Somalis worshipped Almaqah not Waaq [THEORY]


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It doesn't.

It's just symbolic, thats all. Since the Ottomans controlled most of the Muslim World, everyone else follows suit.
So the ottomans dictate what is acceptable in Islam? And here was me thinking all this time that the Quran the most beneficent words were sacrosanct the noble Quran was our map and his slave Muhammad sunnah our compass:bell:

So if the ottomans prayed towards Istanbul we would be praying to Istanbul today:nahgirl:


@TooMacaan I know this is an old thread but I would love to educate you about Christianity and their pagan belief.

The word Christianity never existed. The earliest Christians considered themselves a sect of Judaism. They were similar to Muslims. They did not worship Jesus. Trinity was unexistent. No symbol of a cross. Their women used to wear hijab. Their men were circumcised. They never drank alcohol or ate pork which are all rules of the Bible. They used to read and recite the Hebrew Bible by heart, not the Christian latin Bible that has been corrupted.

It was 300 years later when Paul introduced paganism to Christianity. He brought concept of trinity. Do you know the origins of trinity? This belief system was practised by the Greco-Roman period when they had father gods and son gods. Some Christians claim that Jesus is the Son of God. What does this actually mean? Surely God is far removed from having a physical and literal son. Humans have human children. Cats have kittens. What does it mean for God to have a child?

Rather than being taken literally, we find the term "Son of God" is symbolically used in the earliest biblical languages for a "righteous person", and has been used for David, Solomon and Israel - not exclusively for Jesus: "...Israel is my firstborn son," (Exodus 4:22). In fact, anyone who is righteous is referred to as God's 'son' : "All who are led by God's Spirit are God's sons and daughters." (Romans 8:14)

In the same way, when the word 'Father' is used to refer to God it shouldn't be taken literally. Instead, it's a way of saying God is the creator, sustainer and supreme master of all. There are many verses for us to understand this symbolic meaning of the word 'Father', for example: "One God and Father of all." (Ephesians 4:6)

Worshipping a man and having statues of Jesus (PBUH) is idolatry.

This is expressed in the Bible in Exodus 20:3, Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8 and elsewhere, e.g.: Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.

When you go into churches, what do you see? Jesus images on the windows and his statue. Pure paganism.

No where in the Bible says Jesus died for your sins. Human sacrifice is also another form of paganism. The Bible makes it quite clear that God hates human sacrifice and referred it to paganism when you read (Deuteronomy 12:31; 18:10).

Some ambiguous verses of the Bible can be applied erroneously to show that Jesus is in some way divine. But if we look at the clear direct verses of the Bible, we see again and again that Jesus is being referred to as an extraordinary human being and nothing more. The Bible contains many verses in which Jesus speaks and behaves as if God is a separate being to himself. For example:
  • Jesus "fell on his face and prayed." (Matthew 26:39) If Jesus was God, then would a God fall on his face and pray? And who would he be praying to?
  • The Bible calls Jesus a Prophet (Matthew 21:10-11), so how could Jesus be God and be God's Prophet at the same time?
  • Jesus said, "I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than me." (John 14:28)
  • Jesus said "I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17) If Jesus was God, then why would he say, "to my God, and your God," and who was he ascending to?
If Jesus was God, he would have clearly told people to worship him, and there would be clear verses in the Bible stating this; yet he did the opposite and disapproved anyone worshipping him: "And in vain they worship me." (Matthew 15:9)

Now the bible doesn't mention Jesus divinity but instead mentions him as a prophet and messanger sent by God. The only religion with this belief is Islam and may Allah guide you back to Islam, amiin.


@TooMacaan I know this is an old thread but I would love to educate you about Christianity and their pagan belief.

The word Christianity never existed. The earliest Christians considered themselves a sect of Judaism. They were similar to Muslims. They did not worship Jesus. Trinity was unexistent. No symbol of a cross. Their women used to wear hijab. Their men were circumcised. They never drank alcohol or ate pork which are all rules of the Bible. They used to read and recite the Hebrew Bible by heart, not the Christian latin Bible that has been corrupted.

It was 300 years later when Paul introduced paganism to Christianity. He brought concept of trinity. Do you know the origins of trinity? This belief system was practised by the Greco-Roman period when they had father gods and son gods. Some Christians claim that Jesus is the Son of God. What does this actually mean? Surely God is far removed from having a physical and literal son. Humans have human children. Cats have kittens. What does it mean for God to have a child?

Rather than being taken literally, we find the term "Son of God" is symbolically used in the earliest biblical languages for a "righteous person", and has been used for David, Solomon and Israel - not exclusively for Jesus: "...Israel is my firstborn son," (Exodus 4:22). In fact, anyone who is righteous is referred to as God's 'son' : "All who are led by God's Spirit are God's sons and daughters." (Romans 8:14)

In the same way, when the word 'Father' is used to refer to God it shouldn't be taken literally. Instead, it's a way of saying God is the creator, sustainer and supreme master of all. There are many verses for us to understand this symbolic meaning of the word 'Father', for example: "One God and Father of all." (Ephesians 4:6)

Worshipping a man and having statues of Jesus (PBUH) is idolatry.

This is expressed in the Bible in Exodus 20:3, Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8 and elsewhere, e.g.: Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God.

When you go into churches, what do you see? Jesus images on the windows and his statue. Pure paganism.

No where in the Bible says Jesus died for your sins. Human sacrifice is also another form of paganism. The Bible makes it quite clear that God hates human sacrifice and referred it to paganism when you read (Deuteronomy 12:31; 18:10).

Some ambiguous verses of the Bible can be applied erroneously to show that Jesus is in some way divine. But if we look at the clear direct verses of the Bible, we see again and again that Jesus is being referred to as an extraordinary human being and nothing more. The Bible contains many verses in which Jesus speaks and behaves as if God is a separate being to himself. For example:
  • Jesus "fell on his face and prayed." (Matthew 26:39) If Jesus was God, then would a God fall on his face and pray? And who would he be praying to?
  • The Bible calls Jesus a Prophet (Matthew 21:10-11), so how could Jesus be God and be God's Prophet at the same time?
  • Jesus said, "I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than me." (John 14:28)
  • Jesus said "I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17) If Jesus was God, then why would he say, "to my God, and your God," and who was he ascending to?
If Jesus was God, he would have clearly told people to worship him, and there would be clear verses in the Bible stating this; yet he did the opposite and disapproved anyone worshipping him: "And in vain they worship me." (Matthew 15:9)

Now the bible doesn't mention Jesus divinity but instead mentions him as a prophet and messanger sent by God. The only religion with this belief is Islam and may Allah guide you back to Islam, amiin.

Great points indeed. Paul is by far the greatest con artist to have ever walked this earth. The man was a bounty hunter, that used to hunt down the righteous believers, and hand them over to pagan Romans. Then out of the blue, he claims to have had a vision of Nabi Issa (AS) on the road to Damascus. One moment, its only him that sees the vision, then another time, it's the whole caravan that witnesses the vision with Paul.......
He has single handedly, misguided the bulk of humanity for near 2k years.
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There was no Somalis in this part of the world, cushites are linked to levant, pushed out by semites, moved into the interior of egypt to link up with their hamitic brother. That's how the jews see history and DNA is saying the same story. They ancient HAM inhabitated levant like canaan before the hordes of semites came out of iraq and iran and those areas. Maybe the ancient 'hunter/gatherer' eyle or those type of people were in this vicinity at the time of 5000 years ago in Somalia but not this desert nomads HELL NO and that's why they have no memory of any Somali past beyond Islam. We would've been in egypt and around kush area in particular is what history is saying and DNA.

After Egypt, they may have into KUSH in Sudan and created a secondary empire to EGYPT. Then both collapsed and they dispersed. They only went to desert areas. Desert area societies and Farming societies DONT MIX. Don't try to bring ethiopian farmers and nomads into the same population group, their neighbors yes but neighbors doesn't mean much. Australia is neighbors to a range of 'islander' groups doesn't mean anything.

The semites pushed in again in the horn from Yemen/Saba etc and began the farming shit cause that's all they fuckin do waryaa is FARM cause I know their origin allows for nothing else and they had no other skill whatsoever, they came after the collapse of egypt/kush to steal our knowledge the son of a es as they are AT WAR with us is my assumption of nearly winning the word of god thru EGYPT.

Shem wants to Destroy Ham and any of his children be it egypt, kush, etc and their possibly more. Especially around the 'south arabian' plate their was ancient cushite culture there too but I would suspect A DESERT CULTURE not FARMING. Farmers indicate semites in the MID EAST.
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This is evident at the Dhaymoole site in Somaliland
View attachment 21880
You're probably thinking, what;s that? looks like two /w/ and a drawing of two people. Well if you look closely you can see this:
View attachment 21881
That is the symbol for Almaqah or አለመቀሀ

Almaqah was the main God for Yemen and Axum before abrahamic religions came about. Almaqah was the moon God, in relation to Shams the sun God.

This shows that at some point, Somalilanders worshipped Almaqah, but other Somalis and cushites worshipped Waaq, they may have turned back to waaqism after the collapse of these kingdoms and before Islam.

Your only proof is a single moon painting... that's amongst other paintings...
It was 300 years later when Paul introduced paganism to Christianity. He brought concept of trinity. Do you know the origins of trinity? This belief system was practised by the Greco-Roman period when they had father gods and son gods. Some Christians claim that Jesus is the Son of God. What does this actually mean? Surely God is far removed from having a physical and literal son. Humans have human children. Cats have kittens. What does it mean for God to have a child?

You need to research this.

Saul of Tarsus ( Paul), was contemporary to both James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, and Simon Peter, first Bishop of Rome. He died no later than 67 AD.

"Modern scholars agree with the traditional second-century Christian belief that seven of these New Testament letters were almost certainly written by Paul himself: 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, Philippians, Philemon, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and Romans. These letters were most likely written during the height of Paul’s missionary activity, between 50 and 58 a.d., making them the earliest surviving Christian documents—they predate the earliest of the Gospels, Mark, by at least ten years.

During the winter of 57–58 a.d., Paul was in the Greek city of Corinth."

So his books were written within 30 years of the alleged crucifixion, which was between 30 and 33 AD.

The "Trinity" went through Tertulian, Arius, the pro-Nicene Consensus, Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine, and the "Athanasian"Creed, all after 325 AD. Paul had nothing to do with it.

Wine was part of the Sacrament of the last supper. Pork, circumcision, etc., are covered in the book of Hebrews. Pork was allowed and circumcision was not required. During the period of Christian persecution before Constantine, the symbol for "Christian" was the outline of a fish, for "Icthys", Greek letters standing for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior". The cross was also used, but had to be hidden as it could get you killed.


You need to research this.

Saul of Tarsus ( Paul), was contemporary to both James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, and Simon Peter, first Bishop of Rome. He died no later than 67 AD.

"Modern scholars agree with the traditional second-century Christian belief that seven of these New Testament letters were almost certainly written by Paul himself: 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, Philippians, Philemon, 1 and 2 Corinthians, and Romans. These letters were most likely written during the height of Paul’s missionary activity, between 50 and 58 a.d., making them the earliest surviving Christian documents—they predate the earliest of the Gospels, Mark, by at least ten years.

During the winter of 57–58 a.d., Paul was in the Greek city of Corinth."

So his books were written within 30 years of the alleged crucifixion, which was between 30 and 33 AD.

The "Trinity" went through Tertulian, Arius, the pro-Nicene Consensus, Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine, and the "Athanasian"Creed, all after 325 AD. Paul had nothing to do with it.

Wine was part of the Sacrament of the last supper. Pork, circumcision, etc., are covered in the book of Hebrews. Pork was allowed and circumcision was not required. During the period of Christian persecution before Constantine, the symbol for "Christian" was the outline of a fish, for "Icthys", Greek letters standing for "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior". The cross was also used, but had to be hidden as it could get you killed.

Paul was known for introducing the paganism of Greko-Roman mythology like father & son gods and human sacrifice to cleanse your sins.

He never met prophet Jesus (PBUH). He took advantage of his status as both a Jew and a Roman citizen to minister to both Jewish and Roman audiences. According to the New Testament book Acts of the Apostles (often simply called Acts), Paul was dedicated to persecuting the early disciples of Jesus in the area of Jerusalem prior to his conversion. He completely corrupted the teachings of Jesus teachings and founded Christianity.

I don't read propaganda articles made by Christians. Watch this video. He's a Jew and a major scholar who researched all Abrahimic faiths and he's very neutral. He written books about this and explains the truth about Paul and his false teachings.

Pork is completely forbidden in the Bible.

If you read the Bible in Leviticus 11:7 it says and I will quote: "There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. ... And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you."

The Bible is more scrict than the Qu'ran when it comes to Hijab. If you read in 1 Corinthians 11:6

"For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head."

The bible enforces all males to be circumcised when you read Genesis 17:10 and Genesis 17:14

"This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised."

"Any uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant."

Bible clearly gave you a law to follow that if you're a man, you must be circumcised just like Jesus (PBUH) was in his birth. If you're a woman, you must cover your hair with a scarf just like Jesus mother, Mary (PBUH). You mustn't eat the swine of flesh or drink alcohol.

Clearly, Muslims of today follow the rules of the Bible and teachings of Jesus while modern-day Christians eat pork, drink alcohol, their men are not circumcised and their women have no modesty forget covering their hair.

Grant, I suggest you follow what the Bible says, not what the church says.
Paul was known for introducing the paganism of Greko-Roman mythology like father & son gods and human sacrifice to cleanse your sins.

He never met prophet Jesus (PBUH). He took advantage of his status as both a Jew and a Roman citizen to minister to both Jewish and Roman audiences. According to the New Testament book Acts of the Apostles (often simply called Acts), Paul was dedicated to persecuting the early disciples of Jesus in the area of Jerusalem prior to his conversion. He completely corrupted the teachings of Jesus teachings and founded Christianity.

I don't read propaganda articles made by Christians. Watch this video. He's a Jew and a major scholar who researched all Abrahimic faiths and he's very neutral. He written books about this and explains the truth about Paul and his false teachings.

Pork is completely forbidden in the Bible.

If you read the Bible in Leviticus 11:7 it says and I will quote: "There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. ... And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you."

The Bible is more scrict than the Qu'ran when it comes to Hijab. If you read in 1 Corinthians 11:6

"For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head."

The bible enforces all males to be circumcised when you read Genesis 17:10 and Genesis 17:14

"This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised."

"Any uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant."

Bible clearly gave you a law to follow that if you're a man, you must be circumcised just like Jesus (PBUH) was in his birth. If you're a woman, you must cover your hair with a scarf just like Jesus mother, Mary (PBUH). You mustn't eat the swine of flesh or drink alcohol.

Clearly, Muslims of today follow the rules of the Bible and teachings of Jesus while modern-day Christians eat pork, drink alcohol, their men are not circumcised and their women have no modesty forget covering their hair.

Grant, I suggest you follow what the Bible says, not what the church says.

You have clearly not read the Bible to understand what it says, what Jesus taught. or to place Paul in his historical context. Stop pretending that you have.


You have clearly not read the Bible to understand what it says, what Jesus taught. or to place Paul in his historical context. Stop pretending that you have.

I know you're a Christian who only follow the church, not the Bible. I have quoted the Bible verses and their law. Any sane person can understand it. It's not rocket science, I know you're mad that Christians don't actually follow the Bible but Muslims do. That should tell you something.

As for Paul, watch the video from a respected scholar.
I know you're a Christian who only follow the church, not the Bible. I have quoted the Bible verses and their law. Any sane person can understand it. It's not rocket science, I know you're mad that Christians don't actually follow the Bible but Muslims do. That should tell you something.

As for Paul, watch the video from a respected scholar.

Ignorant one:

I am not religious, so it doesn't matter to me what Christians or Muslims do or don't do.

You had Paul living 300 years after he actually lived and you fail to differentiate between the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible. These are failings of the most basic sort.

Pork is forbidden in the Old Testament, but not in the New.

A kiddush of wine is required for Passover, Purim and Shabat. Alcohol is part of the Jewish service. It is also part of the Catholic Mass and most Protestant Sacraments. It is not forbidden in either the Old or the New Testaments. In fact, it is required.

The central service of the Old Testament was blood sacrifice. For Christians, this ended with Christ. For Jews, it ended with the Temple, in 70 AD. Do Muslims still have priests that perform this ritual?


Ignorant one:

I am not religious, so it doesn't matter to me what Christians or Muslims do or don't do.

You had Paul living 300 years after he actually lived and you fail to differentiate between the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible. These are failings of the most basic sort.

Pork is forbidden in the Old Testament, but not in the New.

A kiddush of wine is required for Passover, Purim and Shabat. Alcohol is part of the Jewish service. It is also part of the Catholic Mass and most Protestant Sacraments. It is not forbidden in either the Old or the New Testaments. In fact, it is required.

The central service of the Old Testament was blood sacrifice. For Christians, this ended with Christ. For Jews, it ended with the Temple, in 70 AD. Do Muslims still have priests that perform this ritual?

Grant, anyone barely agrees with you on anything because everything you say is nonsensical so that should make you the ignorant one.

I already showed you a video explaining the new and old testament, I bet you didn't even watch the video from a known scholar who has way more knowledge than you and majority of the Christian scholars. Nothing goes through your thick skull. Your arrogance led you to ignore the video and spew bullshit. You are horrible at debating.

Keep blabbing, you don't know how to hold a discussion. All you do is deny the source given to you once you have been corrected.

I already stated the Latin corrupted Bible is not the real Bible and was written by people who never met Jesus or his disciples. The Hebrew scriptures is the authentic one. Maybe if you watch the video next time, you wouldn't have look like an idiot.
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Grant, anyone barely agrees with you on anything because everything you say is nonsensical so that should make you the ignorant one.

I already showed you a video explaining the new and old testament, I bet you didn't even watch the video from a known scholar who has way more knowledge than you and majority of the Christian scholars. Nothing goes through your thick skull. Your arrogance led you to ignore the video and spew bullshit. You are horrible at debating.

Keep blabbing, you don't know how to hold a discussion. All you do is deny the source given to you once you have been corrected.

I already stated the Latin corrupted Bible is not the real Bible and was written by people who never met Jesus or his disciples. The Hebrew scriptures is the authentic one. Maybe if you watch the video next time, you wouldn't have look like an idiot.

Your ignorance is epic.

Sometime, just on a lark, get a copy of the New Testament, and check the authors.

Mathew, John, James, Peter and Jude were all desciples. Also Thomas, whom we have from the Coptic text.

Jesus spoke Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. It was never in Hebrew. All English versions are translations from the Greek.

Mark, Luke and Paul were writing in Greek for a non-Jewish audience that was undergoing persecution. Get your history straight.


Your ignorance is epic.

Sometime, just on a lark, get a copy of the New Testament, and check the authors.

Mathew, John, James, Peter and Jude were all desciples. Also Thomas, whom we have from the Coptic text.

Jesus spoke Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. It was never in Hebrew. All English versions are translations from the Greek.

Mark, Luke and Paul were writing in Greek for a non-Jewish audience that was undergoing persecution. Get your history straight.

Stop misquoting me. I was talking about the non-Hebrew Bible. The authors of those scriptures never met Jesus or his desciples and contradicts the old testament.

Do you have reading comprehension or just being intellectually dishonest as you usually are since it's your nature after being corrected by me so many times.

You're both arrogant and ignorant. Watch the video from a respected scholar yourself and don't quote your nonsense with me again, old fool.
Stop misquoting me. I was talking about the non-Hebrew bible. The authors of that book never met Jesus or his disciplines and contradicts the old testament.

Do you have reading comprehension or just being intellectually dishonest as you usually are. It's your nature after being corrected by me so many times.

You're both arrogant and ignorant. Watch the video from a respected scholar yourself and don't quote your nonsense with me again, old fool.

Seriously, are you only able to read selected texts? Did this pass you completely by? Have you never seen a copy of the New Testament? Do you even know the names of the disciples? Look them up.

'Sometime, just on a lark, get a copy of the New Testament, and check the authors.

Mathew, John, James, Peter and Jude were all disciples. Also Thomas, whom we have from the Coptic text.

Jesus spoke Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek. It was never in Hebrew. All English versions are translations from the Greek.

Mark, Luke and Paul were writing in Greek for a non-Jewish audience that was undergoing persecution. Get your history straight."

Yes. The New Testament does contradict the Old.

But, just because something is different, it does not mean it is corrupt.

Do your priests perform blood sacrifice? Do you drink a kiddush of wine before prayers?

Christianity is not the same as Judaism any more than Islam is. The Quran and the New Testament are both separate books from the Old Testament, all of which are in mutual disagreement on some points. That seems to be the nature of religion.

