What makes south Korea different is that the feminization project failed miserably while all the other social engineering experiments worked out perfectly particularly with the women.
Women in the workforce plus promiscuity will have the same effect on any country to ease it in you need the men to be more feminine and this was working out well in the West till the red pill started to propagate in the last few years.
It worked really well in Scandinavia loke Sweden and its fertility rate is the best I believe.
Same conditions as South Korea but the men are feminine, south Korean men are very masculine. Outside of the promoted image of effeminate looking men on screen yhe majority are very masculine and this leads to an explosive situation with the dishwashing scandal and the 4 b movement.
Japan is different in that both thr men and women have quit quietly and separated without a fuss, while it's public in Korea.
The other reason is economic, the capitalist model needs to be changed and tweaked to accommodate children.
Today the entire economic system is inherently anti children and anti traditional marriage.
We need to find a way to adapt because the Muslim world is also going through similar effects lole Iran and Turkey.
Even in the gulf the trend is the same with a huge and growing number of unwed career women in their 30s.
Women in the workforce plus promiscuity will have the same effect on any country to ease it in you need the men to be more feminine and this was working out well in the West till the red pill started to propagate in the last few years.
It worked really well in Scandinavia loke Sweden and its fertility rate is the best I believe.
Same conditions as South Korea but the men are feminine, south Korean men are very masculine. Outside of the promoted image of effeminate looking men on screen yhe majority are very masculine and this leads to an explosive situation with the dishwashing scandal and the 4 b movement.
Japan is different in that both thr men and women have quit quietly and separated without a fuss, while it's public in Korea.
The other reason is economic, the capitalist model needs to be changed and tweaked to accommodate children.
Today the entire economic system is inherently anti children and anti traditional marriage.
We need to find a way to adapt because the Muslim world is also going through similar effects lole Iran and Turkey.
Even in the gulf the trend is the same with a huge and growing number of unwed career women in their 30s.