Somalis watching anime


Stroking my Australinimo
@Material and @Regg post your wives now
Olga Discordia. :banderas:

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Anime has been introduced into North America decades ago for instance Astroboy, Speed Racer, My Little Pony, Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball/Z and Sakura just to name a few. It has greatly influenced popular culture and is more than just a fringe, basement dwellers indulgence.


I cringe so hard when I see a gay ass skinny somali nigga watching that shit. Lol and you know they hop on Discord servers and say cringe asf stuff.

Just knowing its a farax behind it too is the cherry on top. You're farax not Desmond :mjlol:
I prefer anime over live action shows because the episodes are usually much shorter, I don't like sitting down for nearly an hour watching one episode :manny:


Deku 💚
I prefer anime over live action shows because the episodes are usually much shorter, I don't like sitting down for nearly an hour watching one episode :manny:
nah, anime has low quantity and quality

just the gay nigga main character gasping over some big boobs lady for a minute, then some gay ass fight goes on with the character saying some gay ass life lesson shit after he gets BTFO, some gay ass kids shit walahi
nah, anime has low quantity and quality

just the gay nigga main character gasping over some big boobs lady for a minute, then some gay ass fight goes on with the character saying some gay ass life lesson shit after he gets BTFO, some gay ass kids shit walahi

There are multiple genres of anime... it's not just DBZ and Naruto... :gucciwhat:

