Somalis were Sufi and Shafi’i for over 700 years, how did Wahhabism/Salafism wipe it out in 2 generations?

Nobody before Ibn Taymiyyah considered this haram. All four madhabs consider this halal. The reason why it is halal is the same reason you can do tawwasul through the prophet(saw).

Hadith of Uthman ibn Hunayf (Allah be pleased with him) in which the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) advised a man complaining of blindness to offer two Rak’ats prayer and then supplicate saying, “O Allah, I ask you and turn to you through my Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy…” (Tirmidhi) The same Uthman ibn Hunayf, after the passing of the Prophet (peace be upon him), advised a person who visited him repeatedly, concerning something he needed, to do the same. (Al-Mu’jam al-Kabir of Tabarani and classed as authentic (sahih) by al-Bayhaqi, Mundhiri, al-Haythami and others).
Show me evidence, that you can make tawassul through a dead saint. I want actual scholarly opinions.

We're not talking about the Prophet s.a.w. I'm talking about any righteous person. The prophet s.a.w was a different matter all together as his soul would be given back to him when people Salam him, so intercession in that situation might make sense, but we're talking about a saint.

Show me actual scholarly proof that the Sahaba, the Tabe'en and the early Muslims did this ect.
Salafi and athari are two completely different things.

Salafis are followers of ibn taymiyyah, and muhammad ibn abdul wahabb.

Likewise, salafis don’t believe in following a madhab. They believe in following the “Quran and sunnah” only (as if madhabs don’t either).

Ibn taymiyyah and muhammad ibn abdul wahabb, and anyone inspired by their teachings should be banned across somalia from preaching.
I don’t think you know what a madhab is. A madhab is a school of thought in fiah. You can follow any madhab you want. Mohammed Bin Abdulwahab followed the Hanbali school of fiqh. Salafis follow the athari school of thought in Aqeedah.

Ibn taiymiyyah and MIAW differentiated themselves from sufis via Aqeedah. I bet you have never read one of his books, yet you are out here making uneducated claims. Stay in your lane. And salafi means to follow the way of the Salaf, who are the prophet, sahaba, tabi‘i etc.

Sufis follow mostly ashar’i aqeedah, made by Abu’l Hassan Al-Ashar’i. Ironically, Abu’l Hassan Al-Ashar’i repented from his works in aqeedah, and followed the way of the salaf, specifically Ahmad bin Hanbal. Read his book Al-Ibānah ‘an Usool Ad-Diyānah if you don’t believe me 🤷‍♂️
There’s an important reason why pagans, jews christians etc all worship others beside Allah. They worship others because of they’ve already committed shirk in Allah’s Lordship.

Worship is only a result of believing in Rububiyyah, meaning a person can’t have tawheed of Lordship but be mushrik in uluhiyyah. it’s impossible as rububiyyah & uluhiyyah are inclusive of each other

Anyone who believes in another god besides Allah is guilty of shirk Rububiyyah as they’ve ascribed partners to Allah in His Lordship.

Why does a christian worship Jesus ? They worship him because they believe he’s their Lord so how can they have tawheed in Allah’s Lordship when they’ve already ascribed Jesus as a partner in His Lordship ?

As you can see worship is directly tied to Lordship, if anyone worships other than Allah then this means they’re guilty of shirk in Lordship, their deviation in Allah’s Lordship is what led them to worship others besides Allah.

If anyone is guilty of twisting anything then it’s the likes of Miaw & his followers who affirm tawheed Rububiyyah to people who clearly commit shirk in Rububiyyah.

How can the prayer of an atheist be accepted when they don’t acknowledge Allah ?

It’s ONLY Muslims who believe in the Oneness of Allah, all others commit shirk. This is what separates us from them.

The reason why salafis today are so against rebellion against rulers is because the situation has changed previously they were never the ones in control. When the actions of their former ulama etc came to affect them now they had to act to & separate themselves from groups like isis. What’s funny is that they still consider what the early najdis did to be legitimate it’s a cognitive dissonance
you are mistaking Uluhiyah with rubuubiyah. Uluhiyah means that all forms of worship belong only to Allah. Rubuubiyah implies that Allah has all power over His creation. Please stop making uneducated claims regarding MIAW regarding his teachings, you’ve clearly not read his books etc.
ISIS are khawarijj and have naught to do with MIAW. They twist the ayahs of the quran regarding jihad. And the Najdis of the time arose at a time, when people were basically worshipping graves


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Lol, I said show me a scholarly view. The prophet is different as his soul is given back to him, when you salam him, others haven't been given that privilege.

There is a huge difference. Anyone can make dua for you who is alive. There is no debate about that. Whilst alive my deeds and dua are answered. Once dead, i'm of no use to anyone and that includes the righteous as well. They need the living to make dua FOR them, if they have children or relatives, the relatives may start sadaqa FOR them ect.

It is a fact, that once dead you can't even help yourself. You'll be be judged by the dua and the deeds you've done in the DUNYA. So, if you can't even help yourself, in what world can you help others?

It’s part of the sunnah to send greetings to the deceased when visiting the graves. The Prophet peace be upon him taught the Companions to say upon passing by a graveyard

, “Peace be upon you O inhabitants of the graves, believers and those who have submitted to God (Muslims). May God have mercy on those who passed away first and those who will pass away later, and we will, by the will of God, join you.”

And in another Hadith we learn that the dead respond back to the greetings

Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “None of you passes by the grave of a fellow believer that he knew in this life and sends salutations to him except that the deceased recognizes him and responds to his salutation.”

This establishes without a doubt that the deceased do hear and can respond back all of this happens by the Will of Allah.

Shirk is not about living or dead but about the beliefs one has which is why if one has shirki beliefs about the one he seeks intercession from whether alive or dead it’s classified as shirk.

However if there’s no shirk in belief involved either with the living or deceased then seeking tawassul with them is permissible. This has been the norm throughout Islamic history there’s been differences of opinions about it by scholars except for ibn taymiyyah & those who followed him who said it bidah.

Some restricted seeking intercession from the deceased to the Prophet peace be upon him Only while others extended it to the pious & righteous.

Even albani in his book about tawassul despite saying it’s not allowed admits the following pg 38


It’s part of the sunnah to send greetings to the deceased when visiting the graves. The Prophet peace be upon him taught the Companions to say upon passing by a graveyard

, “Peace be upon you O inhabitants of the graves, believers and those who have submitted to God (Muslims). May God have mercy on those who passed away first and those who will pass away later, and we will, by the will of God, join you.”

And in another Hadith we learn that the dead respond back to the greetings

Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “None of you passes by the grave of a fellow believer that he knew in this life and sends salutations to him except that the deceased recognizes him and responds to his salutation.”

This establishes without a doubt that the deceased do hear and can respond back all of this happens by the Will of Allah.

Shirk is not about living or dead but about the beliefs one has which is why if one has shirki beliefs about the one he seeks intercession from whether alive or dead it’s classified as shirk.

However if there’s no shirk in belief involved either with the living or deceased then seeking tawassul with them is permissible. This has been the norm throughout Islamic history there’s been differences of opinions about it by scholars except for ibn taymiyyah & those who followed him who said it bidah.

Some restricted seeking intercession from the deceased to the Prophet peace be upon him Only while others extended it to the pious & righteous.

Even albani in his book about tawassul despite saying it’s not allowed admits the following pg 38

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Where is your proof that the majority believed you can do tawaasul through a dead saint. You keep on saying that Ibn Taymiyyah is the only person that was against it. Even Sh. Hanbali was against it apart from doing so through Prophet s.a.w.

Okay, show me a Fatwa by Imaam-Ash-Shawkaanee in terms of his proofs and why he believes so.

The thing is Tawaasuf through the Prophet is rather different as we know that Allah gives him back his soul, especially through Salams ect. Hence, ypur proof establishes nothing.

My thing is that after a person dies, how can their dua help you in anyway? The dead cannot help themselves let alone others.

You cannot say that the dead without doubt can hear. Aisha and many other Sahaba's as well as Quraan interpretations say otherwise. Clearly there has been a difference of opinion during the very early Muslims.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Aduunka, i've asked you to give me scholarly view that one can do Tawassul through dead saints. Provide hadiths and references please.

We're both lay people, do technically both us don't know much. Our opinions are irrelevant in the matter.

I’ve already told you that the evidence for seeking tawassul with the living establishes tawassul with the deceased. Furthermore we’ve narrations that establish that the deceased do hear and can respond.

Unless there’s explicit evidence from shariah forbidding tawassul with the deceased it’s deemed to be permissible. Scholars also use the Hadith of tawassul of umar through ibn abbas as evidence for allowing intercession with the righteous. This what ibn hajr al asqalani says in fath al Bari

The benefit from this story regarding al-'Abbas is that it's desirable to seek intercession (Istishfa') through righteous people and the Prophet’s family (Ahl al-Bayt), and in it is the merit of al-'Abbas and [also] the merit of 'Umar due to his humbleness before al-'Abbas and his recognition of his [due] right.

Imam shawkani uses the same narration as evidence to allow intercession with the righteous.
I’ve already told you that the evidence for seeking tawassul with the living establishes tawassul with the deceased. Furthermore we’ve narrations that establish that the deceased do hear and can respond.
Where is your scholarly argument? The living cannot be compared to the dead. Everyone know that you can ask anyone that is alive to make dua for you. So how is that proof walal?
Unless there’s explicit evidence from shariah forbidding tawassul with the deceased it’s deemed to be permissible. Scholars also use the Hadith of tawassul of umar through ibn abbas as evidence for allowing intercession with the righteous. This what ibn hajr al asqalani says in fath al Bari

The benefit from this story regarding al-'Abbas is that it's desirable to seek intercession (Istishfa') through righteous people and the Prophet’s family (Ahl al-Bayt), and in it is the merit of al-'Abbas and [also] the merit of 'Umar due to his humbleness before al-'Abbas and his recognition of his [due] right.

Imam shawkani uses the same narration as evidence to allow intercession with the righteous.
Again, Umar and Abbas were seeking tawassul through the living. There is no dispute that making tawassul through people that are alive is acceptable. That is normal.

Show me an actual fatwa by scholars outlining with other proofs that making tawassul through a DEAD person, other than the Prophet s.a.w is acceptable.

I've said this so many times, there is a clear difference between a living and dead and those hadiths were all about tawassul through the living. We're NOT debating that.


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
you are mistaking Uluhiyah with rubuubiyah. Uluhiyah means that all forms of worship belong only to Allah. Rubuubiyah implies that Allah has all power over His creation. Please stop making uneducated claims regarding MIAW regarding his teachings, you’ve clearly not read his books etc.
ISIS are khawarijj and have naught to do with MIAW. They twist the ayahs of the quran regarding jihad. And the Najdis of the time arose at a time, when people were basically worshipping graves

You quoted without understanding what the issue was. At least go read before you decide to make accusation.

if someone asks you why do you worship Allah, what will your answer be ? You will answer He is the ONLY true Rabb no else deserves to be worshipped except Him. Meaning your worship of Allah is directly tied to Him being the Rabb, ie worship is the result of affirming Rububiyyah to Allah.

When people worship others besides Allah they do so because they’ve ascribed a partner to Allah in His Rububiyyah this is why they worship other gods with Him.

Miaw claimed that christians, jews, pagan arabs all of them affirm tawheed Rububiyyah and that they committed only shirk in Uluhiyyah. This is completely false and contradicts Quran, as the Quran affirms they all committed shirk Rububiyyah.

How can christians who believe that Jesus is their Lord affirm tawheed Rububiyyah? please explain this

Isis & co are only following the footsteps of early najdi dawah, how come you consider them to be khawarij but not the najdis when both of them are identical in their actions in terms of killing muslims, accusing of them of committing major shirk etc.

The early najdis like isis of today believe that they’re the only muslims & anyone who’s against them or even doesn’t joint them is a kafir to them.

How can the majority of muslims land be engaged in major shirk ? How is this any different to what isis & alshabab believe ?


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Where is your proof that the majority believed you can do tawaasul through a dead saint. You keep on saying that Ibn Taymiyyah is the only person that was against it. Even Sh. Hanbali was against it apart from doing so through Prophet s.a.w.

Okay, show me a Fatwa by Imaam-Ash-Shawkaanee in terms of his proofs and why he believes so.

The thing is Tawaasuf through the Prophet is rather different as we know that Allah gives him back his soul, especially through Salams ect. Hence, ypur proof establishes nothing.

My thing is that after a person dies, how can their dua help you in anyway? The dead cannot help themselves let alone others.

You cannot say that the dead without doubt can hear. Aisha and many other Sahaba's as well as Quraan interpretations say otherwise. Clearly there has been a difference of opinion during the very early Muslims.
Please stop arguing for the sake of I’ve corrected you twice now in your understanding of the Hadith

Where did you get that imam hanbal was against it ? the only report from him was about tawassul of the Prophet peace be upon him not that he rejected other than him.

Ibn taymiyyah denied tawassul with the Prophet peace be upon him the same type that imam hanbal allowed. Before him no hanbali imam rejected tawassul with the Prophet peace be upon him.

I just cited a narration that confirms that deceased muslim respond back to the greetings as well. Why ignore it ? Evidence is not accepted on whether it aligns with what you believe in but on its own merit.

An admission from albani who’s considered to be a major salafi scholar is more than enough to establish my claim that imam shawkani allowed tawassul with the righteous. If you’re not willing to accept what albani says here then that’s upto you

There’s more narrations that prove that the dead do hear & they’re explicit. Even ibn taymiyyah accepts this and he lists a number of proofs. Yes there was difference of opinion in this issue but it doesn’t negate what I stated. It doesn’t make sense for the Prophet peace be upon him to instruct his companions to greet the deceased if the deceased couldn’t hear


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Where is your scholarly argument? The living cannot be compared to the dead. Everyone know that you can ask anyone that is alive to make dua for you. So how is that proof walal?

Again, Umar and Abbas were seeking tawassul through the living. There is no dispute that making tawassul through people that are alive is acceptable. That is normal.

Show me an actual fatwa by scholars outlining with other proofs that making tawassul through a DEAD person, other than the Prophet s.a.w is acceptable.

I've said this so many times, there is a clear difference between a living and dead and those hadiths were all about tawassul through the living. We're NOT debating that.
Why can’t the deceased be not able to make dua ? Is it forbidden, kufr shirk etc ? Is there an explicit ayah that states so ? If being dead was a limitation then no scholar would’ve permitted tawassul with the Prophet peace be upon him

Combine that with the narrations about the deceased being able to hear & respond. We can understand why the scholars allowed it.

The scholars who were talking about the tawassul of umar didn’t limit it to just the living. The Hadith about the prophet peace be upon him teaching the blind man about the dua was when he was alive but these scholars didn’t say that the dua only applied when the Prophet peace be upon him was alive .

You’re contradicting yourself here in one instance you accept that the Prophet peace be upon him can make dua while being dead but immediately start asking questions how it’s possible for a another dead person to make dua for you ?

What you don’t understand is that in all cases it’s through the Will of Allah that makes it possible for us to seek intercession whether dead or alive.
It is narrated from Utbi who said:

I was sitting near the tomb of Nabi ﷺ, when a Bedouin came and said:
‘Peace be upon you, Yā RasūlAllāh, I have heard Allāh say, “And if they [Muslims] have transgressed upon their souls, then let them come to you and seek Allāh’s forgiveness; and the Messenger will intercede for them, and they shall find that Allāh táālā is Oft-forgiving, the Merciful.”(4:64) And I have come to you [O Nabī] seeking forgiveness for my sins and your intercession with my Lord,’ and he recited the following lines:

"O best of those whose bones are buried in the deep Earth, And from whose fragrance the depth
and the height have become sweet, May I be the ransom for a grave which thou inhabit,
And in which are found purity."

The bedouin went away and I was overcome by sleep. I saw Nabi ﷺ in my dream and He ﷺ said:
‘O Utbi, follow the bedouin and give him the good news that Allah has forgiven him.’”

- Ibn Kathir, Tafsir-ul-Qur'an al-Azim Volume 4, Page 140 under the Verse 4:64 or (1/520-521) or Volume 1 page 713.
- Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Ahkam al-Qur’an 5:265 under the Verse 4:64
- Ibn Qudamah in al-Mughni (Kitab Al Hajj: Wa Yustahabbu Ziyarat Qabr An Nabi ﷺ -“Chapter on Visiting the Grave of the Prophet)." Volume 5, Page 46) or (3/599) or Vol 3 page 556 or 2278.
- Imam an-Nawawi in his Adhkar (pages 265-66) and al-Idah fi manasik al-Hajj, chapters on visiting the grave of the Prophet ﷺ



Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
It is narrated from Utbi who said:

I was sitting near the tomb of Nabi ﷺ, when a Bedouin came and said:
‘Peace be upon you, Yā RasūlAllāh, I have heard Allāh say, “And if they [Muslims] have transgressed upon their souls, then let them come to you and seek Allāh’s forgiveness; and the Messenger will intercede for them, and they shall find that Allāh táālā is Oft-forgiving, the Merciful.”(4:64) And I have come to you [O Nabī] seeking forgiveness for my sins and your intercession with my Lord,’ and he recited the following lines:

"O best of those whose bones are buried in the deep Earth, And from whose fragrance the depth
and the height have become sweet, May I be the ransom for a grave which thou inhabit,
And in which are found purity."

The bedouin went away and I was overcome by sleep. I saw Nabi ﷺ in my dream and He ﷺ said:
‘O Utbi, follow the bedouin and give him the good news that Allah has forgiven him.’”

- Ibn Kathir, Tafsir-ul-Qur'an al-Azim Volume 4, Page 140 under the Verse 4:64 or (1/520-521) or Volume 1 page 713.
- Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Ahkam al-Qur’an 5:265 under the Verse 4:64
- Ibn Qudamah in al-Mughni (Kitab Al Hajj: Wa Yustahabbu Ziyarat Qabr An Nabi ﷺ -“Chapter on Visiting the Grave of the Prophet)." Volume 5, Page 46) or (3/599) or Vol 3 page 556 or 2278.
- Imam an-Nawawi in his Adhkar (pages 265-66) and al-Idah fi manasik al-Hajj, chapters on visiting the grave of the Prophet ﷺ

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Important point to note that this issue of intercession was an issue of fiqh not kufr or shirk.

From my knowledge miaw was the first person to consider seeking intercession from the deceased at their graves as major shirk & declared takfir on muslims as a result. This is why until today salafis continually accuse muslims of shirk on this exact issue.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
If u want go be a Sufi and dance around in the mosque wit ur homies lol Sufism isn’t illegal back home people choose not to follow it for a reason


I don’t think you know what a madhab is. A madhab is a school of thought in fiah. You can follow any madhab you want. Mohammed Bin Abdulwahab followed the Hanbali school of fiqh. Salafis follow the athari school of thought in Aqeedah.

Ibn taiymiyyah and MIAW differentiated themselves from sufis via Aqeedah. I bet you have never read one of his books, yet you are out here making uneducated claims. Stay in your lane. And salafi means to follow the way of the Salaf, who are the prophet, sahaba, tabi‘i etc.

Sufis follow mostly ashar’i aqeedah, made by Abu’l Hassan Al-Ashar’i. Ironically, Abu’l Hassan Al-Ashar’i repented from his works in aqeedah, and followed the way of the salaf, specifically Ahmad bin Hanbal. Read his book Al-Ibānah ‘an Usool Ad-Diyānah if you don’t believe me 🤷‍♂️
MIAW is not a Hanbali, he killed Hanbali scholars, even his own brother who was Athari/Hanbali scholar almost got assassinated by him.

Due to Saudi oil, they have spread their propoganda in the west for their wahhabi/salafi sect and dominate English resources. When I first learnt about the deen, in 2014, I fell into the salafi sect. But I learnt about the true history of their sect and read their books and repented back in 2015/2016 through the help of some knowledgable people back on islamic awakening forum who showed the true history of that sect and their beliefs.

Ash’ari people are ASWJ, and I’m far closer to them than I am to Salafis/Wahhabis who are not ASWJ. I don’t follow Ashari beliefs as I am Athari however. But I am still a Sufi as was everyone else in the ummah historically.

ISIS , Al Shabab and Al Qaeda are all much tamer than MIAW. So it’s ironic you are calling them khawarij when he makes them look innocent.
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I did say this, check post #66. But although he is a scholar of Islam, he was controversial and fringe. He is nothing like MIAW at all, but his teachings today have been used to spread extremism and there is no way around that.

Somalia needs to follow Egypt’s lead and ban all Salafis.

“The Egyptian Ministry of Religious Endowments have launched a campaign to remove the books of scholars that belong to the Salafi movement from all mosques in Egypt.

Names of scholars whose books are to be removed or confiscated:-

– Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab
– Imam Ibn Taymiyyah
– Sheikh Ibn Baz
– Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
– Sheikh Abu Ishaq al-Huweini
– Sheikh Mohamed Hussein Yacoub
– Sheikh Mohammed Hassan

They have already confiscated 7000 books and CDs from mosque libraries in Cairo, Alexandria and Giza. The authors of these materials include:

– Sheikh Wagdi al-Ghoneim
– Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi
– Sheikh Muhammad al-Maqsood
– Yasser al-Burhami
– Sheikh Abu Ishaq al-Huweini
– Sheikh Mohamed Hussein Yacoub
– Sheikh Mohammed Hassan

The ministry’s department is currently launching an inspection campaign on mosques and libraries in all provinces, to make sure they are free of any books and media calling for “militancy and extremism”.”

like I said a lot of Muslim countries are against those with al shabab mentality so Somalia will either join them or continue suffering from terrorism and extremism.
I know things are not good now, but you guys romanticize the past too much. sufis are not perfect either :noneck: we need to find a middle path between salafism and sufism called ISLAM the way the Prophet (saw) taught it,we don't follow our "forefathers" or ibn abdulwahab:comeon:

dangers of following your ancestors for the sake of tradition in the quran: "When it is said to them, “Follow what Allah has revealed,” they reply, “No! We ˹only˺ follow what we found our forefathers practicing.” ˹Would they still do so,˺ even if their forefathers had ˹absolutely˺ no understanding or guidance?"

and no since people here love to jump to conclusions and not read let me save time now and say I am not salafi either:/ I'm not for black and white or extremes....


I know things are not good now, but you guys romanticize the past too much. sufis are not perfect either :noneck: we need to find a middle path between salafism and sufism called ISLAM the way the Prophet (saw) taught it,we don't follow our "forefathers" or ibn abdulwahab:comeon:
I agree. Coming from a sufi background I do not support a few of their practices but I do believe they are peaceful people unlike these crazy salafis. If I had to choose between the two for Somalia I would go back to our sufi Somalia.

But aqeedah wise I would just encourage Somalis to just practice the sunnah of the prophet, follow the Quran and authentic Hadith and leave it at that.