SS Men defending men dissing women?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
If you're a Guy who has something negative to say about Somali women heres what you should do Write it down,Go home,and give it to your mom


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Neef dhaaqaya? Really? Because I adhere to Islam & the sunnah of our beloved messenger? Cause I vehemently reject that which is unislamic, all I got to say to you mr feminist islamophobe is to you your way & to me mine, forever remain rejected & disowned by Somalis in general cause our deen is integral.
So the messenger of Allah swt called people names? Our religion told you to call females every name in the book? Stop lying about our religion. You're a poison with in our religion and culture. You need mental evaluation.


We have our fair share of xoolo guys in here like cogndis and haleeyqurun, but i dont condemn the karbaashing of sjw xalimos and ones with low self esteem that beg ajnabis.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
So the messenger of Allah swt called people names? Our religion told you to call females every name in the book? Stop lying about our religion. You're a poison with in our religion and culture. You need mental evaluation.
Mrs let's ban the jilbaab. You're cunning, conniving, arrogant, haughty, self absorbed, narcissistic, control freak, psychopath, materialistic, secular, air headed bimbo with an over-bloated ego, did I leave anything out?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
We have our fair share of xoolo guys in here like cogndis and haleeyqurun, but i dont condemn the karbaashing of sjw xalimos and ones with low self esteem that beg ajnabis.
Why am I a xoolo please enlighten us so I may figure out where this cuqdad is coming from.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
A lot I wish I was like the rest of you mad people, the only thing I like about being Somali is that no one can take piss out of me. NOT even you LIL MAN XX
I wasn't chatting to you.

War yaa illahay yaqaano kkkk maxa iga rabta? Bes Bes weeye illahay khair ha ku siiyo.
We have our fair share of xoolo guys in here like cogndis and haleeyqurun, but i dont condemn the karbaashing of sjw xalimos and ones with low self esteem that beg ajnabis.

Some of the women on the website believe that we are singling out one gender and using this SJW/SalafiRevert thing as an oppurtunity to bash Somali women and smear their names in disguise.

They believe i fight for the honor of Somali men and trash the Females honor. I actually don't its not my fault 90% of these self haters are women who betray & bash their own kind. What do you want me to do about it? put the blind fold on it.?

But you will see alot of them use the ''Woman card'' alot , like they are free of guilt & hypocrisy and never will be subject to criticism or disagreements because they are simply ''Women''. They should have protective status against that and everyone else needs to bend over like white knights.:uCkf6mf:

Like i could insult individual males left and right & come in arguments with them on this site and i do alot No Biggie. But the minute i do with the individual females on here ''I hate particular gender'' ''I am a fake Nationalist'''. :ulachen001::ulachen001::lol:

Its like certain individuals are completely of limits just because of their gender . :zhqjlmx:
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Some of the women on the website believe that we are singling out one gender and using this SJW/SalafiRevert thing as an oppurtunity to bash Somali women and smear their names in disguise.

They believe i fight for the honor of Somali men and trash the Females honor. I actually don't its not my fault 90% of these self haters are women who betray & bash their own kind. What do you want me to do about it? put the blind fold on it.?

But you will see alot of them use the ''Woman card'' alot , like they are free of guilt & hypocrisy and never will be subject to criticism or disagreements because they are simply ''Women''. They should have protective status against that and everyone else needs to bend over like white knights.:uCkf6mf:

Like i could insult individual males left and right & come in arguments with them on this site and i do alot No Biggie. But the minute i do with the individual females on here ''I hate particular gender'' ''I am a fake Nationalist'''. :ulachen001::ulachen001::lol:

Its like certain individuals are completely of limits just because of their gender . :zhqjlmx:

I wholeheartedly support your Jeehad sxb, crush these self haters.:2tjlv3e::nvjpqts:
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