SSC Khatumo Must Destroy Somaliland Security Permantly

@Ximan iyo Xadeed @Ozark there will be no war. The eastern Isaaq don't want to have their towns bulldozed. The decision to restart hostilities does not lie with Muse Biixi.

Also, it may be good for us if Isaaq launch a new war. There are some strategic areas I would like to take out of their hands.
Completely agree. Its all igu sawir, they have no appetite for war. HJ is no longer interested and most of their qaaqleyaal online are suing for peace. Also agree it is in SSC best interest and PL for that matter for a new war. The track stars have lost all momentum and haven't won a single battle in 8 months and counting. I think we are more likely to see another habro war later this year or early next year after Baahi inevitably delays elections again or Yusra chimps out when Wadani loses. That is the reality they don't want to look at. SSC is more of a government today than whatever remains of SL.
Any attempt by SL terrorists to cross over from HJ shanty towns will result in immediate arrest and indefinite detainment in open air concentration camps where you will be subject to the harsh elements day and night when you are not part of prison chain gangs cleaning up filth. I suggest you strongly consider that before giving up your promising track career to become a prisoner. Running barefoot on harsh terrain is what you do best after all.
adrian peterson running GIF
Damn he ran 6 miles in 26 minutes it would take the average man more than 2 hours to do it😅 we can say that this is more than enough speed required to run to the nearest tuulo when being chased by MZ maniacs like Cali&Haruun🤔 how interesting?


The Gulf of Berbera
They will see the boys from Wajaale to Ceerigaabo patrolling Garowe and Bosaaso soon. It is clear the Jabarti are in need of us to civilize them. They are only slightly better than the H*tus (not by much tho)
Lol the reason these “majidho” fellas are loud is because its the first year they aint paying Tukaraq tax that had paying for more than 5 years.
Zanzibarian iimsa sano ayan ku karbaashayey (Laascaanood-Kalshaale-boocame) oo cashuur qasab u laga qaadayey Takaruq sandule ila sandule kkkkkkkk
Iidoorow isma naqaano laakin August 25 2023 ayan isbaranay Oromka tahay wase. Sidan Ugbaad Aragsan iyo hablaha hobolada iidoor Garowe ugu wasnay ayan idinkuna Goojacade indinku wasnay. Rag iyo dumarba wax lawaso aya tihiin :heh:


The Gulf of Berbera
Iidoorow isma naqaano laakin August 25 2023 ayan isbaranay Oromka tahay wase. Sidan Ugbaad Aragsan iyo hablaha hobolada iidoor Garowe ugu wasnay ayan idinkuna Goojacade indinku wasnay. Rag iyo dumarba wax lawaso aya tihiin :heh:
ina saliid qumbe khaniismadiina iyo rag is wasya un ba ku waalatay jarerteenka tahay wass. waxaad is leeday badal tariikhda dhabacyo kii tukaraq cashuur ii bixinayey adoon yahow adiga maad ahayn? kalshaale wixi ka gaadhay ma iloowday kkkk
ina saliid qumbe khaniismadiina iyo rag is wasya un ba ku waalatay jarerteenka tahay wass. waxaad is leeday badal tariikhda dhabacyo kii tukaraq cashuur ii bixinayey adoon yahow adiga maad ahayn? kalshaale wixi ka gaadhay ma iloowday kkkk
Didn’t read this garbage. Meet me on the battlefield and bring a nice pair of running shoes.
Preferably ones that are easy to carry in your hands
Running Man Abandon Thread GIF by MOODMAN
According to Jaamac galad the new batch of iidoors are being trained by ethiopians, undoubtedly a recipe for disaster. This is least surprising since the cadre of trainers are among the endangered remnants of seasoned iidoor fighters held up in Laascaanood prisons. I think Muuse intended to annihilate Somaliland's army to ensure that should he eventually establish himself as a full-fledged dictator, his own Habar Awal guard division surrounding Hargeisa would never be challenged, he went to tremendous lengths even using HSM to have this upper echelon released from prison so that he could get rid of them, he fears Fidhiye might release these angry field commanders and they could aid in overthrowing him when he cancels elections. General Saleebaan Barre Geesood now in charge of SSC-K's army was the 2nd in command of Somaliland's army regularly visits his former troops now prisoners, Geesood was the field commander "abaanduule" of Somaliland's army so they know him and they much like him more than the desk general Nuux baasto
According to Jaamac galad the new batch of iidoors are being trained by ethiopians, undoubtedly a recipe for disaster. This is least surprising since the cadre of trainers are among the endangered remnants of seasoned iidoor fighters held up in Laascaanood prisons. I think Muuse intended to annihilate Somaliland's army to ensure that should he eventually establish himself as a full-fledged dictator, his own Habar Awal guard division surrounding Hargeisa would never be challenged, he went to tremendous lengths even using HSM to have this upper echelon released from prison so that he could get rid of them, he fears Fidhiye might release these angry field commanders and they could aid in overthrowing him when he cancels elections. General Saleebaan Barre Geesood now in charge of SSC-K's army was the 2nd in command of Somaliland's army regularly visits his former troops now prisoners, Geesood was the field commander "abaanduule" of Somaliland's army so they know him and they much like him more than the desk general Nuux baasto
It will be suicidal to release the war criminals being held up in LA. They know the area, fought their for six months and will have a vendetta against the captors. No one should be released until the Zionist tribalism militias make peace and return to their frontier.
SL was decisively defeated in 2023 and early 2024. They've now resorted to attacking innocent nomads. They will be dealt with as well. Keep eyes on a new version of Eydoor cries.
It will be suicidal to release the war criminals being held up in LA. They know the area, fought their for six months and will have a vendetta against the captors. No one should be released until the Zionist tribalism militias make peace and return to their frontier.
I agree; they are awaiting sentencing, even the death penalty for some


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