Did you even watch the clip? Two days ago the youngest minister was shot dead by the bodyguards of the Auditor General of Somalia. Kheyre fired the AG, AG contacts Dahir Calasow and gives him exclusive interview threatening Farmaajo. The AG is HG, the foreign minister who is HG stormed today out of a cabinet meeting in protest of the sacking of his 'cousin'.
If you think this video doesn't reflect the feelings of a great portion of the said clan, then you're being deliberately oblivious.
You are a pathological liar, in the first minute of the clip you posted the AG is scared for his own life and telling Alasow "If he is killed" Kheyre is to blame for this, yet you shamelessly lied as though he was threatening to kill Farmaajo
You have presented no evidence of the foreign minister walking out of a meeting in protest, until you do, this is another clear cut shameless lie you just invented making it 2 out of 2.
Opposition to a decision made by the government doesn't equate to opposition to the government itself, there are many things they did which is stupid I don't agree on and many I do, unlike you we don't follow our leaders blindly over the cliff.
The top comment is from a university student in Xamar, have a read if your under any illusion regarding the facts on the ground, you shameless lying bakhti
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