Something that Really Bothers Me.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't want to talk about this just because it bothers me but because I feel like I should talk about this.

Something that bothers me is I think a lot of Muslims lack being opposed to liberalism. Any idea that liberalism is a Western problem only- this is disproven by the reality. Look at Saudi Arabia. They haven't been conquered by an army of Mongols invading by force. They're been conquered by Western liberal ideology.

And anyone who defends liberalism- there's something seriously wrong with them in terms of their din. If you look at what Quran and Sunnah teach and what liberalism believes- these are two completely opposing viewpoints.

I'm against zionism, I'm against right-wing neo-nazis as well... but.... if you only oppose things that are easy and popular to oppose.... like zionism... white supremacist neo nazis.... but you don't oppose the filth that liberalism is trying to push... I think this is weak and negligent. of course we have to oppose zionism and neo nazis and all that too. but there also should be opposition to liberal degeneracy and the ideology associated with it.

I think part of the problem is... Muslims have become overly about the dunya and have left off things like fighting. now in our time... it may be that we are not in the days of Saladin where everyone can just go join up with Saladin's army and go free Palestine. but Muslims can still do things like oppose atheism, zionism, lgbt, abortion, etc. but if Muslims aren't even doing things like that.... isn't this an indication of being in a weak state?... but alhamdulilaah many Muslims are rightfully opposing these things

I'm not necessarily really talking about Muslims here but... I feel like there are some Muslims in the West where it's like they've been bribed by the leftist parties.... the leftist parties they support Muslims and so certain Muslims forget about alwala walbara, become overly close to these political factions.... and then they forget about opposing lgbt, they forget about opposing all sorts of things that go against the din.

and if you mention this to them, maybe to justify this behavior they say "well- what do I care if the West goes this route?". it's not the job of Muslims in the West to save the West from its own nonsense. but that isn't the point. you don't see the evil around you and oppose it because you're out to save the West. I'm not out to save the West and I don't think there is any saving the West. the West being saved would come through it converting to Islam. however, you oppose evil because it's your job as a Muslim to oppose evil. you oppose evil wherever you come across it. and if you leave off opposing evil, this puts you in danger spiritually. oppose evil. it has nothing to do with the west or saving the west. I'm not even pro-Western. but oppose evil to save your own self spiritually.

that is what I wanted to say.
Sorry to derail the thread but what drew you to and how did you get acquainted with Islam? Assuming you're actually a Mexican and not another Abdi attempting to re-convert the many atheists here :comeon:. You could have easily adhered to the already well established Roman catholic faith in Mexico like the rest of your countrymen

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Sorry to derail the thread but what drew you to and how did you get acquainted with Islam? Assuming you're actually a Mexican and not another Abdi attempting to re-convert the many atheists here :comeon:. You could have easily adhered to the already well established Roman catholic faith in Mexico like the rest of your countrymen

It's a long story how I got into Islam and I think not an exciting story to others. Because it was a long gradual process that took place internally within myself. I didn't know anything about Islam when I was younger but then in my teens I met people who talked to me about Islam. Not one person but multiple people.

A person doesn't have to believe me. But I remember clearly enough that I know what happened. It isn't- I woke up and said- I am going to gradually embark on a process of moving towards Islam. But what happened was... someone would talk to me about Islam. And then I would "randomly" meet another person who would start talking to me about Islam. And there was nothing random about it. Allah made a decision that I would be lead to Islam.

When I took the shahadah, I don't think I knew what fajr was. I didn't know what a hadith was.

I was like a person sleepwalking or I think like a zombie. If you tapped a sleepwalking person and said "hey, what made you walk over here?"- the sleepwalking person will have no idea. They know they walked to a certain place but they have no idea how they got there.

It wasn't that I consciously really understood. I was like an unconscious sleepwalker. There was a conscious direction to what was going on- but the conscious plan was outside of myself. I don't expect people to believe me.

If you ask- it's like asking what someone was doing when they were sleepwalking. They were not really consciously in control. Even if you get them to try to explain- their explanation wouldn't be the real explanation.

I became a Muslim because Allah willed it for me. I don't think any other explanation would be the real explanation. Because I knew next to nothing about Islam. I think I was like a person sleepwalking.

edit: to give people a better understanding- when I took the shahadah, I had a Yusuf Ali translation of the meaning of the Quran.... I had no idea how to properly interpret what I was reading but I do think I somewhat understood about tawheed and Allah not having a son... and I remember back then I knew a guy who was atheist and we'd argue all the time and I remember reading the translation of the meaning of Surah Al-Baqarah and thinking it explained how people around me couldn't see..... so I had... sort of some understanding... but I didn't know what a hadith was and I didn't understand very basics, I understood very little
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It's a long story how I got into Islam and I think not an exciting story to others. Because it was a long gradual process that took place internally within myself. I didn't know anything about Islam when I was younger but then in my teens I met people who talked to me about Islam. Not one person but multiple people.

A person doesn't have to believe me. But I remember clearly enough that I know what happened. It isn't- I woke up and said- I am going to gradually embark on a process of moving towards Islam. But what happened was... someone would talk to me about Islam. And then I would "randomly" meet another person who would start talking to me about Islam. And there was nothing random about it. Allah made a decision that I would be lead to Islam.

When I took the shahadah, I don't think I knew what fajr was. I didn't know what a hadith was.

I was like a person sleepwalking or I think like a zombie. If you tapped a sleepwalking person and said "hey, what made you walk over here?"- the sleepwalking person will have no idea. They know they walked to a certain place but they have no idea how they got there.

It wasn't that I consciously really understood. I was like an unconscious sleepwalker. There was a conscious direction to what was going on- but the conscious plan was outside of myself. I don't expect people to believe me.

If you ask- it's like asking what someone was doing when they were sleepwalking. They were not really consciously in control. Even if you get them to try to explain- their explanation wouldn't be the real explanation.

I became a Muslim because Allah willed it for me. I don't think any other explanation would be the real explanation. Because I knew next to nothing about Islam. I think I was like a person sleepwalking.
Divine intervention is the term/phrase
I don't want to talk about this just because it bothers me but because I feel like I should talk about this.

Something that bothers me is I think a lot of Muslims lack being opposed to liberalism. Any idea that liberalism is a Western problem only- this is disproven by the reality. Look at Saudi Arabia. They haven't been conquered by an army of Mongols invading by force. They're been conquered by Western liberal ideology.

And anyone who defends liberalism- there's something seriously wrong with them in terms of their din. If you look at what Quran and Sunnah teach and what liberalism believes- these are two completely opposing viewpoints.

I'm against zionism, I'm against right-wing neo-nazis as well... but.... if you only oppose things that are easy and popular to oppose.... like zionism... white supremacist neo nazis.... but you don't oppose the filth that liberalism is trying to push... I think this is weak and negligent. of course we have to oppose zionism and neo nazis and all that too. but there also should be opposition to liberal degeneracy and the ideology associated with it.

I think part of the problem is... Muslims have become overly about the dunya and have left off things like fighting. now in our time... it may be that we are not in the days of Saladin where everyone can just go join up with Saladin's army and go free Palestine. but Muslims can still do things like oppose atheism, zionism, lgbt, abortion, etc. but if Muslims aren't even doing things like that.... isn't this an indication of being in a weak state?... but alhamdulilaah many Muslims are rightfully opposing these things

I'm not necessarily really talking about Muslims here but... I feel like there are some Muslims in the West where it's like they've been bribed by the leftist parties.... the leftist parties they support Muslims and so certain Muslims forget about alwala walbara, become overly close to these political factions.... and then they forget about opposing lgbt, they forget about opposing all sorts of things that go against the din.

and if you mention this to them, maybe to justify this behavior they say "well- what do I care if the West goes this route?". it's not the job of Muslims in the West to save the West from its own nonsense. but that isn't the point. you don't see the evil around you and oppose it because you're out to save the West. I'm not out to save the West and I don't think there is any saving the West. the West being saved would come through it converting to Islam. however, you oppose evil because it's your job as a Muslim to oppose evil. you oppose evil wherever you come across it. and if you leave off opposing evil, this puts you in danger spiritually. oppose evil. it has nothing to do with the west or saving the west. I'm not even pro-Western. but oppose evil to save your own self spiritually.

that is what I wanted to say.
tbh we shouldnt really care. We should just head back. liberalism is a white mans culture along with the degeneracy that follows. Why should we try change their way of life when they are trying to change our lands way of life. We should fight it over there not where it is already the set standard
I don't want to talk about this just because it bothers me but because I feel like I should talk about this.

Something that bothers me is I think a lot of Muslims lack being opposed to liberalism. Any idea that liberalism is a Western problem only- this is disproven by the reality. Look at Saudi Arabia. They haven't been conquered by an army of Mongols invading by force. They're been conquered by Western liberal ideology.

And anyone who defends liberalism- there's something seriously wrong with them in terms of their din. If you look at what Quran and Sunnah teach and what liberalism believes- these are two completely opposing viewpoints.

I'm against zionism, I'm against right-wing neo-nazis as well... but.... if you only oppose things that are easy and popular to oppose.... like zionism... white supremacist neo nazis.... but you don't oppose the filth that liberalism is trying to push... I think this is weak and negligent. of course we have to oppose zionism and neo nazis and all that too. but there also should be opposition to liberal degeneracy and the ideology associated with it.

I think part of the problem is... Muslims have become overly about the dunya and have left off things like fighting. now in our time... it may be that we are not in the days of Saladin where everyone can just go join up with Saladin's army and go free Palestine. but Muslims can still do things like oppose atheism, zionism, lgbt, abortion, etc. but if Muslims aren't even doing things like that.... isn't this an indication of being in a weak state?... but alhamdulilaah many Muslims are rightfully opposing these things

I'm not necessarily really talking about Muslims here but... I feel like there are some Muslims in the West where it's like they've been bribed by the leftist parties.... the leftist parties they support Muslims and so certain Muslims forget about alwala walbara, become overly close to these political factions.... and then they forget about opposing lgbt, they forget about opposing all sorts of things that go against the din.

and if you mention this to them, maybe to justify this behavior they say "well- what do I care if the West goes this route?". it's not the job of Muslims in the West to save the West from its own nonsense. but that isn't the point. you don't see the evil around you and oppose it because you're out to save the West. I'm not out to save the West and I don't think there is any saving the West. the West being saved would come through it converting to Islam. however, you oppose evil because it's your job as a Muslim to oppose evil. you oppose evil wherever you come across it. and if you leave off opposing evil, this puts you in danger spiritually. oppose evil. it has nothing to do with the west or saving the west. I'm not even pro-Western. but oppose evil to save your own self spiritually.

that is what I wanted to say.
i was having a debate with my cousin who’s more on the liberal muslim side and was complaining about the problem of evil and why were living good compared to the rest of the world

in the third world or war torn nations the test for the muslims there is more so a physical one, tested with sudden death, hunger , famine, disease and persecution

In the first world our test is a spiritual one filled with distractions and fitan morally and monetary. It’s a materialistic world that puts emphasis on surface level things like money, status and beauty where as iman is not a priority and people comprising their deen to fit in with today’s culture. People being boastful and not humble, and forgetting the remembrance of allah

Why allah placed us in the west is because he wants to test who comes with a strong iman and beliefs untainted and corrupted by liberalism and modernism

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
i was having a debate with my cousin who’s more on the liberal muslim side and was complaining about the problem of evil and why were living good compared to the rest of the world

in the third world or war torn nations the test for the muslims there is a physical one, sudden death, hunger , famine, disease and persecution

In the first world our test is a spiritual one filled with distractions and fitan morally and monetary. It’s a materialistic world that puts emphasis on surface level things like money, status and beauty where as iman is not a priority and people comprising their deen to fit in with today’s culture.

Why allah placed us in this environment is because he wants to test who comes with a strong iman and beliefs untainted and corrupted by liberalism and modernism

yes I don't understand why people..... they get all doomer about what's happening to people in third world countries like for example Yemen.

yes, it's very sad what people suffer but.... why should it move us in terms of making us question Allah or things like that? where they live I think is way healthier for them spiritually.... yes but physically in dunya terms they struggle.... we have it easier here in dunya terms but we live in an unhealthy environment spiritually.

whoever doesn't see the balance in this... I think they must be looking at things in a materialistic way... some person who lives as a poor person in a poor country.... lives poor, dies poor, has a hard life... but they were raised Muslim, lived in a Muslim environment, they die they go to jannah... vs some white first world person... live luxury life die kaffir, burn in hell.... if you look at it from the true correct standpoint you see which of those persons actually is more fortunate, which of the two actually comes out on top


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