Somalis who Snus?


Ewww it ain’t chewing tobaco it’s 1000 times better than that you put snus under your over lip and let it rest there it’s the best feelin
Then how does it taste like , did they ferment flavours you Europeans are weird wlahi
Aren't the
Tobacco tastes bitter waa qareer that's why people use a white powder Magaad(salt and sodium carbonate) to soothe the bitter taste .

If they're not the same , tell us what makes it more exclusive than chewing tobacco
Then how does it taste like , did they ferment flavours you Europeans are weird wlahi
Aren't the
Tobacco tastes bitter waa qareer that's why people use a white powder Magaad(salt and sodium carbonate) to soothe the bitter taste .

If they're not the same , tell us what makes it more exclusive than chewing tobacco
The taste is great it depends on which one u like also
There is ones who’re candy flavored

it tastes strong and burns but you just have to handle it eventually you’ll start to like the burning sensation.

the feeling of taking snus is the best feeling bro. Literaly relaxes you to the bone and removes stress. Good shit.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
It stings but i can't lie it's like 5 shots of coffee, the shit wakes you up better than any alarm clock :manny:


King Of NSFW
I tried it before not really my cup of tea just smoke a cig sxb the rush you get is 10x better :banderas:

Only real niggas kno about them belmonts :ahh:


Milf hunter
Siberia is the best snus brand fam I remember I tried it for the first time and it fucked me up I was in a great mood kkkkk

General is pretty ok too.

Snus here in the UK (or nicotine pouches) are overpriced as f*ck so I ain't buying that shit.:nahgirl:
U will love it
Siberia e bäst brushan Zyn och lyft e typ bah papper:silanyolaugh:

I'm excited to try it. Lyft, Zyn and G.4 were the once I used to use until I built tolerance towards it. Now I am going cold turkey for a while until my Siberian arrives (I ordered it). The only thing that's worrying is that all the snus I used to use were white powdered and now Siberian red seems to have a brown content which makes me think it's gonna dye my teeth, is it?


Milf hunter
har inte hört mycket om örebro alls.

Brukade bo i Rynkeby innan är fan glad att jag flyttade från den skit hålan tbh
Bror Vivalla i Örebro e helt knas asså

Rinkeby e inte mycket bättre än Muqdisho ngl

Hobbyblattar bah "163 RiNkEbY" o sen när dom ens åker dit dom pissar på sig:pachah1:


Milf hunter
I'm excited to try it. Lyft, Zyn and G.4 were the once I used to use until I built tolerance towards it. Now I am going cold turkey for a while until my Siberian arrives (I ordered it). The only thing that's worrying is that all the snus I used to use were white powdered and now Siberian red seems to have a brown content which makes me think it's gonna dye my teeth, is it?
I don't think it'll dye your teeth


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