So you're an aspiring novelist. Fantasy huh. Does it involve bodice ripping trysts with handsome bidaarlows like yours truly? I'm ready for you sweetie.
Looks like you've got a hand in every literary pie - fiction, nonfiction, erotica, everythang. God save us from your typewriter.
@Uninquisitive is a low IQ rodent with a very bad case of anencephaly. Nobody takes his Salafi garbage seriously. He's always pushing some extreme Saudi shit like "depression is a punishment from God". Completely unscientific rubbish he picked up from his boyfriend Ibn Taymiyyah, and pushing it on somebody writing a book on mental health at that. He will be executed inshallah by the secular mujahideen.
There a naughty scenes, my friends said they wouldn't even read it if it didn't have them so I put some in. I hope they're not awkward.
Depression is just an illness. He need to realise that. I was cured by therapy and exercise, not religion.