Citizen of Southwest State
I'm sure I can pick up some logical viewpoints from you considering you know what my standing with Allah is. You're argument was extremely logical especially the part where you said I "will be raised up with Allah's enemies." Yeah...whatever that's supposed to mean...Sounds like some extremist jargon to me.your argument is riddled with emotion and logical fallacies (like thinking someone is pro-isis because their not pro-assad). second, I was speaking about individual people not countries, america itself bombs nations left and right. third, theyre his soldiers, they wouldnt do something like that if he didnt like or approve of it. but keep telling yourself what you'd like to believe.
Ill agree with you on one thing, and thats that people should stop going there to fight because they are making it worse and just prolonging it. it should have been just a syrian affair from the beginning

Also, in regards to Assad approving of people prostrating to his images, perhaps even some of his soldiers, I'll just ask you a simple question.
Do you know what chain of command is? How absurd does it sound to think that the average soldier has any interactions with the president? If I was to join the army today, do you think I would know what Obama approves of or doesn't approve of? Assad cannot be held accountable for the actions of others.
If some Syrian citizens want to worship him, they can do that as Syria under Assad is a secular country where your religious freedoms are preserved.