Somalis who marry outside their ethnic group

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Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
TBH the undesired ones marry outside the race. Someone with too much baggage and trying to get a fresh start. In Somali culture, especially for girls, once you fall off it's hard to get accepted again. It's brutal and unforgiving.

Not true. Some of the biggest s still marry Somali simps. Reputation isn't the only reason. Most of the Somali females I seen in my ends that marry out ain't nothing spectacular. The ones that marry out fall into these categories.

Xalimo very liberal probably drinks or does drugs.
Xalimo has low self-esteem
Xalimo has a weak sense of dhaqan
Xalimo is a full blown humanist kkkk atheist.
Xalimo is only surrounded by only ajnabis and just settles.
Xalimo is a post-racial salafi she sees only deen but forgets her people are Muslim.
Xalimo gets passed up by Faraxs and is unattractive or plain.
Xalimo is a status hungry gold digger.
Xalimo is desperate and past her prime meaning limited options.
Xalimo is punch drunk off a cushy job, salary or advanced education and thinks Faraxs ain't on her level.
Xalimo is probably in the entertainment industry where gender benders, homosexuality and interracial relationships are encouraged.
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Keepin Southies in check since 1998
So far I have seen:

Somali man with Native
Somali man with Puerto Rican
Somali woman with Jamaican
Somali man with Québécois
Somali man with white Canadian
Somali lady with Senegalese
Somali man with Vietnamese
Somali lady with Kurdish man
Somali lady with another Kurdish man

I also know of one Somali gay man with a white husband. The Somali looks like the submissive one in the marriage though. The white man is like 6'5 and 250 pounds and deezed and the Somali guy is some scrawny 5'8 and 150 pounds
This Kurdish man?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
This ^
@Antisocial I've heard there are many Somali-Caribbean couples in Birmingham :stevej:
That's exaggeration tbh I hardly see any somalis marrying outside their race even if it does exist it's less than 2% of the somali population in my city.There are about 10 somali weddings in my city every weekend and honestly we have no worries about any of us marrying out.
What hasn't been exaggerated is the blacks are after somali women like nobody else whether they are converts or not. My salafi cousins told me that they can't even go to the mosque without having a revert cadaan and madoow approaching them, 'sister can I have your wali's number' is their pick up line.
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That's exaggeration tbh I hardly see any somalis marrying outside their race even if it does exist it's less than 2% of the somali population in my city.There are about 10 somali weddings in my city every weekend and honestly we have no worries about any of us marrying out.
What hasn't been exaggerated is the blacks are after somali women like nobody else whether they are converts or not. My salafi cousins told me that they can't even go to the mosque without having a revert cadaan and madoow approaching them, 'sister can I have your wali's number' is their pick up line.

Somalis should avoid Salafism and Salafi mosques alltogether.
The Salafis are a cancerous group of people. Somalis should stay far away from them

Yup they really are toxic. The biggest issue with Salafis (besides reverts treating the Mosque as some sort of escort service) is the Salafis & their total outright denial of racial & cultural diversity within islam. Race is real in Islam, and the purpose of race is a blessing to humanity. It is a gift to create a diverse and beautiful world.

But today we see a Salafists imposed mono-cultural Islam which tries to destroy culture and religious diversity within Islam. And while Salafism tries to make obsolete, it is the Arabized culture which they bring as the norm for diverse people. So race is irrelevant as long as Islam is Arabized.

Which is why you have ignorant Somalis saying "deen before culture" & "ummah, while they conviently neglect the plight of non-Arab muslims" or my favorite one "I am not Somali, i am Muslim"
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So you're not a Salafi? What Somali masjids are there in the GTA that aren't Salafi? All of them are to my knowledge.

There are quite a few Hanafi masjids in Toronto. Contrary to popular opinion, most Muslims are generic Sunni Muslims. The Salafis are a minority and I hope in the future we have far less of them.
Yup they really are toxic. The biggest issue with Salafis (besides reverts treating the Mosque as some sort of escort service) is the Salafis & their total outright denial of racial & cultural diversity within islam. Race is real in Islam, and the purpose of race is a blessing to humanity. It is a gift to create a diverse and beautiful world.

But today we see a Salafists imposed mono-cultural Islam which tries to destroy culture and religious diversity within Islam. And while Salafism tries to make obsolete, it is the Arabized culture which they bring as the norm for diverse people. So race is irrelevant as long as Islam is Arabized.

Which is why you have ignorant Somalis saying "deen before culture" & "ummah, while they conviently neglect the plight of non-Arab muslims" or my favorite one "I am not Somali, i am Muslim"

Yeah bro. They want to erase all cultural and ethnic diversity between Muslim peoples and they want to impose their monocultural version of Islam. You'll find most of them wearing full-black niqabs or khamiises, they can speak Arabic better than they can speak Somali, and they all aspire to someday move to Saudi Arabia or Kuwait or one of those other countries. I have a special level of contempt for those people.
There are quite a few Hanafi masjids in Toronto. Contrary to popular opinion, most Muslims are generic Sunni Muslims. The Salafis are a minority and I hope in the future we have far less of them.

Thing is though most of these masjids are run by Pakistanis or Turks. Why aren't there any shafici/sufi Somali masjids in the city? The community needs to come together and build such a masjid. The Wahabi fitnah posed by KBW, DH, Al-Rowdah, and AH is too great to the community and is poison to the minds of the youth.
But today we see a Salafists imposed mono-cultural Islam which tries to destroy culture and religious diversity within Islam. And while Salafism tries to make obsolete, it is the Arabized culture which they bring as the norm for diverse people. So race is irrelevant as long as Islam is Arabized.

The thing is, if you go deep into wahabist doctrine you will see it is all about Arab supremacy over the Ajam. If you read some of the stuff their luminaries and prophet Ibn Taymiyyah has said, it will turn your stomach. This is what Al-Albani they revere had to say about the Arabs:

"However, that does not negate the Arab race being better than the race of the rest of the nations; rather, this is what I believe in – even though I am Albanian but indeed I am Muslim, all praises and thanks are to Allaah – because the precedence of the Arab race that I have mentioned is that which ahl us-sunnah wal jamaa’ah"

Ibn Taymiyyah said Iqtidaa’ As-Siraat al-Mustaqeem:

"The belief of Ahlussunnati waJamaa’ah is that the essence of Arabs is better than that of ‘Ajam, whether the ‘Ajam are Hebrew, Assyrians, Romans, Persians or others".

In fact, their scholars are in agreement that the Muslim who does not submit to the intrinsic superiority of the Arabs is a vile "innovator". They call it, "the innovation of shu'oobism". They hide these beliefs from their laymen, though. This has many applications in their beliefs regarding marriage, governance, and other areas. For example, many of them are of the belief the Arab is not suitable for the Ajam in marriage and only an Arab is fit for governance of a hypothetical Islamic state. Do you understand now why many Wahabi Somalis from particular tribes cling on to these myths of descending from a sexually perverse Arab Shaykh? The truth is, the Wahabis support diversity and multiculturalism for other races and want them to be diluted because they are all inferior Ajam anyways, but the Arab essence must be preserved at all costs. Ever wondered why the Islamic State of Saudi Arabia does not allow Saudi women to marry non-Saudis except in extreme circumstances as determined by the wali al-khamr and all of their scholars seemed to be complicit with such a ruling?
Thing is though most of these masjids are run by Pakistanis or Turks. Why aren't there any shafici/sufi Somali masjids in the city? The community needs to come together and build such a masjid. The Wahabi fitnah posed by KBW, DH, Al-Rowdah, and AH is too great to the community and is poison to the minds of the youth.

You're right. I usually pray at Bosnian mosques or Pakistani mosques and try to stay away from those Salafi dominated mosques.

I hope that our community raises enough funds in the future to build a traditional Sunni Somali mosque, but I doubt it. The Somalis aren't disciplined enough to follow through with a commitment such as that. We Somali-Torontonians number more than 100 000 yet our mosques are constantly underfunded and overcrowded, and we often have to rely on foreign Saudi donations just to sustain mosque operations.

It's ridiculous.
The thing is, if you go deep into wahabist doctrine you will see it is all about Arab supremacy over the Ajam. If you read some of the stuff their luminaries and prophet Ibn Taymiyyah has said, it will turn your stomach. This is what Al-Albani they revere had to say about the Arabs:

"However, that does not negate the Arab race being better than the race of the rest of the nations; rather, this is what I believe in – even though I am Albanian but indeed I am Muslim, all praises and thanks are to Allaah – because the precedence of the Arab race that I have mentioned is that which ahl us-sunnah wal jamaa’ah"

Ibn Taymiyyah said Iqtidaa’ As-Siraat al-Mustaqeem:

"The belief of Ahlussunnati waJamaa’ah is that the essence of Arabs is better than that of ‘Ajam, whether the ‘Ajam are Hebrew, Assyrians, Romans, Persians or others".

In fact, their scholars are in agreement that the Muslim who does not submit to the intrinsic superiority of the Arabs is a vile "innovator". They call it, "the innovation of shu'oobism". They hide these beliefs from their laymen, though. This has many applications in their beliefs regarding marriage, governance, and other areas. For example, many of them are of the belief the Arab is not suitable for the Ajam in marriage and only an Arab is fit for governance of a hypothetical Islamic state. Do you understand now why many Wahabi Somalis from particular tribes cling on to these myths of descending from a sexually perverse Arab Shaykh? The truth is, the Wahabis support diversity and multiculturalism for other races and want them to be diluted because they are all inferior Ajam anyways, but the Arab essence must be preserved at all costs. Ever wondered why the Islamic State of Saudi Arabia does not allow Saudi women to marry non-Saudis except in extreme circumstances as determined by the wali al-khamr and all of their scholars seemed to be complicit with such a ruling?

:ohhh: Interesting. Ive always heard the word "Ajam" but never thought to look up the meaning.
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The thing is, if you go deep into wahabist doctrine you will see it is all about Arab supremacy over the Ajam. If you read some of the stuff their luminaries and prophet Ibn Taymiyyah has said, it will turn your stomach. This is what Al-Albani they revere had to say about the Arabs:

"However, that does not negate the Arab race being better than the race of the rest of the nations; rather, this is what I believe in – even though I am Albanian but indeed I am Muslim, all praises and thanks are to Allaah – because the precedence of the Arab race that I have mentioned is that which ahl us-sunnah wal jamaa’ah"

Ibn Taymiyyah said Iqtidaa’ As-Siraat al-Mustaqeem:

"The belief of Ahlussunnati waJamaa’ah is that the essence of Arabs is better than that of ‘Ajam, whether the ‘Ajam are Hebrew, Assyrians, Romans, Persians or others".

In fact, their scholars are in agreement that the Muslim who does not submit to the intrinsic superiority of the Arabs is a vile "innovator". They call it, "the innovation of shu'oobism". They hide these beliefs from their laymen, though. This has many applications in their beliefs regarding marriage, governance, and other areas. For example, many of them are of the belief the Arab is not suitable for the Ajam in marriage and only an Arab is fit for governance of a hypothetical Islamic state. Do you understand now why many Wahabi Somalis from particular tribes cling on to these myths of descending from a sexually perverse Arab Shaykh? The truth is, the Wahabis support diversity and multiculturalism for other races and want them to be diluted because they are all inferior Ajam anyways, but the Arab essence must be preserved at all costs. Ever wondered why the Islamic State of Saudi Arabia does not allow Saudi women to marry non-Saudis except in extreme circumstances as determined by the wali al-khamr and all of their scholars seemed to be complicit with such a ruling?


I'm actually so disgusted at what I just read above. These people are a plague wallahi.



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The thing is, if you go deep into wahabist doctrine you will see it is all about Arab supremacy over the Ajam. If you read some of the stuff their luminaries and prophet Ibn Taymiyyah has said, it will turn your stomach. This is what Al-Albani they revere had to say about the Arabs:

"However, that does not negate the Arab race being better than the race of the rest of the nations; rather, this is what I believe in – even though I am Albanian but indeed I am Muslim, all praises and thanks are to Allaah – because the precedence of the Arab race that I have mentioned is that which ahl us-sunnah wal jamaa’ah"

Ibn Taymiyyah said Iqtidaa’ As-Siraat al-Mustaqeem:

"The belief of Ahlussunnati waJamaa’ah is that the essence of Arabs is better than that of ‘Ajam, whether the ‘Ajam are Hebrew, Assyrians, Romans, Persians or others".

In fact, their scholars are in agreement that the Muslim who does not submit to the intrinsic superiority of the Arabs is a vile "innovator". They call it, "the innovation of shu'oobism". They hide these beliefs from their laymen, though. This has many applications in their beliefs regarding marriage, governance, and other areas. For example, many of them are of the belief the Arab is not suitable for the Ajam in marriage and only an Arab is fit for governance of a hypothetical Islamic state. Do you understand now why many Wahabi Somalis from particular tribes cling on to these myths of descending from a sexually perverse Arab Shaykh? The truth is, the Wahabis support diversity and multiculturalism for other races and want them to be diluted because they are all inferior Ajam anyways, but the Arab essence must be preserved at all costs. Ever wondered why the Islamic State of Saudi Arabia does not allow Saudi women to marry non-Saudis except in extreme circumstances as determined by the wali al-khamr and all of their scholars seemed to be complicit with such a ruling?


What we been saying all along


Salafi cucks



Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Sure,your mother is a Somali who let a swede go in bareback for an extra 10 bucks.My father and his father and my whole paternal line is noble Banu Hashim Isaaq you dhuxul.:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

Yes I have female ancestors from Ethiopia and Yemen and I'm not ashamed.I already know Somali,Arabic I just need to add Amharic to my list of languages.You have no tribe nor deen you bastard.You were probably born in a house hahaa

this whole thread is a somnet throwback
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