Southern Somalia lady feel more safer in Puntland than South Somalia

Isn't she from there lol? The point was can she travel there safely at night, and according to her she never has :ftw9nwa: . Why you trying to deflect huuno?
She’s always been pocketwatching us, often times like tekniko it’s subtle bait, then when she gets frustrated that no one’s taken the bait she starts talking crazy like rn
Kale adi Every time you mention PL you end up getting karbashed, do you derive some sick and twisted pleasure from getting dunked on?
I'm not even sure what she is trying to argue. The lady said she feels safer in PL herself yet she posts stuff in here about Xamar amisom colony and Congo Galbeed.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
This is @TekNiKo within sade when he sees all these ppl in America politics, punching way above their weight, like groups as big as Hispanics don't have this much share and their all mj

Season 1 Fighting GIF by Gaslit

Democracy is kufr sxb.


Inaba Caadi Maaha
Kale adi Every time you mention PL you end up getting karbashed, do you derive some sick and twisted pleasure from getting dunked on?

She’s always been pocketwatching us, often times like tekniko it’s subtle bait, then when she gets frustrated that no one’s taken the bait she starts talking crazy like rn
The topic at hand was not about PL, it was about the safety of the states of GM and KG.

You like to throw yourself into my discussions. I don’t reply to any of your comments on this forum, nor do I
post what could be considered bait. It’s always you taking issue with my comments and throwing a tantrum in my replies.

Get out of my replies ama ignore baan ku saareyaa :hillarybiz:
The topic at hand was not about PL, it was about the safety of the states of GM and KG.

You like to throw yourself into my discussions. I don’t reply to any of your comments on this forum, nor do I
post what could be considered bait. It’s always you taking issue with my comments and throwing a tantrum in my replies.

Get out of my replies ama ignore baan ku saareyaa :hillarybiz:

Lying in broad daylight, everyone can see your messages…..


Our puntite queen our lioness knows reer diini cuqdud @TekNiKo

She knows his like this being stopped by other marehans like reer Hassan and wagardhac to stop his anger and bitterness at majerten success in America politics.




Democracy is kufr sxb.
Sure Sure, But It wasn't kufr when the Marehan was running and defeated by Ali Saleban in Colombus a Marehan and Dhulbahante stronghold. Ironically it's only kufr when majerten do something.

This is me to reer diini

Deny Nba Playoffs GIF by NBA
Our puntite queen our lioness knows reer diini cuqdud @TekNiKo

She knows his like this being stopped by other marehans like reer Hassan and wagardhac to stop his anger and bitterness at majerten success in America politics.

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That’s why I call them Reer Dhuuni. Wherever they see an MJ they lust after whatever he has. Even Dabcasar mentioned MX dhuuninimo towards MJ. He called them mooriyaan kkkk
Beg Please GIF by Masego
Sure Sure, But It wasn't kufr when the Marehan was running and defeated by Ali Saleban in Colombus a Marehan and Dhulbahante stronghold. Ironically it's only kufr when majerten do something.

This is me to reer diini

Deny Nba Playoffs GIF by NBA
The ilko jiir claim 3 of them won office in Ohio but I couldn’t find a single one of them. They think America is like Africa where you can claim whatever you want and nobody can verify it. Ask Tekniiko he will run away from that scandal.
bill clinton lol GIF


Send her black ass back to Mogadishu
No south people should be in puntland

That's too tough that attitude should be reserved for their careless leaders and their clan supporters over the 30 years not the average civilians

Yaa Amu, Shacabku amaan haka heleen

I am no nonsense to their careless leaders(KHAYRUL MASUL) and moryans also but direct your rage where appropriate, don't let them win by doing isku dir on good ppl across all somali clans these small minority scum.

In PL we actually educate and control our bad elements something U won't see in other clan areas also. Even the bad among us do have a point, the looters n moryans don't want a govt and doing all this trouble for those end goals, it's definitely a reality but we must advise them don't bite the bait of their careless leaders and moryans cause it's a bait to kill any social harmony so they can keep up the Haram.

Abdillahi Yusuf warned us about these non state actors and their end goal of no state and Haram looting fest, pls pay attention, i never looked at Somalis the same after that powerful speech. These dude haamigooda kama wayna loot either thru taxes or aid or Shabab extortion and buy land plots in Kenya.

Old timers from zomnet will know before 2007 I was huge somalinimo dude rite before that interview in 2007, that was a huge turning point for Dr Osman, that's how I evolved to what U observe here
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That was definitely a huge turning point for me that 2007 interview by Abdillahi Yusuf, the dude interviewing has also fallen to hawiyenimo.

The other turning point was in 99 deep inside Mogadishu when no diaspora was present except a very few, when I asked my abti why are U people living without a state and in this vacuum, like no courts, no police, no prisons, no schools besides dugsi education which is pointless in this world of skills, no govt to develop your area, I really did ask him at his house in taleex at the time. He responded after the 94 four month war as hawiye we realised govt brings us more harm then benefit and we agreed to a pact to have no govt and just have warlords or terrorists or anything that doesn't involve a state due to the conflict between Ali Mahdi and Aideed.

That was a huge turning point also for me when I realised they prefer their clan interest over Somali well being as a whole and they prefer that warlords just cut green lines and extort money thru ppl and re invest in Nairobi and then reinvest in Hamar now lol. I was stunned U could have a pact on dawlad la'an that really flipped my political immaturity thinking ppl compete for power but some ppl can also just agree to have no state also lol.
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@The Oponian Guild

I like how he described SL which is when I went to investigate the legitimacy of his claim. I found he is right their are unionist(HY) loyal to Abdulrahman tuur who set that policy for them which many assume ciiro is a student of lol. What he didn't accurately elaborate is HY want a north and south Somalia as that's what Abdulrahman tuur and aideed pact was to keep darod as minority in the north and the south and make Mogadishu and Hargeisa the capital of this south and north confederation,which must favor HY only is the clause which caused habar awal to unify all isaaqs to combat it. It's funny when he gave the egalist loyalist talking points " dad ba nagu jiro oo dawlad la'an Nala rabe a huge shot to hy yaan Hamar ama Puntland dawlad ka dhalan to ballbust hy and it's somaliwayn allies"

One thing He didn't notice or take into consideration or maybe it has no validity but is secession just a tool by Isaaq to leverage more power in Somalia then they actually warrant. I mean if they truly wanted secession they could just split off with isaaq areas of and say due to 88 genocide we have separated but they didn't and this made many people question why seek lands of british Somaliland which involves other clans if not to re sign another deal like the 1960 union, a deal that obviously favours habar awal while the north and south favors habar yonis.

I would've definitely added to abdillahi Yusuf privately behind closed doors if I met him to equip him with various possibilities and scenarios.

@Garaad Awal we as Hartis are unlike you we study our enemies like Sun Tzu taught and then respond or remain silent depending on what posture gives the best results armed with accurate Intel.
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@The Oponian Guild

HY and Habar awal xitaa islama hadlan which is good indication that war is brewing, their focused on SSC, awdal., PL, Somalia or anything then the shit show inside of them for 30 years, in a way this is good for us, the longer they leave it unaddressed the more vulnerable and fragile they are for internal or external hands, I kinda love it when their all busy on everything outside it's own internal reality.

I'm like this as long as their avoiding each other and busy elsewhere

Happy Got You GIF by Bounce
@The Oponian Guild

HY and Habar awal xitaa islama hadlan which is good indication that war is brewing, their focused on SSC, awdal., PL, Somalia or anything then the shit show inside of them for 30 years, in a way this is good for us, the longer they leave it unaddressed the more vulnerable and fragile they are for internal or external hands, I kinds love it when their all busy on everything outside it's own internal reality.

I'm like this

Happy Got You GIF by Bounce
There will only be cause for concern when there’s a significant unionist sentiment and how ever long before they start talking about their re entry into the union, until then we sit back and watch from the sidelines…. keeping an eye on xamar and Hargeisa.

but Edna changing her stance on Somalia all of the sudden shows there’s something in the works.



@The Oponian Guild it's totally unresolvable since it's zero sum(win n lose) clan politics inside habar awal and habar yonis so it will always result in someone angry 😂

Habar awal want secession and making sure anyone who leads SL works toward egal vision which they benefit the most politically and economically. Even if secession doesn't happen and they cut a north and south deal following Abdulrahman tuur vision they will swing it towards habar awal advantage.

The habar yonis will be pissed and angry since it's zero sum and win and lose. If habar yonis get their way then all northern politics will be them or those loyals to them and lots of revenge on habar awal for 30 year payback and how they unified isaaq against habar yonis. This will cause habar awal to be angry due to habar yonis also holding zero sum policy and pursuing it's clan interest 😂

It's a fuckin shit show so they agreed let's not show our ceeb which they think nobody knows and deflect on wars with SSC, awdal, PL, Mogadishu. I urge the irir boys in Mogadishu the aideed n Ali Mahdi thing is far less severe then this 30 year shit show in hy and habar awal so don't think anything positive is coming out for you it will just lead to one clan being angry who that is, well politics will decide but don't ever think isaaq is united and can play their role in your irir house of cards game same with you Mr Ismail Omar geele.

This is how a true harti should talk to cadowga harti, the only clan ever called a dawlad by sayidka. He told all Somalis that's your ruling class, you can try acting, hating. deflecting, trying your damn hardest but you will never be harti.

This Dr Osman in public with non Hartis as I usually study them for their weak points, possible opportunities, and how they can self destruct internally. @TekNiKo is well versed in the Somali games of thrones.

James Franco Flirt GIF

But puntitequeen is on theses Sade asses like flies on shit our lioness

Queen Elizabeth GIF by GIPHY News
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@The Oponian Guild

Somalis socially or politically sit down and behave civil and even some put on a show publically, but everyone is plotting. It's a somali past time.

Plotting Love And Hip Hop GIF by VH1

The only thing I do is put it to words in a digestible way to naive people who haven't caught up yet.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Sure Sure, But It wasn't kufr when the Marehan was running and defeated by Ali Saleban in Colombus a Marehan and Dhulbahante stronghold. Ironically it's only kufr when majerten do something.

This is me to reer diini

Deny Nba Playoffs GIF by NBA
I can careless about American elections, all kufr.


True Puntlander
There will only be cause for concern when there’s a significant unionist sentiment and how ever long before they start talking about their re entry into the union, until then we sit back and watch from the sidelines…. keeping an eye on xamar and Hargeisa.

but Edna changing her stance on Somalia all of the sudden shows there’s something in the works.

No matter, HAG and Jeegaan confederation went outside window when SSC been created.
She’s already toured Xamar and Konfur Galbeed. She was welcomed like a queen in Baydhabo Janaay 👑

Baydhabo looks good, may Allah make the whole of Somalia safe, secure and prosperous.. Forget about my low iq cousins who would like to turn everything into FKD.. A united prosperous Somalia would serve us all well regardless of qabiil.