South Korea Will Collapse in 3 Generations


♚Sargon of Adal♚

We try to act like we're so smart and complicated. In reality, human beings are danyeers in suits at their core. Even these rich uppercrust people are ruled by their baser instincts. Monkey must get fruit with no regard for what's going on around him:

It's scary to realize the people ruling you are at their core danyeers but that's the truth.


Man, you don't have to tell me, I have to deal with these rich pricks all the time, got asked where I am heading to for holidays this summer; I mention the south of Spain, and she mentions she is going to the Carribean on her family's yacht, majority of them are out of touch.


We try to act like we're so smart and complicated. In reality, human beings are danyeers in suits at their core. Even these rich uppercrust people are ruled by their baser instincts. Monkey must get fruit with no regard for what's going on around him:

It's scary to realize the people ruling you are at their core danyeers but that's the truth.

There is a very small portion of humans that have understood what the full potential of being human is.


Staff Member
It's very concerning that rich, intelligent, and lesser corrupt countries are depopulating while the poor, retarded, and corrupt ones are booming. Western countries get the "best and brightest" from the latter but many (not all) of them are incompetent and untrustworthy from my experience working with them. I can't imagine their people they left behind who weren't the "best and brightest". South Korea should forget about immigration because it will destroy their country in so many ways.
It's very concerning that rich, intelligent, and lesser corrupt countries are depopulating while the poor, retarded, and corrupt ones are booming. Western countries get the "best and brightest" from the latter but many (not all) of them are incompetent and untrustworthy from my experience working with them. I can't imagine their people they left behind who weren't the "best and brightest". South Korea should forget about immigration because it will destroy their country in so many ways.
WWZ(oo) is approaching
Man, you don't have to tell me, I have to deal with these rich pricks all the time, got asked where I am heading to for holidays this summer; I mention the south of Spain, and she mentions she is going to the Carribean on her family's yacht, majority of them are out of touch.

I used to work at a country club when I was younger and in my less wadaad days, and the rich girl I was seeing at the time kept asking me where I skied or why I wouldn’t show her my yatch. Girl I am 3 Income levels below you.
It's the economy ,

South Korea is super expensive and average person works like a dog with 2/3 jobs with 1/3 the pay of Switzerland or Singapore based person GDP per capita

then add massive monopolise that refuse to innovate thanks to daddy government that always bails out these family owned state supported companies that block start-ups who innovate as the chaebol have access to massive credit and financing which always them to stay as zombie companies

then add inflation and all the jobs being around the capital.

if they wish to survive, kill the chaebol, all small start-ups to compete free, have sound money back by gold/bitcoin, all massive house building and cut taxes and all FDI massively like they did 50 years

then force every 18 year old girl to get married at 18 to a guy aged 23-26 and state can p[ay for wedding and ban expensive weddings and allow homes to be built with out massive permit expenses in time and money
also ban ty western culture, feminism all that nonsense and contraceptives, make child care free, promote the family and arrest every Marxist who promotes homo and gay rights and feminism crap

take any red/pink haired dude and force him to 10 years forced labour in military

do forced arranged marriages, it has worked for thousands of years, 35 year olds now today have the same maturity of an 18 year old back in the 1970s

The leaders of the nation should, conduct mass arranged marriages every few months , tens of thousands at a time , massive wedding open air military style, I would ban expensive meher through massive tax anything above 3,000$ Dowry, and stupid fancy weddings that cost an arm and leg - girls nowadays and their mothers and aunts have stupid expectation, - for those of us married, we know how much headache this is for us men

parents should be placed in prison for refusing or making weddings too expensive for their daughters, no one wants a Guumays daughter in her 30s single

every person is a resource for the state and the sovereignty of the state, anyone who fails to contribute shall be punished


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