Somalis With Dreads?

What are your thoughts on Somalis with dreads?

I’m thinking of getting that style but I fear it could hinder job prospects and make other somali families think negatively of me.

Imagine pulling up to a potential spouses crib for doonis and the family thinks your a degenerate 💀


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
What are your thoughts on Somalis with dreads?

I’m thinking of getting that style but I fear it could hinder job prospects and make other somali families think negatively of me.

Imagine pulling up to a potential spouses crib for doonis and the family thinks your a degenerate 💀
Get it done if you want. Dreads are dhaqanka soomaaliyed.


Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
I’m thinking of getting that style but I fear it could hinder job prospects and make other somali families think negatively of me.
The second they see u wearing a suit and dreads they will think u are a reformed ex convict not to mention unprofessional. You might aswell get a face tattoo and gold teeth.

As for the somali families, one look at you and they will say "stay away from our house u fckin gangbanger" no second looks or chance
The second they see u wearing a suit and dreads they will think u are a reformed ex convict not to mention unprofessional. You might aswell get a face tattoo and gold teeth.

As for the somali families, one look at you and they will say "stay away from our house u fckin gangbanger" no second looks or chance
my family is very conservative. My father use to threaten to rip my hair out in my sleep when i was growing it.

I can’t imagine what a father would think of you asked their daughters hand in marriage


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
my family is very conservative. My father use to threaten to rip my hair out in my sleep when i was growing it.

I can’t imagine what a father would think of you asked their daughters hand in marriage
its lowkey self hatred bro. Something about older Somalis got them hating our natural black features.

There is nothing wrong with our hair.

And there's nothing wrong with the colour of our skin.

I don't like having to go all religious since this is a basic cultural thing but even Nabi Maxamed AS wore braids. There is nothing wrong with dreads wallahi. Both culturally & religiously you get the go ahead. Just wash it properly. Don't listen to what dhageexs say with dread care.

I used to have dreads & kept mines clean. I can teach you how if you're curious.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
my family is very conservative. My father use to threaten to rip my hair out in my sleep when i was growing it.

I can’t imagine what a father would think of you asked their daughters hand in marriage
I can tell u my own opinion if any man wearing dreads came to my daughter asking for her hand or my son claiming to a be a friend or mentor I would tell him to gtfo, I think when people see u with dreads they will immediately stereotype as either - - gangbanger- convict, future criminal, or in ur past had some affiliations with a gang.

It's ur choice sxb but u have to be aware of racism and stereotypes deeply ingrained in our society, especially somalis.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Just rock a man bun
Coming In Hot Gay Pride GIF by jon hanlan
They are not like tatoos, in that you can remove them and go back to how your hair was. So go and try it, I am confident the experience will be so negative, you will see the light of day before long.

There are people in London, who have that kind of hair style, at best they are stupid. Functionaly, I regard stupidity to be to be the same as evil. So I avoided them all the same, and still would. Maybe Somali Saayid is right, I am a racist stereotyper, in this case, I cant say I am troubled.
its lowkey self hatred bro. Something about older Somalis got them hating our natural black features.

There is nothing wrong with our hair.

And there's nothing wrong with the colour of our skin.

I don't like having to go all religious since this is a basic cultural thing but even Nabi Maxamed AS wore braids. There is nothing wrong with dreads wallahi. Both culturally & religiously you get the go ahead. Just wash it properly. Don't listen to what dhageexs say with dread care.

I used to have dreads & kept mines clean. I can teach you how if you're curious.

I've had mine for about 4 years now.
I got dookie dreads tho (the big ones).
Nothing about my hair is manicured or fashionable, I definitely give off primal vibes Fr even tho it's a common look where I'm from.
White people look at me with Str8 bewilderment sometimes 😂

I wash & moisturize with some thick castor bean oil.Sometimes I pound aloe plants & let the pulp rest in my scalp a lil bit b4 I wash.

Deep cleans are even more involved but I only do those like twice a year. Acv/black soap washes are the truth!! Even on non dreaded hair.

My locs alot like this dude - a lil thicker but they're flat just like his

I wanna band mine up, (make them thicker) & rock em like this dude tho

I don't think I have the patience these days - my current set is already alot

Do u bra, Alotta Sufis wear locs
I've had mine for about 4 years now.
I got dookie dreads tho (the big ones).
Nothing about my hair is manicured or fashionable, I definitely give off primal vibes Fr even tho it's a common look where I'm from.
White people look at me with Str8 bewilderment sometimes 😂

I wash & moisturize with some thick castor bean oil.Sometimes I pound aloe plants & let the pulp rest in my scalp a lil bit b4 I wash.

Deep cleans are even more involved but I only do those like twice a year. Acv/black soap washes are the truth!! Even on non dreaded hair.

My locs alot like this dude - a lil thicker but they're flat just like his View attachment 342626

I wanna band mine up, (make them thicker) & rock em like this dude thoView attachment 342627

I don't think I have the patience these days - my current set is already alot

Do u bra, Alotta Sufis wear locs
Rasta ah wah mina de hair nah wid de ting lord of his mercy?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Many White women and men have confided in me that they find black people with dread hair especially frightening.

I add-- these heavy homeless hair look, has Bad Demons living in them