South Cushitic/Southeast African/Khoisan E1b1b1 came from the Northern Horn


Forza Somalia!
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Did you escaped from 1800's? Just because they didn't adopt farming - Like Somalis- Doesn't mean they have small brain; for instants Somalis are pastoral society and traditionally looked down on everyone who didn't practiced grazing. That's why some -ethnic Somali- clan minorities who have certain occupations other than herding have low status castes or outcasts among the Somalis.
''We observed the highest frequency and diversity of this haplogroup in the northern part of the Horn of Africa (present day Eritrea and northern Ethiopia), where the majority of the deepest E-V1515 subhaplogroups and paragroups were found. In the southern part of the Horn (southern Ethiopia, Somalia and northern Kenya), haplogroup E-V1515 is almost exclusively represented by the recent (3.5 ka; 95% CI: 1.7–5.9 ka) subhaplogroup E-V1486. Further south, in southern Kenya and southern Africa, a single E-V1486 terminal clade, known as E-M293 (Henn et al. 2008), was found. This phylogeographic pattern is strongly suggestive of human movements from the northern part of the Horn to the Ethiopian/Kenyan borders between 12 ka (the coalescence of E-V1515) and 3.5 ka (the coalescence of E-V1486), and from here toward southern Africa across the equatorial belt in more recent times.''

Afars = E-V6 descendant of E-V1515

South Cushites, Southeast Africans, Khoisan pastoralists = E-M293 descendant of E-V1515

@South Cushitic @MARAQ DIGAAG

Are those haplogrouos studied common among NorthernSoomaali? Now I have to reconcile this with OmoTana languages origin near Tana river

maybe they went to Tana river and came back?

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We are all equal, including Pygmies

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There might be cultural or environmental reasons, not genetics, if there is significant difference in IQ. Allahu yaclam

Did you escaped from 1800's? Just because they didn't adopt farming - Like Somalis- Doesn't mean they have small brain; for instants Somalis are pastoral society and traditionally looked down on everyone who didn't practiced grazing. That's why some -ethnic Somali- clan minorities who have certain occupations other than herding have low status castes or outcasts among the Somalis.

I like herding culture better too but it is not necessarily superior inferior. You're right we need more evidence before talking about brain sizes and IQ of different populations. It tends to get ugly and racist


"The Aurignacian civilization was founded by the Cro-Magnon people who originated in Africa. They took this culture to Western Europe across the Straits of Gibraltar. The Cro-Magnon people were probably Bushman/Khoi."

"The Khoisan were probably the original North Africans. The Khoisan introduced mtDNA haplogroups and y-Chromosomes hg A1 and R1-M343 to the Berbers. .

The Khoisan are the ancestors of the Black Berbers whoes descendants probably live in Morocco and the Atlas Mountains.
The Black Berbers of the Atlas Mountains and other parts of Northwest Africa are of Sub-Saharan origin and took African mtDNA into Western Europe over 40kya. The Gibraltar Straits appears to be the most reliable route for the spread of many mtDNA haplogroups from Africa, into Europe over the past 30ky (Winters,2012), including L3(M,N) .
The Khoisan carry L1c,L1i, L2b, L3d ( Rito, et al ,2013) . The motif L3b, is widespread in western Africans. It is mainly found among populations that speak languages of the Niger-Congo family like the Mandekan.

Like most African haplogroups the control region of hg L1i include 16189,16223 and 16311, just like L3a and L3b. The mutation that connects the Khoisan to the spread of L3(M,N) is AF24. The AF24 mutation is found in LOd and among the Khoisan and Senegalese .The existence of AF24 in Senegal and Southern Africa suggest that L1c, L2b, L3d and L3e is not the result of intermarriage with Bantu immigrants , as suggested by Rito et al(2013) .

LOd is the oldest mtDNA haplogroup . This haplogroup is primarily carried by the Khoisan people (Winters,2014) . It is also found among Niger-Congo speakers in West Africa where we also find LOa in West Africa in addition to L3b.

The Cro Magnon DNA found in the ancient skeletons dates back to the Aurignacian period (Winters,2011). The Cro magnon skeletons belong to the N haplogroup.

The Cro Magnon skeletons carried N1a,N1b,N1c and N* (Winters, 2010,2011). It is characterized by motifs 00073G,10873C, 10238T and A4CC between nucleotide positions 10397 and 10400. Most of the skeletons carried hg N*.

It is obvious that L3 (M,N) had expanded into Europe prior to the Neolithic.

My unproven hypothesis was Berbers were dark skinned and got more light skinned because of white FEMALE ancestry but your is study you cite is saying the reason for dark skinned Berbers is because of female Khokhoe or San ancestry?


Are those haplogrouos studied common among NorthernSoomaali? Now I have to reconcile this with OmoTana languages origin bear Tana river

This group originated in Somalia, not Kenya.

And Proto-Cushites ultimately came from Northeast Sudan, not the Horn proper.


OmoTana languages? Where in SomaliRepublic

The naming is arbitrary and not based on evidence that it is from there. It is not indicative of where it originated. Somalis have nothing to do with the Omo region nor the Tana river.

They could have just as easily called it Somaloid or proto-Sam, which some linguists do.
The naming is arbitrary and not based on evidence that it is from there. It is not indicative of where it originated. Somalis have nothing to do with the Omo region nor the Tana river.

They could have just as easily called it Somaloid or proto-Sam, which some linguists do.

Looks like there is more stuff to study about this topic. Like the rationale for declaring OmoTana languages originate near Tana river. Maybe they originate in Hararga Itoobiya and we have extinct OmoTana languages that used to be spoken there so we mistakenly assume Tana Omo is the origin because it has more linguistic diversity now, though not before

Not sure though


Looks like there is more stuff to study about this topic. Like the rationale for declaring OmoTana languages originate near Tana river. Maybe they originate in Hararga Itoobiya and we have extinct OmoTana languages that used to be spoken there so we mistakenly assume Tana Omo is the origin because it has more linguistic diversity now, though not before

Not sure though

I personally think it originated somewhere in Somaliweyn territory and those minor communities descend from ancient proto-Somalis who moved Southwestwards and mingled with pre-existing groups there.

I also would not take linguistic diversity = place of origin when it comes to Somali related languages. I think Maxa Tiri has gotten rid of many ancient languages in the past 1,000 years that may have been spoken before in Somaliweyn.


I think the Tana in Omo Tana refers to Lake Tana in Ethiopia, not river Tana in Kenya

Nope, it refers to the Tana river in Kenya, I think, as some Somalis (Garres? proto-Gabras?) originally lived there. Lake Tana is only Agaw and Habesha as far as I am aware.

It is a shitty name, I prefer Somaloid or Somalic.


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