Somalis who hate Bashar Al Assad

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Citizen of Southwest State
I just want to know on what account do you hate this man who has never harmed a Somali person.

It's 100% fact that pre-war Syria was the most welcoming Arab country for Somalis. These ungrateful fucks were given grants to study in Syrian universities, they went there to study Islam, they went there for cheap healthcare and dental care, they went there to make a living. :lawd::banderas:

Please tell me why you hate Bashar al Assad. You can't give me one good reason.

"But...but...he's killing our Sunni brothers!!!" :draketf:

His wife is Sunni, the Syrian prime minister is Sunni, the Defence minister is Sunni, the foreign minister is Sunni, the interior minister is Sunni, the justice minister is Sunni, etc. The majority of the Syrian military is Sunni. :drakewtf:

Syria is a secular state where regardless of religious background you could enjoy life. There wasn't any sectarianism.

Inshallah, every single Somali dog who has gone to Syria will be killed. They are ruining someone's country.:nasmad:

Imagine if terrorists from all over the world came to wage war on your ancestral tuulo, killed all the inhabitants, raped all the women, created havoc, etc.:meleshame:

That's what these Somali dogs are doing in Syria.

Ungrateful s, wallahi these people are cursed. :ohlord:

You hate Bashar al Assad because your Saudi master who you're sending your mothers and daughters to told you to hate him. :ohlord:If the Saudis tell s that they will get ajr from jumping off a cliff, these animals would do it. :ohlord:

I wish the worst for every Somali terrorist fighting in Syria and making life for Syrians that more difficult. The Syrian people are some of the best people in the world wallahi, they don't deserve diseased vultures scavenging on their country. Rant over.

Halyeey Bashar al Assad keep doing what you're doing my nigga.:denzelnigga:

Syrian Army is about to liberate Raqqa soon.:denzelnigga:
This is like asking 'why do Somalis hate fir'aun??? he has done nothing to you Somalis'. Only for the fact he is the worst kaffir and tyrant who has declared war on Islam and the Muslims of Syria. He's not even a raafidah as the regular raafidah have declared them the nusayris to be apostates from their religion. Did that sink in?? The already polytheistic raafidah have declared the nusayris to be so bankrupt that it is kufr according to their understanding of Islam. Many of the classical ulemah of ahlus sunnah have stated that the nusayris are even worse disbelievers than the Jews and the Christians.

Bashar ash-shaytan is the biggest taghout of the century and certainly the modern day fir'aun. Those people you claim to be apart of his government and his military are certainly not sunnis but I will withhold takfir. This is what this the false idol bashar ash-shaytan requires of his government officials and military

This devil's hatred of Ahlus Sunnah and the crimes he has committed against Ahlus Sunnah are innumerable and would require multiple posts that would fill this entire page. I would just call you an ignoramus and leave it at that for no true Muslim with tawheed in his heart can have anything but the greatest hatred for this vile shaytaan.
This is like asking 'why do Somalis hate fir'aun??? he has done nothing to you Somalis'. Only for the fact he is the worst kaffir and tyrant who has declared war on Islam and the Muslims of Syria. He's not even a raafidah as the regular raafidah have declared them the nusayris to be apostates from their religion. Did that sink in?? The already polytheistic raafidah have declared the nusayris to be so bankrupt that it is kufr according to their understanding of Islam. Many of the classical ulemah of ahlus sunnah have stated that the nusayris are even worse disbelievers than the Jews and the Christians.

Bashar ash-shaytan is the biggest taghout of the century and certainly the modern day fir'aun. Those people you claim to be apart of his government and his military are certainly not sunnis but I will withhold takfir. This is what this the false idol bashar ash-shaytan requires of his government officials and military

This devil's hatred of Ahlus Sunnah and the crimes he has committed against Ahlus Sunnah are innumerable and would require multiple posts that would fill this entire page. I would just call you an ignoramus and leave it at that for no true Muslim with tawheed in his heart can have anything but the greatest hatred for this vile shaytaan.

Shut up
I just want to know on what account do you hate this man who has never harmed a Somali person.

It's 100% fact that pre-war Syria was the most welcoming Arab country for Somalis. These ungrateful fucks were given grants to study in Syrian universities, they went there to study Islam, they went there for cheap healthcare and dental care, they went there to make a living. :lawd::banderas:

Please tell me why you hate Bashar al Assad. You can't give me one good reason.

"But...but...he's killing our Sunni brothers!!!" :draketf:

His wife is Sunni, the Syrian prime minister is Sunni, the Defence minister is Sunni, the foreign minister is Sunni, the interior minister is Sunni, the justice minister is Sunni, etc. The majority of the Syrian military is Sunni. :drakewtf:

Syria is a secular state where regardless of religious background you could enjoy life. There wasn't any sectarianism.

Inshallah, every single Somali dog who has gone to Syria will be killed. They are ruining someone's country.:nasmad:

Imagine if terrorists from all over the world came to wage war on your ancestral tuulo, killed all the inhabitants, raped all the women, created havoc, etc.:meleshame:

That's what these Somali dogs are doing in Syria.

Ungrateful s, wallahi these people are cursed. :ohlord:

You hate Bashar al Assad because your Saudi master who you're sending your mothers and daughters to told you to hate him. :ohlord:If the Saudis tell s that they will get ajr from jumping off a cliff, these animals would do it. :ohlord:

I wish the worst for every Somali terrorist fighting in Syria and making life for Syrians that more difficult. The Syrian people are some of the best people in the world wallahi, they don't deserve diseased vultures scavenging on their country. Rant over.

Halyeey Bashar al Assad keep doing what you're doing my nigga.:denzelnigga:

Syrian Army is about to liberate Raqqa soon.:denzelnigga:

I used to support FSA but they turned out to be Saudi financed militia that'll turn Syria into Somalia 2.0 f*ck the sellouts and the terrorists

Viva Assad

I never went to pre-war syria my one and only regret :(
Viva Bashar Al Assad
Somalis who have been living in Syria support Al Assad
So sad to see saudi wahhabi cunts destroyed my second country the same way they destroyed my first country Somalia

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I just want to know on what account do you hate this man who has never harmed a Somali person.

It's 100% fact that pre-war Syria was the most welcoming Arab country for Somalis. These ungrateful fucks were given grants to study in Syrian universities, they went there to study Islam, they went there for cheap healthcare and dental care, they went there to make a living. :lawd::banderas:

Please tell me why you hate Bashar al Assad. You can't give me one good reason.

"But...but...he's killing our Sunni brothers!!!" :draketf:

His wife is Sunni, the Syrian prime minister is Sunni, the Defence minister is Sunni, the foreign minister is Sunni, the interior minister is Sunni, the justice minister is Sunni, etc. The majority of the Syrian military is Sunni. :drakewtf:

Syria is a secular state where regardless of religious background you could enjoy life. There wasn't any sectarianism.

Inshallah, every single Somali dog who has gone to Syria will be killed. They are ruining someone's country.:nasmad:

Imagine if terrorists from all over the world came to wage war on your ancestral tuulo, killed all the inhabitants, raped all the women, created havoc, etc.:meleshame:

That's what these Somali dogs are doing in Syria.

Ungrateful s, wallahi these people are cursed. :ohlord:

You hate Bashar al Assad because your Saudi master who you're sending your mothers and daughters to told you to hate him. :ohlord:If the Saudis tell s that they will get ajr from jumping off a cliff, these animals would do it. :ohlord:

I wish the worst for every Somali terrorist fighting in Syria and making life for Syrians that more difficult. The Syrian people are some of the best people in the world wallahi, they don't deserve diseased vultures scavenging on their country. Rant over.

Halyeey Bashar al Assad keep doing what you're doing my nigga.:denzelnigga:

Syrian Army is about to liberate Raqqa soon.:denzelnigga:
Plus his dad made no visa for Somalis open your business, clinic. Really in Damascus Somalis had their little Mogadishu shops even Somali family physician clinic there. Restaurant Cafe minimarts butcher 2 small factories owned by Somalis & Syrian one for shoes other curtains. Somalis should fight fit bashar al Assad not the opposite


Suldaanka Gobyare
Somalis hate themselves they always support people that ejaculate on their face and drag them through shit and treat them as slaves. Somehow they love this treatment.
Most syrians i met hate him. He is a dictator who will hold to his power even if it meant doing a genocide on his own people. He is one of the main people to blame for what is happening in syria today.


Crudest mistake the West made was thinking that Arabs could handle democracy. They simply can't.

Only strongmen dictators or absolute monarchs seem to be able to keep Arabs in check.


This is like asking 'why do Somalis hate fir'aun??? he has done nothing to you Somalis'. Only for the fact he is the worst kaffir and tyrant who has declared war on Islam and the Muslims of Syria. He's not even a raafidah as the regular raafidah have declared them the nusayris to be apostates from their religion. Did that sink in?? The already polytheistic raafidah have declared the nusayris to be so bankrupt that it is kufr according to their understanding of Islam. Many of the classical ulemah of ahlus sunnah have stated that the nusayris are even worse disbelievers than the Jews and the Christians.

Bashar ash-shaytan is the biggest taghout of the century and certainly the modern day fir'aun. Those people you claim to be apart of his government and his military are certainly not sunnis but I will withhold takfir. This is what this the false idol bashar ash-shaytan requires of his government officials and military

This devil's hatred of Ahlus Sunnah and the crimes he has committed against Ahlus Sunnah are innumerable and would require multiple posts that would fill this entire page. I would just call you an ignoramus and leave it at that for no true Muslim with tawheed in his heart can have anything but the greatest hatred for this vile shaytaan.
You hit the nail on the head bro.
I just want to know on what account do you hate this man who has never harmed a Somali person.

It's 100% fact that pre-war Syria was the most welcoming Arab country for Somalis. These ungrateful fucks were given grants to study in Syrian universities, they went there to study Islam, they went there for cheap healthcare and dental care, they went there to make a living. :lawd::banderas:

Please tell me why you hate Bashar al Assad. You can't give me one good reason.

"But...but...he's killing our Sunni brothers!!!" :draketf:

His wife is Sunni, the Syrian prime minister is Sunni, the Defence minister is Sunni, the foreign minister is Sunni, the interior minister is Sunni, the justice minister is Sunni, etc. The majority of the Syrian military is Sunni. :drakewtf:

Syria is a secular state where regardless of religious background you could enjoy life. There wasn't any sectarianism.

Inshallah, every single Somali dog who has gone to Syria will be killed. They are ruining someone's country.:nasmad:

Imagine if terrorists from all over the world came to wage war on your ancestral tuulo, killed all the inhabitants, raped all the women, created havoc, etc.:meleshame:

That's what these Somali dogs are doing in Syria.

Ungrateful s, wallahi these people are cursed. :ohlord:

You hate Bashar al Assad because your Saudi master who you're sending your mothers and daughters to told you to hate him. :ohlord:If the Saudis tell s that they will get ajr from jumping off a cliff, these animals would do it. :ohlord:

I wish the worst for every Somali terrorist fighting in Syria and making life for Syrians that more difficult. The Syrian people are some of the best people in the world wallahi, they don't deserve diseased vultures scavenging on their country. Rant over.

Halyeey Bashar al Assad keep doing what you're doing my nigga.:denzelnigga:

Syrian Army is about to liberate Raqqa soon.:denzelnigga:

I said the same thing to a group of Somalis in 2012 outside a university and almost got my ass kicked. Hear ye, hear ye.


not so sad after all
your logic is incredibly lacking first off he's hated world wide pretty much muslims and gaal alike (with the exception of some allies) for his brutality against his own people

B.) wheres your loyality to Allah op? Your ok with loving someone who has his people prostrate to him when only Allah is worthy of that? a muslim can never love Allah and his enemies in the same heart, pick your allies wisely, cause you gon be raised up with them.


Citizen of Southwest State
your logic is incredibly lacking first off he's hated world wide pretty much muslims and gaal alike (with the exception of some allies) for his brutality against his own people

B.) wheres your loyality to Allah op? Your ok with loving someone who has his people prostrate to him when only Allah is worthy of that? a muslim can never love Allah and his enemies in the same heart, pick your allies wisely, cause you gon be raised up with them.
This here, ladies and gentlemen, is what you a call a pseudo-intellectual aka a smart dumb nigga. A nigga who has an opinion on everything except his own backyard.

Do you honestly think the policy of regime change is because of his alleged "brutality against his own people?" Are you honestly that naive to think that western governments such as the United States are that benevolent and are so altruistic to the extent of investing millions if not billions of dollars in order to topple the Assad govt for the sake of "liberating the Syrian people?"

Now you have two choices abti. Either give me a cold glass of what you're drinking or just admit that you're a neef. Assad is the only leader in the Middle East who isn't controlled from Washington D.C. Toppling him has nothing to do with human rights, rather it's to ensure American hegemony in the region.

How did I know you were going to bring religion into this? When all else fails, guilt-trip, guilt-trip and guilt-trip some fucking more. Guess what nigga, it's not working. There's absolutely no proof of Assad ordering people to prostrate to him. The people you see doing that in videos, do it under their own volition.

Whether you or your terrorist buddies like it or not, Syria is a secular nation. It has had a long history of fending off religious extremists whether they be the Ikhwaan, al Qaeda and its offshoots, or the so-called Islamic state.

I'm sure you know who loves Allah more between the two of us and whichever one of us is going to heaven or hell. Apparently, it's a gift all talk takfiris seem to have. According to you, Assad is an enemy of Allah, so does that mean terrorists who are blowing themselves up and killing scores of innocent people on a daily basis are upon the haqq? Wow...that's fascinating.

All I know is that Bashar Al Assad is an amazingly resilient leader who has forced the western powers to shift their stance on his leadership. They went from "he has no legitimacy" to "we can compromise" all while the Syrian government kept their seat at the UN throughout. The attempted Syrian regime change was a complete failure.
I'm sure you know who loves Allah more between the two of us and whichever one of us is going to heaven or hell. Apparently, it's a gift all talk takfiris seem to have. According to you, Assad is an enemy of Allah, so does that mean terrorists who are blowing themselves up and killing scores of innocent people on a daily basis are upon the haqq? Wow...that's fascinating.

You must be high on some serious khat right now you mirqaan animal. You are literally teetering on the edges of the iman right now. I would hold my tongue if I were you lest you want to bankrupt the your akhirah.

There is consensus among the ulemah of Ahlus Sunnah of all madhahib and not just the ahl al-najd that the one who does not make takfir of the Christians and the Jews but rather believes they have iman despite their clear kufr is themselves a kaffir. So answer me this question: Are the Jews and the Christians Muslim as well because as you modernists khat addicts like to say "you don't know whats in their heart"??

There is also no shortage of classical ulemah of the madhahib who make clear takfir of the nusayriyah sect. In fact their kufr is even worse than the kufr of the Christians and Jews because they deny entirely the rubbubiyah of Allah ta'alah. Hence anyone who doubts their kufr or believes they are a people of iman and accepts them as brothers has disbelieved in what was revealed to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Even the raafidah make takfir of them. It doesn't matter if a taghout openly calls to be worshiped or if the people worship you and you consent through silence. If someone prostrates to you and you consent to it then you have committed shirk along with them. The fact that he has tortured military dissidents who refuse to say the shirk seen in those videos is proof that he openly calls to be worshiped.

But like the average braindead secularists you decide to construct the moronic strawman argument that because we do not support an open enemy of Allah ta'alah and taghout that we must support the kharijis and the suicide bombers. If you do not believe in Islam and are a kaffir that is your issue, but do you not believe in democracy??? Why is a minority sect that doesn't comprise 1% of the population allowed to rule as dictators that call to shirk and kufr over an 80%+ sunni population that wants shariah law?? Do you not respect the will of the people??? Or is the only will of the people what RT and the raafidah sponsored press TV propagate to you braindead khat addicts???

This topic exposed how many mushrikoun and morons exist on this website subhanallah. My blood is boiling at the sheer stupidity and ignorance along with the shirk and kufr openly being propagated in this thread. This forum has reached an entirely new effing low. Its for your own benefits and safety I dont see you types in the real world and it seems you live in your parents' basement posting on this site and on reddit with your fellow fedora atheists circle-jerking yourselves on how 'enlightened' you are.
I said the same thing to a group of Somalis in 2012 outside a university and almost got my ass kicked. Hear ye, hear ye.

You should repent and be thankful to Allah ta'alah you ran into a merciful and understanding group. Trust me you would not be so fortunate if you said even half of those vile things near me and others I know.

Now I know why Somalis are cursed if praising the biggest fir'aun and taghout of the century is actually acceptable in some of their communities. You people should be eternally grateful a 'savage' like me doesnt live anywhere near you all.
You should repent and be thankful to Allah ta'alah you ran into a merciful and understanding group. Trust me you would not be so fortunate if you said even half of those vile things near me and others I know.

Now I know why Somalis are cursed if praising the biggest fir'aun and taghout of the century is actually acceptable in some of their communities. You people should be eternally grateful a 'savage' like me doesnt live anywhere near you all.

Is that a threat you ximaar? Even if you lived near me I'd still say what ever I felt, slap your ass and keep it moving.

Keep caping for these ikhwan al xayawaan types or worse yet those Jews masquerading as Arabs called the House of Saud.

I'm sorry you think you have some sort of autonomy in your choices...please understand you and the dumb asses fighting Assad are on the pay roll of the state dept. Nothing more than pawns thinking they are shahids. Have you ever asked your tiny monkey brain why you are encouraged to fight and destabilize a country like Syria or Libya but the Khaleej and Israel are allowed to stay in tact?

Don't worry about the state of our souls, worry for yourself and we shall do the same. We aren't the ones advocating destabilizing another country that doesn't belong to us, killing innocent Muslims and non Muslims alike and thinking we are heros because of it.

Lol don't you guys just love these neefs who learn 5 Arabic words, have probably never lived in the middle east and all of a sudden think they know what's best in such a fragile climate and start pronouncing takfir on ppl lololol.

You are such an overzealous joke.


not so sad after all
This here, ladies and gentlemen, is what you a call a pseudo-intellectual aka a smart dumb nigga. A nigga who has an opinion on everything except his own backyard.

Do you honestly think the policy of regime change is because of his alleged "brutality against his own people?" Are you honestly that naive to think that western governments such as the United States are that benevolent and are so altruistic to the extent of investing millions if not billions of dollars in order to topple the Assad govt for the sake of "liberating the Syrian people?"

Now you have two choices abti. Either give me a cold glass of what you're drinking or just admit that you're a neef. Assad is the only leader in the Middle East who isn't controlled from Washington D.C. Toppling him has nothing to do with human rights, rather it's to ensure American hegemony in the region.

How did I know you were going to bring religion into this? When all else fails, guilt-trip, guilt-trip and guilt-trip some fucking more. Guess what nigga, it's not working. There's absolutely no proof of Assad ordering people to prostrate to him. The people you see doing that in videos, do it under their own volition.

Whether you or your terrorist buddies like it or not, Syria is a secular nation. It has had a long history of fending off religious extremists whether they be the Ikhwaan, al Qaeda and its offshoots, or the so-called Islamic state.

I'm sure you know who loves Allah more between the two of us and whichever one of us is going to heaven or hell. Apparently, it's a gift all talk takfiris seem to have. According to you, Assad is an enemy of Allah, so does that mean terrorists who are blowing themselves up and killing scores of innocent people on a daily basis are upon the haqq? Wow...that's fascinating.

All I know is that Bashar Al Assad is an amazingly resilient leader who has forced the western powers to shift their stance on his leadership. They went from "he has no legitimacy" to "we can compromise" all while the Syrian government kept their seat at the UN throughout. The attempted Syrian regime change was a complete failure.
your argument is riddled with emotion and logical fallacies (like thinking someone is pro-isis because their not pro-assad). second, I was speaking about individual people not countries, america itself bombs nations left and right. third, theyre his soldiers, they wouldnt do something like that if he didnt like or approve of it. but keep telling yourself what you'd like to believe.

Ill agree with you on one thing, and thats that people should stop going there to fight because they are making it worse and just prolonging it. it should have been just a syrian affair from the beginning
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