just not comparable, you can call them both cities to cope, but they are not the same.
There is a difference between writing and having a structured written language that records history.there was writing in Somalia long before large parts of Europe, that doesn't explain why one is developed while the other lives in rafaad. Next time you have a stupid take, take moment to think about it.
I can read over 2000 year old records about the details of China's tax policy. The other had an agreed upon script made in the 60s and paints food and drink to a wall to indicate a restaurant in 2021. This is the difference between the 2 you are trying to compare.